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Subject: Thermal Engineering

Chapter Name: 2. Ideal Gases & Ideal Gas Processes

Presented By:
Mr. Mangesh S. Bidkar
Lecturer, Mechanical Engg. Department
Formula List
1) General Gas Equation

= = Constant

2) Characteristic Gas Equation

PV = mRT

3) Joules Law
dU = m Cv (T2 - T1)

4) Relation between two specific heat

R= Cp – Cv

5) Cv =

6) Adiabatic index
Numerical on Isobaric process
1 kg of gas of gas at 1.2 bar and 50 0C having 1 m3 volume is
heated at constant pressure, till its volume becomes 1.8 m 3.
Calculate the work done and change in internal energy.
Assume Cp = 1.1 Kj/Kg k.

Given Data:
1)Cp = 1.1 Kj/Kg k
2)T1 = 50 0C = 50+273 = 323 K
3)P1 = 1.2 bar = 1.2 × 105 N/m2 = P2
4) V1 = 1 m3
5) V2 = 1.8 m3
Numerical on Isobaric process
1.2 × 105 × 1= 1×R×323
R = 371.51j/kgk or 0.3715 Kj/Kg k

R= Cp - Cv
0.3715 = 1.1- Cv

Cv= 0.7285 KJ/Kg k

From General Gas Equation

= (P1=P2)

Numerical on Isobaric process

=581.4 K

1)Work done:
W1-2 = mR(T2-T1)
= 1× 0.3715× (581.4 -323)
= 95.99 Kj/Kg.

2) Change in internal energy

dU = m Cv (T2-T1)
= 1× 0.7285×(581.4-323)
= 188.244 KJ/Kg
Numerical on Isochoric Process
One kg of air is heated in a closed vessel from a pressure
of 2 bar to 5 bar. If the initial tempreture of air is 302 K.
Determine final tempreture and change in internal energy.
Take Cv= 0.712 kj/kg k.

Given Data:
1)m = 1 kg
2)P1 = 2 bar = 2 × 105 N/m2
3)P2 = 5 bar = 5 × 105 N/m2
4)T1 = 302 K
5) Cv= 0.712 Kj/Kg k
Numerical on Isochoric Process
1)Final Tempreture

From General Gas Equation

= (V1=V2)

T2= 755 K

2) Change in internal Energy

dU = m CV (T2-T1 )
= 1 × 0.712 × (755-302)
= 322.536 Kj/Kg
Numerical on Isothermal Process
A fluid expands from its initial condition of pressure 5
bar and volume 0.05 m3 to a final volume of 0.15 m3 . It is
carried out at constant tempreture. Calculate (1) The
final pressure of the gas (2) Work done and (3) change in
internal energy during the process.

Given Data:
1) P1 = 5 bar = 5 × 105 N/m2
2) V1 = 0.05 m3
3) V2 = 0.15 m3
4) T1 = T2
Numerical on Isothermal Process
1)Final Pressure
By using general gas equation
= (T1= T2)
5 × 105 × 0.05 = × 0.15
= 166.67 × 103 N/m2 = 1.66 bar

2) Workdone
W1-2 = P1V1 log( )
W1-2 = 5 × 105 × 0.05 × log( )
W1-2 = 27465.3 j = 27.465 KJ
Numerical on Isothermal Process

3) Change in Internal Energy

U1-2 =m CV (T2 - T1 )

T1 = T 2

U1-2 = 0
Numerical on Isentropic Process

CO2 gas Expands adiabatically from a pressure and volume

of 7 bar and 0.03 m3 to pressure 1.4 bar. Determine (1)
Final Volume (2) Work done (3) Change in internal energy
(4) Heat transferred. Assume = 1.046 KJ/Kg.K and = 0.752

Given Data:
1) P1 = 7 bar = 7 × 105 N/m2
2) V1 = 0.03 m3
3) P12 = 1.4 bar = 1.4 × 105 N/m2
4) = 1.046 KJ/Kg.K
5) = 0.752 KJ/Kg.K
Numerical on Isentropic Process
R= -
R = 1.046-0.752
R = 294 j/kg k


(1)Final Volume:

= 0.09549 m3
Numerical on Isentropic Process
2) Work done
W1-2 =
W1-2 =
W1-2 = 19567.69 J = 19.567 KJ

3) Change in internal energy

= 71.43 K

= 45.09 K
Numerical on Isentropic Process
Change in internal Energy
dU=m CV (T2-T1 )
dU= -19.80 Kj
Negative sign indicates that internal energy reduces.

4) Heat Transferred
From First law of thermodynamics

19.56769 – 19.80
-0.23 KJ 0
Amount of heat transferred is very very less as compared
to work done, therefore it can be approximated to zero.
Numerical on Polytropic Process
A cylinder contains 0.40 m3 of gas at 1.2 bar and 110°C. the
gas is compressed according to the law to 0.07 m3 the
final pressure being 7 bar, Determine (1) Value of index ‘n’
for compression (2) Final tempreture of the gas.

Given Data:
1) P1 = 1.2 bar = 1.2 × 105 N/m2
2) T1 = 110 °C = 110+273 = 383 K
3) V1 = 0.40 m3
4) V2 = 0.07 m3
5) P2 = 7 bar = 7 × 105 N/m2
Numerical on Polytropic Process
1)Value of index

n = 1.01

2) Final Tempreture

T2 = 389.75 K
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