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03/31/2024 1
Indicators of Development
• Development is a process that creates
 growth,
 progress,
 positive change or the addition of
 physical,
 economic, environmental, social and
 demographic components.
• The purpose of development is to increase the level and
quality of life of the population, and
• the creation or expansion of local regional income and
employment opportunities, without damaging the resources
of the environment.
03/31/2024 2
Development Indicators
• Development indicators help to:
Measure performance over a period of time and
Show a country's progress in a certain aspect of
development and
 Compares performances with some other
• Development is measured with the help of
indicators. These indicators are helpful in order to
 inform policy formulation and
assess the impact of particular development
03/31/2024 3
Development indicators, …Cont’d
• The United Nations uses development indicators,

1) The Millennium Development Goals (MDG)


2) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) /2016-


03/31/2024 4
Development indicators,… Cont’d
• MDGs (2000 – 2015)

• MDGs were the eight international development goals

for the year 2015 that had been established following the
Millennium Summit (held on 6-8 Sept 2000 in New

• All 189 UN member states at that time, and at least 22

international organizations, committed to help achieve
following Millennium Development Goals by 2015:
Development indicators, …Cont’d
• Millennium Development Goals:
Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Universal primary education
Promote gender equality and empower women
Reduce child mortality
 Improve maternal health
 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other
 Ensure environmental sustainability
Develop a global partnership for development
03/31/2024 6
Development indicators, …cont’d
• Significant achievements have been made,
but many people are being left behind:

• Gender inequality persists

• Big gaps exist between:

The poorest and richest households
Rural and urban areas
03/31/2024 8
Development indicators, …cont’d
• Climate change and environmental degradation
undermine any progress achieved; poor people
suffer the most

• Conflict remains the biggest threat to human


• Millions of people still live in poverty and

hunger, without access to basic services
03/31/2024 9
Reflection Questions
• Would you please mention or explain some of the
achievements made from the millennium
development goals and those that are not
achieved? What was the reason/reasons for not
achieving some of the goals established at New
York summit in 2000 (MDGs)? What lesson did
we get from the MDGs achievement?
• __________________________________________
03/31/2024 10
Development indicators, …cont’d
• However…
• The successes of the MDG agenda prove that global
action can work
• It is argued that global action is the only path to ensure
that the new development agenda leaves no-one behind
• The world has the opportunity to build on the successes
and to embrace new ambitions for the future we want
• The new agenda should be “truly universal and
• As the human race, we seek a sustainable future
03/31/2024 11
The origins of the UN 2030 Agenda
• The MDGs did not consider environmental issues,
Emissions of greenhouse gasses
Access to clean drinking water
Management of water resources
• New focus on the concept of ‘sustainable
development emerged
• Need to consider the relationship between nature
and society
• Social, environmental and economic dimensions
03/31/2024 12
Indicators of sustainable Development,… Cont’d

• Sustainability is development that satisfies

the needs of the present without
compromising the capacity of future
generations, guaranteeing the balance
between economic growth, care for the
environment and social well-being.
03/31/2024 13
Indicators of sustainable Development, …Cont’d

• For sustainable development to be achieved,

it is crucial to harmonize three core elements:
Economic growth,

Social inclusion and

Environmental protection.
03/31/2024 14
Indicators of sustainable Development, …Cont’d

•Therefore, Sustainable development is the

organizing principle for meeting human
development goals while simultaneously
sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide
the natural resources and ecosystem services based
upon which the economy and society depend.
03/31/2024 15
Indicators of sustainable Development, Cont…nd

03/31/2024 16
Sustainable Development Goals
• SDGs (2016 – 2030)

• The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), officially

known as ‘Transforming Our World is the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development.

• It is a set of seventeen major Goals with 169 targets between


•Spearheaded by the United Nations, through its 193 Member

States as well as global civil society.
03/31/2024 17
03/31/2024 Girmaw A. (PhD) 18
Sustainable Development Goals, … Cont’d

# 1. End poverty in all its forms every where

#2. security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture
#3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for
all at all ages
#4:Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and
promote lifelong learning
03/31/2024 19
Sustainable Development Goals, …Cont’d
#5:Achieve gender equality and empower women and
#6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
#7:Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable
and modern energy for all
#8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic
growth, employment and decent work for all
#9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable
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industrialization and foster innovation
Sustainable Development Goals, …Cont’d
#10: Reduce inequality within and among
#11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and
#12: Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns
#13: Take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts
#14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
seas and marine resources
03/31/2024 21
Sustainable Development Goals, …Cont’d

#15:Sustainably manage forests, combat

desertification, halt and reverse land degradation,
halt biodiversity loss
#16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

#17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable

NB. Each goal is important in itself and they are all

03/31/2024 22
Sustainable Development and national wealth
• Capital approach to sustainability
• In order to ensure our long lasting well being we
should govern our national capital. These include:
Economic capital
Human capital
Social capital
Natural capital

When they are declining our well being will also

03/31/2024 23
Sustainable Development and national wealth, …

These are the inventories that we need to


Government must measure to know the state of

our natural wealth

They are very helpful to know the level of our

national well being
03/31/2024 24
Sustainable Development and national wealth, …
• Economic capital
• It can include
bonds and
Economic capital refers to material assets that are
‘immediately and directly convertible into money.
Economic capital includes all kinds of material
resources (for example, financial resources, land or
property ownership) that could be used to acquire or
maintain better health
03/31/2024 25
Class Reflection
• Human Capital

• What is human capital?

• How do you explain human capital development?


2. What is the role of Human capital?

03/31/2024 26
Sustainable Development and national wealth, …
• Human Capital
Human Capital (HC) presents the unique form of
capital that has the ability to put other forms of
capital – tools, infrastructure (man-made capital) and
land (natural capital) in motion to produce goods &
services and thus to create new values.

The value of HC depends on the previous

investments in developing new and useful
knowledge, skills and attitudes.
03/31/2024 27
Sustainable Development and national wealth,… Cont’d
Human capital…

 It is the knowledge, skills, and personality attributes

that humans have that contributes to the creation of
goods and services

 Our creativity and habits are part of human capital

 Human capital refers to the production factors

coming from human beings that we use to create
goods and services
03/31/2024 28
Sustainable Development and national wealth, …
Human capital……..
• It consists of our knowledge, abilities, skills,
education, training, experience, judgment, wisdom
and creativity
• Human capital is a well employed human resource
that is actively engaged in a meaningful, worthwhile
work and delivering some level of desired
• Human capital is a question of factoring knowledge
and application to physicality.
03/31/2024 29
Sustainable Development and national wealth, Cont’d
Human capital……..
As any capital, it requires continuing investment
in developing new knowledge and skills.

Academia plays enormous role in building new

human capital but its effectiveness depends on
many other factors, including political system
and culture, which could encourage or suppress
critical thinking and creativity – the unlimited
ability of this capital to create values.
03/31/2024 30
Sustainable Development and national wealth, Cont’d

• Social Capital

• Social capital is defined by the OECD as

“networks together with. shared norms, values and
understandings that facilitate co-operation within or
among groups”.

• In this definition, we can think of networks as real-

world links between groups or individuals.
03/31/2024 31
Sustainable Development and national wealth, …Cont’d
• Social cohesion is critical for societies to prosper
economically and for development to be sustainable
• Social cohesion is expressed through various
networks of civic engagement
• Network of civic engagement include :
• Neighborhood associations
• Sport clubs
• Cooperatives
• The more dense these networks, the more likely that
members of a community will cooperate for mutual
03/31/2024 32
Sustainable Development and national wealth, …Cont’d
• Social capital is understood to be an essential ingredient in
not only building strong societies but in building strong
economies as well

Two farmers exchanging tools can get more work done

with less physical capital

Rotating credit associations can generate pools of financial

capital for increased entrepreneurial activity.

Job searchers can be more efficient if information is

03/31/2024 33
embedded in social networks
Sustainable Development and national wealth, …
• Natural capital.
It is calculated as the sum of the stock value of the
renewable and non – renewable resource

pasture land,

agricultural land,

protected areas, oil, coal, natural gas, minerals

03/31/2024 34
Home activity
• How do you see the relationship between
corruption and social capital? Please
attempt this question.

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