Chapter 05 MoT

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Designing Effective

Training Programs
Questions to be Asked in Designing phase

• Is that a training or non-training issue?

• Create it in-house or purchase from outside?
• Who will be an effective trainer?
• What is the best way to organize the
• How to select or prepare training methods ?
• How to schedule the training program?
Activities in Designing Phase
1. Setting objectives
2. Selecting the trainer or vendor
3. Developing a lesson plan
4. Selecting training methods and
5. Preparing material
6. Scheduling the program
1. Setting objectives
Training objectives are specific and tell
 what needs to be done means what
participants will be expected to learn or
do as a result of participating in the
training program.
 How it impacts the organization and what
business outcome we expect to achieve.
2. Selecting the trainer or vendor
• Decide to design the program internally,
purchase it (or a part of it) from an
outsider vendor or use some
combination of the two.
Several factors should be kept in mind
while making a “make” or “purchase”
The “Make” vs. “Buy” Decision
– When organization lacks Specialized skills and abilities
to design and implement a training program.
Time Factor:
– Time available for designing a training program.
Number of Trainees:
– Large number internal, Few Trainees outside
Subject Matter:
– Sensitive matter employees are used as internal
3. Developing a lesson plan
A lesson plan is a trainer’s guide for the actual
delivery of the training content.
It translate the training objectives into an
executable training session.
A lesson plan should specify
• Contents (topics) to be covered
• Sequencing of activities
• Selection or development of experiential
(practical) exercises
• Timing and planning of each activity
• Selection of the method of instruction
• Number and type of evaluation items to be
4. Selecting Training Methods
• Trainer-led classroom training is still the most effective and
most widely used method. Other growing techniques are
computer based trainings (CBT) using Internet/company
intranets and CD-ROM/DVDs for self learning.
Highly experiential training methods now a days are.
 outdoor training
 role-playing exercises
 games
 simulation exercises
 video tapes
 case studies
 public seminars
5. Preparing material
Training materials may include training
manuals, books, handouts, CDs and videos

• Will be supplied by the vendor if purchasing

from outside
• Needs to be prepared for in-house training
5. Preparing material
Program Announcements:
– Inform the target audience about the program
Program Outlines:
– Communicate the contents, goals,
and expectations for the program
Training Manuals:
– Textbooks or manuals makes it easy for trainers to
organize the training program into sessions.
6. Scheduling the Program
Organizations are busy, hectic, and external
environment can make scheduling an HRD
program difficult.
The goal is to ensure that both trainer and
learners are available and have their attention
focused on the learning task.

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