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Quarter 4

MELC 1: Judge the

relevance and worth of
ideas, soundness of
author’s reasoning and
By: Langston Hughes
Langston Hughes
• James Mercer Langston Hughes (February 1,
1902 – May 22, 1967) was an American poet,
social activist, novelist, playwright, and columnist
from Joplin, Missouri.
• raised by his grandmother who instilled in him a
sense of racial pride and love for activism
• published 15 books of poetry, number of novels
and short story collections, nonfiction books,
plays, children's books, and more
• was 65 when he died May 22, 1967, of
complications after surgery for prostate cancer
Through context clues, find
out the meaning of some
unfamiliar words in the
1. Withoutas they
proper are used
medication, inhis
he allowed
wound to fester.
a. to become painful and infected
b. to bleed from cleaning
c. to heal with herbal medicine
Through context clues, find
out the meaning of some
unfamiliar words in the
1. Withoutas they
proper are used
medication, inhis
he allowed
wound to fester.
a. to become painful and infected
b. to bleed from cleaning
c. to heal with herbal medicine
Through context clues, find
out the meaning of some
unfamiliar words in the
poem as
2. The meeting they
was are
scheduled lastused
week yetin
was deferred due to unavailability of the

a. took place
b. postponed or delayed
c. organized
Through context clues, find
out the meaning of some
unfamiliar words in the
poem as
2. The meeting they
was are
scheduled lastused
week yetin
was deferred due to unavailability of the

a. took place
b. postponed or delayed
c. organized
Through context clues, find
out the meaning of some
unfamiliar words in the
3. The old as
was carrying.
back sags are
due toused in
the bulk he

a. straightens or stretches
b. breaks or gets damaged
c. bends or hangs down
Through context clues, find
out the meaning of some
unfamiliar words in the
3. The oldas they
man’s aredueused
back sags in
to the bulk
he was carrying.
a. straightens or stretches
b. breaks or gets damaged
c. bends or hangs down
Dreams Deferred
by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Dreams Deferred
by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore—
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
What societal issue is being addressed by the author in
• Langston Hughes wrote “Dreams
Deferred” during the Harlem Renaissance, a
period of cultural and intellectual growth for What is the historical
African Americans in the United States.
• The poem reflects the struggles of African context of “Dreams
Americans during this time, including
discrimination, poverty, and limited

• “Dreams Deferred” is a poem by Langston

Hughes that reflects on the consequences of
deferring one’s dreams. What is the meaning
• The poem raises questions about the effects
of delaying aspirations, and the impact it behind the poem
can have on individuals and society.
“Dreams Deferred”?
• The title “Dreams Deferred” means
that the dream is postponed, delayed or
put off. What is the significance
• The poem explores the consequences of of the title “Dreams
deferring or delaying dreams, and the
impact that it can have on individuals Deferred”?
and society.

• “Dreams Deferred” explores various

themes, including the consequences of
putting off one’s dreams, the negative What are some themes
impact of unfulfilled aspirations, and the
importance of pursuing one’s goals. present in “Dreams
• Other themes include the loss of hope and
identity, frustration, and societal constraints
that limit opportunities.
• The tone of the poem is both melancholic and
• The speaker is asking what happens when a What is the tone of
dream is deferred and speculating on the
possible outcomes. “Dreams Deferred”?
• The tone is reflective and introspective,
causing the reader to consider their own
dreams and aspirations.

• The poem uses several literary devices to

convey his message.
• Some of the most prominent literary devices What literary devices
used in the poem include imagery, simile,
metaphor, and personification. are used in “Dreams
• These devices are used to create vivid
pictures and evoke emotions in the reader. Deferred”?
Difference between figure of speech and
literary device
Figure of Speech Literary Device
• is a form of • a literary or linguistic
expression where technique producing a
writers use words out specific effect,
especially a figure of
of their literary
speech, narrative style,
meaning or out of or plot mechanism.
ordinary use.
 Though figures of speech are
a type offigures
 Though literary device,are
of speech nota
type of literary
all literary device,
devices arenotfigures
literary devices
of speech. are figures of
 a literary device that uses figurative language to
describe objects, actions, and ideas in a way that
appeals to the physical senses and helps readers to
picture the scene as if it was real.
 The term imagery can be a bit misleading.
 Though figurative language can be used to describe the
visual appearance of something, imagery also refers to
vivid descriptions of sounds, tastes, physical sensations,
and smells.
VISUAL Example:
• is the most obvious and typical
form of imagery. The moonlight
• When you’re writing a scene,
whether you’re describing a shone over the
person, place, or thing, it’s best
to show instead of telling.
lake and reflected
• That means using vivid imagery in her big, dark
and sensory details to make your
reader see the scene for eyes.
• appeals to our sense of The sweet aroma of the
smell. freshly baked chocolate
• if you’re writing a scene
chip cookies wafted from
about food, for example, be
sure to use descriptive the kitchen to the living
words that will have your room, causing Greg’s
readers’ mouths watering. stomach to rumble.
• describes taste.
As he bit into the
• It often works hand in
hand with olfactory juicy burger, a
imagery (what’s taste variety of spices
without smell after all?) danced upon his
and should appeal to
reader’s tastebuds. tongue.
TACTILE Example:
• appeals to our sense of
touch. A gust of cold
• good tactile imagery helps
readers to feel that they are wind pierced
part of the scene and makes
the characters’ experiences her body.
more relatable.
• describes sounds, from shrill
cries to whispering winds. She awoke to the
• Even the subtlest of sounds chirping of birds and
can help set the scene and the soft whisper of a
place readers right in the breeze as it passed
middle of the action.
through the tree
outside her window.
Delve Deeper
The pictures show of the different lines in the poem.
Determine the type of imagery used.

Does it dry up like

a raisin in the sun?

Visual Imagery
The pictures show of the different lines in the poem.
Determine the type of imagery used.

Or fester like a sore

– And then run?

Tactile Imagery
The pictures show of the different lines in the poem.
Identify the lines that can be associated and determine the
type of imagery used.

Does it stink like

a rotten meat?

Olfactory Imagery
The pictures show of the different lines in the poem.
Determine the type of imagery used.

Or crust and sugar over

Like a syrupy sweet?

Gustatory Imagery
The pictures show of the different lines in the poem.
Determine the type of imagery used.

Maybe it just sags

Like a heavy load

Visual Imagery
Analyze the following pictures and answer the questions that
follow in 2 – 3 sentences:

1.What do you think the pictures suggest?

2.What kind of discrimination is apparent in each picture?
3.How are these problems being addressed?
Accomplish the matrix below:

Possible Hindrances What will you do when faced

My Dreams
(in question form) with obstacles?

1. Finish my studies • What if my parents are • I will look for a scholarship

financially incapable? that I can avail.

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