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What is climate change
Why climate change is bad
Climate change in Pakistan
How to deal with climate change
 Climate change refers to the long-term and significant changes in the Earth's
climate patterns, which are primarily caused by human activities such as the
burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial processes. These activities
lead to the accumulation of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane,
and nitrous oxide in the atmosphere, which trap heat from the sun and cause the
Earth's temperature
 The effects of climate change include rising sea levels, more frequent and
severe weather events like droughts, floods, hurricanes, and wildfires, as well
as the loss of biodiversity, and negative impacts on human health, food security,
and infrastructure.
 Climate change is a global issue that requires collective action to mitigate and
adapt to its impacts. Governments, businesses, and individuals can take actions
such as reducing carbon emissions, investing in renewable energy, conserving
natural resources, and advocating for policies that address climate change.
 Climate change is considered bad because it has significant negative impacts on the
environment, the economy, and society. Here are some reasons why:
1. Environmental impacts: Climate change can cause significant environmental damage,
such as rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and the loss of biodiversity. These changes
can have profound impacts on ecosystems and the wildlife that depend on them.
2. Economic impacts: Climate change can have severe economic impacts, such as
damaging infrastructure, disrupting food and water supplies, and increasing the
frequency and severity of natural disasters. These effects can result in significant costs
to governments, businesses, and individuals.
3. Social impacts: Climate change can also have negative social impacts, such as
increased poverty, reduced access to food and water, displacement of people due to
natural disasters and conflict, and health impacts from air pollution and extreme
weather events.
4. Global impacts: Climate change is a global issue, meaning that the impacts of one
country's actions can affect the climate of another country. This makes it essential to
take collective action and work together to mitigate the effects of climate change.
 Pakistan is considered one of the countries most vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change due to its geographical location, high population density, and its
reliance on agriculture. Here are some of the effects of climate change on
 Water scarcity: Pakistan is an arid and semi-arid country and is already facing
water scarcity due to reduced rainfall and increased temperatures. Climate
change is expected to exacerbate this problem, leading to more severe water
shortages, especially in rural areas.
 Extreme weather events: Pakistan is prone to extreme weather events such as
floods, droughts, and heatwaves. Climate change is likely to increase the
frequency and intensity of these events, leading to loss of life and damage to
infrastructure and agriculture.
 Glacial melting: Pakistan has many glaciers, including those in the Himalayas and
Karakoram ranges. These glaciers are a crucial source of water for the country, but
they are rapidly melting due to rising temperatures caused by climate change.
 Agriculture: Pakistan's economy is heavily dependent on agriculture, which is
already facing challenges due to water scarcity and extreme weather events.
Climate change is expected to further reduce crop yields and livestock production,
leading to food insecurity and increased poverty.
 Dealing with climate change requires a coordinated effort from individuals,
governments, businesses, and civil society organizations. Here are some ways
to deal with climate change:
 Mitigation: Mitigation is the process of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to
prevent further warming of the planet. This can be achieved by promoting the
use of renewable energy, energy efficiency, and reducing the use of fossil
fuels. Governments can implement policies to promote clean energy, such as
carbon taxes, renewable energy targets, and energy efficiency standards.
 Education and awareness: Education and awareness-raising campaigns can
help individuals understand the impacts of climate change and encourage
them to take action to reduce their carbon footprint.
 In summary, dealing with climate change requires a combination of
mitigation, adaptation, education, international cooperation, technological
innovation, and sustainable practices.
 Economic cost emergence and consequences of
climate change in Pakistan
 Pakistan is a developing country that is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of
climate change. The country is already experiencing the effects of rising
temperatures, changing rainfall patterns, and more frequent extreme weather
events, including floods, droughts, and heatwaves. These impacts are having
significant economic costs and consequences for Pakistan, including:
 Agriculture is one of Pakistan's most important sectors, accounting for over 20% of the
country's GDP and providing employment to around 40% of the population. Climate
change is affecting agricultural productivity by altering rainfall patterns, reducing water
availability, and increasing the incidence of pests and diseases. This is resulting in
significant economic losses for farmers and contributing to food insecurity in the
Water resources:
 Pakistan is already facing water scarcity, with the country having one of the lowest water
availability per capita in the world. Climate change is exacerbating this situation by reducing
the amount of water available for irrigation and domestic use, and by increasing the risk of
floods and droughts. This is having significant economic costs for the country, including lost
agricultural production and reduced hydropower generation.
Climate change is also affecting public health in Pakistan, with rising temperatures and
changing rainfall patterns increasing the incidence of waterborne diseases, such as diarrhea
and cholera. The economic costs of these health impacts are significant, including increased
healthcare costs and lost productivity due to illness.
Climate change is also affecting Pakistan's infrastructure, including roads, bridges, and
buildings, through increased exposure to extreme weather events such as floods and
landslides. This is resulting in significant economic costs for the country, including repair and
reconstruction costs, and lost productivity due to damage to infrastructure.
Overall, the economic costs and consequences of climate
change in Pakistan are significant, and are likely to increase
in the future if effective mitigation and adaptation measures
are not put in place. It is therefore important for Pakistan
and the international community to take action to address
climate change and its impacts on the country.
Why climate change causes floods

 Changes in the climate system can lead to more frequent and severe floods.
Warmer temperatures increase the amount of moisture that can be held in
the atmosphere, leading to more intense rainfall events. In addition, changes
in atmospheric circulation patterns can cause some areas to experience
longer periods of dry weather followed by sudden, heavy rainfall, which can
lead to flash floods.
 Melting of glaciers and ice caps also contributes to flooding, as melting ice
can release large amounts of water rapidly into rivers and other waterways.
Rising sea levels can exacerbate coastal flooding, as higher sea levels can
cause more extensive and damaging storm surges during extreme weather

 Pakistan has experienced a number of devastating floods in recent

years that are believed to be linked to climate change. Climate
change is causing more extreme weather events, including
heavier rainfall and more frequent and severe flooding.
 Pakistan is home to over 7,200 glaciers, more than
anywhere outside the poles. Rising temperatures, linked
to climate change, are likely making many of them
melt faster and earlier, adding water to rivers and
streams that are already swollen by rainfall.
What are the impacts of climate change in Pakistan?


 The fingerprints of climate change are present in these unprecedented floods.

 Though areas of Pakistan expect rain in the summer months, the country saw
continuous rainfall for two months.
 The 2022 monsoon rainfall in Pakistan is nearly three times higher than the 30-
year average and rains and consequent flash floods continued throughout July
and August. It will take months for the water to subside
 In Pakistan, torrential rains and flooding in August 2022 impacted an
estimated 33 million people and caused more than $40 billion in economic
damages. The catastrophic flooding left 1,700 people dead, 2 million homes
destroyed and killed over 900,000 livestock. Parts of the country saw
five to six times the normal amount of rainfall.
 Flooding during the monsoon season (June through September) is
not new to Pakistan. Similar severe events occurred in 2010, but
it’s set to get worse.
 Damage to thousands of kilometres of roads and dozens of bridges
this season has hampered access to flood-hit areas.
 People have been forced to take shelter on higher ground
wherever they can - on elevated roads and railway tracks, many
accompanied by surviving livestock. Others have sought shelter in
camps run by aid agencies

The term "climate struggle" refers to the ongoing effort to address the
global issue of climate change. Climate change is caused by human
activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, which release
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and trap heat, leading to global
warming and a range of negative impacts, including rising sea levels,
more frequent and intense heatwaves, and more severe weather events .
 The climate struggle involves a range of stakeholders, including individuals, governments,
businesses, and civil society organizations, who are working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,
increase energy efficiency, promote renewable energy, and support adaptation measures.
 The struggle to address climate change is complex and ongoing, as it involves addressing political,
financial, social, and technological challenges.
 The climate struggle also involves raising awareness about the impacts of climate change and the
need for action. This includes educating the public on the impacts of climate change and promoting
individual actions to reduce carbon emissions, such as reducing energy consumption, using public
transport, and supporting renewable energy.
 Overall, the climate struggle involves ongoing efforts to address the root causes of climate change,
reduce its impacts, and build a more sustainable future.
The struggle to address climate change is a complex and ongoing process that involves
a range of stakeholders, including individuals, governments, businesses, and civil
society organizations.
Political will: Addressing climate change requires strong political will and leadership
at all levels of government.
Funding: Addressing climate change requires significant investments in renewable
energy, energy efficiency, and adaptation measures. This includes funding for research
and development of new technologies, financing for renewable energy projects, and
support for adaptation measures in vulnerable communities.
Global cooperation: Climate change is a global issue that requires international
cooperation and collaboration.
Public awareness and engagement: Addressing climate change requires public
awareness and engagement to encourage individuals to take action and support climate
A growing body of evidence suggests there
are strong links between climate and
conflict in both developed and developing
countries. The effects of climate change,
such as changes in temperature and
precipitation, can increase the likelihood
and intensity of conflict and violence.

As temperatures rise and weather patterns

change, access to resources such as water,
food, and land may become more scarce.
This can lead to competition and conflicts
over these resources, particularly in areas
where they are already in short supply.

Climate change can lead to more

frequent and severe natural disasters,
such as hurricanes, floods, and droughts.
These events can force people to flee
their homes and become refugees, which
can lead to tensions and conflicts
between host communities and
Political instability
Climate change can exacerbate
existing political tensions and
create new ones by disrupting
economies and destabilizing
governments. This can lead to
social unrest, civil conflict, and
even regional or global conflicts.
Competition for energy
Climate change is accelerating the
transition away from fossil fuels and
towards renewable energy sources.
This transition may lead to new
geopolitical tensions as countries
compete for access to clean energy
resources, such as rare earth minerals
needed for solar panels and wind
In conclusion, climate change is likely to increase
global conflict and instability by exacerbating
existing tensions and creating new ones. It is
important for governments, businesses, and
individuals to take action to mitigate and adapt to
the effects of climate change to prevent further
exacerbation of conflict.

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