Nutrient Procurement and Processing

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Nutrient Procurement

and Processing
Most Essential Learning Competencies

 Compare and Contrast the following processes in plants and animals nutrition

 Nutrients help living organisms develop their bodies ,grows,heal damaged

body parts,and give energy for life and activity.
Mode of Nutrition

 A.Autotrophic Nutrition B. Heterotrophic Nutrition

 -can produce their own food -cannot produce their food

 The mechanical and chemical process by which complex food substances are
broken down into simpler substances
Parts of the Digestive System

 Mouth Esophagus
-produces saliva where mechanical -a muscular tube that conducts
mastication of food takes place to form peristalsis and serves as passage
bolus way for food.
Parts of the Digestive System

 Stomach
-a muscular sac that contains gastric
juices that helps to break down the
the food chemically
Accessory Organs
a. Liver b. Gall Bladder
-Produces a bile that helps -helps in the storage of bile and
in the digestion of fats and discharging it from the cystic
Accessory Organ

 Pancreas
 -releases pancreatic juices and enzymes which helps in the digestion of
proteins and starch
Parts of the Digestive System

Small Intestine Large Intestine

-a tube that contains villi which -a tube that absorbs water and salts
absorbs the nutrients and water from the material that has not been
coming from the food digested as food ,and gets rid of any
waste products.
Parts of the Digestive System

 Anus-an opening that eliminates feces inside body.

Digestive Process

 Ingestion-taking in of food materials

 Digestion –breaking down of food into smaller pieces
 Absorption – movements of nutrients,water and electrolytes from the small
 intestine into the cell,then into the blood.
 Elimination-undigestive materials out of the system
Feeding Mechanism of Animals
A. Substrate- Feeders-animals live on the source of their food and eat through it.

B. Filter- Feeders -aquatic animals strain the food particle from the water.
C. Fluid- Feeders

 - Animal suck fluid containing nutrients from another animals.

D.Bulk –Feeders- animals breakdown and swallow large amount of food.

Animals Nutrition

Required Nutrients
a.Carbohydrates b.Fats c.Proteins

Essential Nutrients
a.Amino acid b.Fatty acid
c.Vitamins d. Minerals
Plant Nutrition

Photosynthesis –is the process by which light energy is converted to chemical

energ in order for the plant to make their own food.

The site of photosynthesis in plants is the chloroplast .This cell organelle is

found in plant cell and contains chlorophyll (a green pigment color)
The process of Photosynthesis

 A.The roots absorbs the water and nutrient and bring it to the other parts of
the plants.
 B.The Chlorophyll in the leaves traps the sunlight
 C.Carbon dioxide enters the stomata
 D. Sugar is converted into starch
 E.Starch is stored as food in the plant
 F.Oxygen is given off into the air
Plant Parts involved in Photosynthesis


a.roots – it absorbs and transport water and nutrient from the soil to the rest of
the plant.

b.Leaves – The part of the plant where photosynthesis takes place

c. Chloroplast-contain chlorophyll that traps sunlight

- Exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide happen inside the stomata.
Feeding Mechanism of Carnivorous Plants

 Insect –eating plant –capture and digest their preys through pitfalls and
 traps
A..Pitcher Plant

 -gives a sweet odor to make their prey fall into the pitcher
B.Venus Flytrap

-It closes down and traps their prey when touched

C. Cobra Lily

-It confuses their prey when they enter its translucent window in the leaf
D. Yellow Pitcher Plant

- It collect rainwater to attract their prey


-It traps its prey using its sticky substance found in their leaves
F. Monkey Cup

-It traps and feed on their prey inside their cup

Plant Nutrition

 Macronutrients Micronutient
 Nitrogen Iron
 Potassium
 Phosphorus Zinc
 Sulfur Manganese
 Calcium Chlorine
 Magnesium Molybdenum


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