Statistics Week1

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Prerequisites Assessment
Directions: Determine the different z score for the following given
𝜇 = 45 𝜇 = 63
𝜎 = 14 𝜎 =12
×= 30 ×=89
𝓏 =? 𝓏 =?
Answer the following mathematical words.

1. hype – e 4. t + wo
hyp + o two + tail + ed =
+ thesis =

5. Confident – t
2. Alternate – e
confiden + ce =
alternat + ive =

3. on + e
one+ tail + ed =
a) Define and differentiate the null and alternative hypothesis

b) Define level of significance (alpha): the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is

c) Explain the concept of the rejection region: the range of values that lead to the rejection of the
null hypothesis; and

d) Illustrate the concept of rejection region.

• A hypothesis is an Some examples of statements
assumption that is made or claim that we can test are:
based on some evidence. - All mammals are warm-
This is the initial point of any
investigation that translates
the research questions into - There is no relationship
predictions. between height and shoe
• It is a premise or claim that we size.
want to test.
Null and Alternative Hypothesis
Now that we have talked about the null and alternative hypothesis, try to answer the
alternative hypothesis of the following null hypothesis:

1. The mean temperature in a city during the summer months is less than 30˚C

2. The proportion of customers satisfied with the product is greater than 0.80.

3. The average life span of a certain species of bird in a particular habitat is 5 years.

4. The average score of the students in grade 11 for their math test is less than the expected average to

5. Ibuprofen have a greater side effect than the paracetamol.

The alternative hypothesis
is our statement that will
reject or fail to reject the
null hypothesis. It will the
statement that can prove
that the first statement is
not true or we fail to say
that it is not true.
Level of significance
•The level of significance denoted by alpha or
refers to the degree of significance in which we
accept or reject the null hypothesis.
•100% accuracy is not possible in accepting or
rejecting a hypothesis.
•The significance level is also the probability of
making the wrong decision when the null
hypothesis is true.
• Rejection regions represent the set of values for a test statistic
that would lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis.
• Critical values delineate the boundaries of the rejection region.
They are determined based on the chosen significance level (α)
and the distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis.
• Rejection regions vary depending on whether the hypothesis test
is one-tailed or two-tailed.
o For one-tailed tests, the rejection region is located entirely on
one side of the distribution curve.
o For two-tailed tests, the rejection region is divided into two
equal parts, with each tail representing rejection regions.
 To get the level of confidence you will have to set a
level of significance with the formula 1 - .
 For example: you set the level of significance to 0.5
then you have you convert it to its decimal value
then subtract the decimal value to 1.
 The set z values that separate our 2 region will be
our critical value and the shaded part will be the
reject region while the part that is not shaded is the
fail to reject region.
 To know whether to reject the null hypothesis you
need to compute the z value and compare it to the
critical value
oNote that if the computed z value landed on the
reject region or the shaded region you should reject
the null hypothesis
oIf the computed z value landed on the part that is
not shaded then you fail to reject the null
hypothesis and just let it the same.

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