Chapter 1 GC 1

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General Chemistry (1): Chem.

Textbook: Zumdahl 9th edition (e-learning)
Lecturer: Dr. Rawhi H. Al-Far
Lectures: 4:00 – 4:50 PM : Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
For section 4
Lectures: 5:00 – 5:50 PM : Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday
For section 3
Lectures: 6:30 – 8:00 PM: Monday and Wednesday
Course content
Chapter 1: Chemical Foundations
Scientific Method, Units (7 SI basic units: Length, Mass, Time,
Temperature, Amount of substance, Current and Luminous of
.Intensity), Dimensional analysis, Density and specific gravity
Significant Figures and Calculations
Chapter 2: Atoms, molecules, Ions and naming simple inorganic
.compounds [Acids, Bases and Salts]
]protons, electrons and neutrons #[
Naming Salts (NaCl, KNO3, K2CO3,…..)
Naming Acids (HCl, HNO3, H2SO4, H3PO4, HCOOH, …)
Naming Bases (NaOH, Ca(OH)2, Al(OH)3,….)
Naming: Hydride compounds (NaH, LiH, CaH 2, AlH3,…)
Naming: Peroxide compounds: (Li2O2 , K2O2, Na2O2,….)
Chapter 3: Stoichiometry
Avogadro’s number, # atoms, # molecules and mole )i(
Average atomic Mass and Molar Mass (M.M.) )ii(
Writing and balancing chemical equations)iii(
composition of atoms in a molecule (mass percent) % )iv(
Empirical and Molecular Formulas )v(
Limiting and excess reactants )vi(
Chapter 4: Types of Chemical reactions in aq. Solution
Water (H2O): Common solvent
Electrolytes: Strong Salts (NaCl), Strong Acids (HCl) and Strong Bases
Solubility Rules
:Types of chemical reactions in aq. Solution
Precipitation reactions [NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) → AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq) )i(
Acid – Base Neutralization [ HCl + NaOH → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)] )ii(
Redox Reactions )iii(
Balancing Redox reactions by electron transfer method
Oxidation number

Midterm Exam (30 Points)

Chapter 1 to Chapter 4
Chapter 5: Gases

Omitted: Chapter 6 (Thermochemistry)

Chapter 7: Atomic Structure and periodicity

Chapter 8: Chemical Bonding Type I

Chapter 9: Chemical Bonding Type II (Hybridization and

Bond Order)

Final Exam: From Chapter 1 to Chapter 9 except Chapter 6

Chapter 1: Chemical Foundation •

The scientific method: To understand a given phenomenon •

Steps in scientific method •

Making Observation -1 •

Qualitative: no numbers •

Example: The sky is blue and water is liquid •

Quantitative (called measurement): number + unit •
Example: Water boils at 100 ˚C •

Formulating Hypothesis -2 •
Hypothesis is a possible explanation for an observation •
Theory (model): is asset of tested hypothesis that gives overall
.explanation of some natural phenomenon
Observation versus theory

Observation: something that is witnessed

Interpretation (a possible explanation of why nature behaves in
particular way)

Natural law versus theory •

Natural law •

Iis a summary of observed (measurable) behaviors (example: law of •

.conservation of mass)
.Theory: explanation of behavior •
Performing experiments to test hypothesis: to gather new
information that enable a scientist to decide whether the hypothesis
.is valid. Look at Figure1.4
Unit of Measurements
Measurements (quantitative observations): consist of number and
scale (unit)
English versus Metric system; International system (SI system):
based on metric system

SI Basic Units: For Measurements 7

Length(meter): m; 2- Mass (kilogram):kg; 3- Time (second):s -1
Temperature (Kelvin):K; 5- Amount of substance (mole):mol -4
Current (Ampere): A; 7- Luminous of Intensity (Candela):cd -6


m = 10 dm, 1 dm = 10 cm, 1 cm = 10 mm; 1m = 103 mm and 1

kg = 103 g; 1 g = 103 mg and 1 mg = 10-3 g 1
Questions (Chapter 1 from textbook)
kg = 103 g, 1 g = 10-3 kg 1 -1
g = 103 mg, 1 mg = 10-3 g 1 -2
in = 2.54 cm 1 -3
nm = 10-9 m; 1 ng = 10-9 g ; 1 μg = 10-6 g, 1g = 106 μg 1 -4
10-8 m = )10 n m x 10-9 m /nm( :)nm =??? m 10( -5

For Cube: V(Volume) = L(length) x W(width) x H(height) *

L = 1 dm3 = 103 cm3 (mL) 1

Measurements in Glassware: (Uncertainty)

a) Written on the glassware at certain Temperature

. b) Take the difference between the two adjacent reading and divide by 2
Example: If the reading in the buret is between 12.1 and 12.2; so the Uncerainty is = (12.2 –
12.1) / 2 = (0.1)/ 2 = 0.05 and written as
.mL ( or g) 0.05 ±
Uncertainty in measurements
For Real numbers (digits) ± 1)i(
For Fractional numbers (or digits): ± 0.1, or ± 0.01 )ii(
.The last number on the right is uncertain *


1 ± 245 -1
1 ± 78 -2
±0.01 0.14 -3
0.1 ± 0.6 -4
0.001 ± 0.342 -5
Refer to the degree of agreement among several measurements of the
same quantity while
Refers to the degree of agreement of a particular value with the true
.value (Accepted)

Example (1)
Data: 25, 24, 24.5, 25.5 and 24.8
Accepted value (True Value) is 25
Data is Précised and Accurate

Example (2)
Data: 25, 24.5, 25.2, 24.8 and 25.1
Accepted value (True Value) is 30
Data is Précised but not Accurate
Exact Numbers
10.214506 = 10.2 (3 S.F.) = ).9.79; 3 S.F(/).S.F 4 ;100.0( -1
1.347452425 =1.3 ( 2 S.F.) = ).3.62; 3 S.F. x 4.5; 2 S.F(/).S.F 4 ;21.95( -2
x 7.00 = 43.4 = 43. (2 S.F.) 6.2 -3
x 3 (exact number) = 12.81 = 12.8 4.27 -4
x 0.24 = 36.4944 = 36. (2 S.F.) 152.06 -5
3.243243243 = 3.24 = )92.5(/)x 100.0 3.00( -6
= 184,960,000 = 1.85 x 108)x 104 1.36( -7
x (14.8 10-3) = 15,170 = 1.52 x 104 )106 1.025( -8
306.9 = 306.871 = 302.5 +4.371 -9
= 6.25 x 103 + 0.30 x 103 = 6550 = )3.0 x 102( + )x 103 6.25( -10
x 103 6.55
)0.6808( – )43.21428571( = ]x 0.046 14.8[ – ])0.084(/)3.63([ -11
.42 = 42.32 = )0.68( – ).43( =
x [(15.50 – 12.75)] = (0.2510) x (2.75) = 0.69025 = 0.690 )0.2501( -12
.x (0.024 + 3.000) = (86.4) x (3.024) = 261.2736 = 261 )82.3 + 4.15( -13
33.04 = )3.1416(/)103.8( = )3.1416( / ]81.0 + 21.954 + 8.23 – 9.04[ -14
7.5 x 102 = )12.35( / )93. x 102( = ]8.32 + 4.026[ / ]x 100.65 .92[ -15
= x 100% = [(0.001)/(9.025)] x 100% })9.025(/])9.024 – 9.025([{ -16
x (0.025) = 0.20675 = 0.21 )8.27( = ]x (8.987 – 4.962) )8.27([ -17
0.1285 x 10-1) +[ = ])1.879 x 10-1( + )1.24 x 10-3( + )x 10-2 1.285([ -18
2.020 x 10-1 = ](0.0124 x 10-1) + (1.879 x 10-1)
x 100% = 8.1 x 10-4 })9.875 102( /])9.795 x 102( – )x 102 9.875([{ -19
3 = [(0.942 x 103) + /])1.625 x 103( + )8.234 x 102( + )x 103 9.42([ -20
(0.824 x 103) + 1.625 x 103)] =1.130 x 103
+ 0.81 = ])0.4326(/)80.705([ + ])0.623(/)0.470([ + ])3.1(/)2.526([ -21
188.1 = 186.6 + 0.754
cm = 1 m Exact while 1 m = 1.094 yd inexact 100
x T(oC) + 32 exact while π = 3.1415927 inexact )9/5( = ]T(oF)[
Homework # 1

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