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The genetic threads of life

Shamatmika Gadre
Kiara Shetty
Who discovered the DNA structure ?
The chemical DNA was first discovered in 1869, but its role in genetic inheritance was not
demonstrated until 1943.

In 1953 James Watson and Francis Crick,

aided by the work of biophysicists
Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins,
determined that the structure of DNA is a
double-helix polymer, a spiral consisting
of two DNA strands wound around each

The breakthrough led to significant advances in scientists’

understanding of DNA replication and hereditary control
of cellular activities.
What is DNA?
Deoxyribonucleic acid - more commonly known as
DNA, is a complex chemical molecule that carries
genetic information necessary to build, maintain,
for development and functioning of an organism.

DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism

to survive and reproduce. To carry out these functions,
DNA sequences must be converted into messages that
can be used to produce proteins, which are the
complex molecules that do most of the work in our

All living things have DNA within their cells. In fact,

nearly every cell in a multicellular organism possesses
the full set of DNA required for that organism.
What is DNA made of ?
DNA is made of two linked strands that wind
around each other to resemble a twisted ladder — a
shape known as a double helix.
Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar
(deoxyribose) and phosphate groups.

Attached to each sugar is one of four bases:

adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), thymine (T)

The two strands are connected by chemical bonds

between the bases: adenine bonds with thymine, and
cytosine bonds with guanine. The sequence of the
bases along DNA’s backbone encodes biological
information, such as the instructions for making a
protein or RNA molecule
What DNA do?
DNA carries the genetic information and
instructions for protein synthesis and for the
development and functioning of an organism.

It is found in most cells inside the nucleus of

every organism. DNA is a key part of
reproduction in which genetic heredity occurs
through the passing down of DNA from parent
or parents to offspring.

DNA contains all the information needed to

build your body. Did you know that your DNA
determines things such as your eye color, hair
color, height, and even the size of your nose?
Functions of DNA
DNA is the genetic material, hence responsible for
carrying all hereditary information

It has the property of replication essential for passing

genetic information from one cell to its daughters or
from one generation to the next

Crossing over produces recombination

Changes in sequences and no of nucleotides causes

mutations which is responsible for variants and
formation of new species

It controls the metabolic reactions of cells thro RNAs

and RNA directed synthesis if proteins

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