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Submitted by:
Alicum, Sherifel
Decano, Cynthia
Domingo, Cristine
Furoc, Jacy
Ramel, Jamaica

Submitted to:
Lorna Lansangan

Science and literature
are not isolated
domains, but rather
intricately connected.
Science provides the
foundation for
understanding the
natural world, while
literature explores the
depths of human
experience. The
intersection of these
domains leads to a
richer understanding of
For we can say that
science is merely a way
of ordering experience
in terms of certain
fundamental principles
and concepts, and that
literature is a way of
ordering experience
which employs different
• Theand
principles play "Romeo and Juliet" by William
Shakespeare is a tragic love story that unfolds in
the city of Verona. It tells the tale of two young
lovers, Romeo and Juliet, who belong to feuding
families, the Montagues and the Capulets.
Romeo and Juliet begins as the Chorus
introduces two feuding families of Verona: the
Capulets and the Montagues. On a hot summer's
day, the young men of each faction fight until the
Prince of Verona intercedes and threatens to
banish them. Soon after, the head of the Capulet
family plans a feast. His goal is to introduce his
daughter Juliet to a Count named Paris who
seeks to marry Juliet.
Montague's son Romeo and his friends (Benvolio
and Mercutio) hear of the party and resolve to go
in disguise. Romeo hopes to see his beloved
Rosaline at the party. Instead, while there, he
meets Juliet and falls instantly in love with her.
Juliet's cousin Tybalt recognises the Montague
boys and forces them to leave just as Romeo and
Juliet discover one another.
Romeo lingers near the Capulet house to talk with
Juliet when she appears in her window. The pair
declare their love for one another and intend to
marry the next day. With the help of Juliet's Nurse,
the lovers arrange to marry when Juliet goes for
confession at the cell of Friar Laurence. There,
they are secretly married (talk about a short

Following the secret marriage, Juliet's cousin
Tybalt sends a challenge to Romeo. Romeo
refuses to fight, which angers his friend Mercutio
who then fights with Tybalt. Mercutio is
accidentally killed as Romeo intervenes to stop
the fight. In anger, Romeo pursues Tybalt, kills
him, and is banished by the Prince.
Juliet is anxious when Romeo is late to meet her
and learns of the brawl, Tybalt's death, and
Romeo's banishment. Friar Laurence arranges for
Romeo to spend the night with Juliet before he
leaves for Mantua. Meanwhile, the Capulet
family grieves for Tybalt, so Lord Capulet moves
Juliet's marriage to Paris to the next day. Juliet’s
parents are angry when Juliet doesn't want to
marry Paris, but they don't know about her secret
marriage to Romeo.
Friar Laurence helps Juliet by providing a
sleeping draught that will make her seem dead.
When the wedding party arrives to greet Juliet
the next day, they believe she is dead. The Friar
sends a messenger to warn Romeo of Juliet's
plan and bids him to come to the Capulet family
monument to rescue his sleeping wife.
The vital message to Romeo doesn't arrive in
time because the plague is in town (so the
messenger cannot leave Verona). Hearing from
his servant that Juliet is dead, Romeo buys
poison from an Apothecary in Mantua. He
returns to Verona and goes to the tomb where he
surprises and kills the mourning Paris. Romeo
takes his poison and dies, while Juliet awakens
from her drugged coma. She learns what has
happened from Friar Laurence, but she refuses to
leave the tomb and stabs herself. The Friar
returns with the Prince, the Capulets, and
Romeo's lately widowed father. The deaths of
their children lead the families to make peace,
and they promise to erect a monument in Romeo
and Juliet's memory.
Good moral from the whole story:

The primary lesson from Romeo and Juliet

that we need to learn is to be true in life rather
like they are earnest to each other. Secondly,
there are values in life that we ought to not
disregard and we need to keep our guarantees
as well. One must think twice and plan your
decision before doing something and ought to
seek after it as it were on the off chance that
one feels it would advantage one’s life.

Lastly, one ought to never disregard one’s

family, guardians, and the exertion they put in
for you and ought to endeavor to accomplish
the objective of one’s life with tirelessness.
Good moral from each character:
• Romeo - Romeo is intelligent, his idealism
and passion make him an extremely likable
character. He lives in the middle of a violent
feud between his family and the Capulets,
but he is not interested in violence and
taught us that violence is not the key to have
a better life.
• Juliet - Juliets Character taught us that let us
fight for our love one's that we are willing to
take risk for love.
• Nurse - The nurse's relationship with Juliet
is both complex and amusing. She is treated
like a friend, yet ultimately she is a servant.
It taught us that even though you are
different in terms of you can still be friends
and a family.
• Friar Laurence - He is depicted as a
levelheaded, righteous, and resourceful man
who is trying to do what is best for
everyone, even though he perhaps tries to
accomplish too much and therefore his
efforts are not successful. It taught us that
we can still fight and do our best in every
One of the loopholes in the story is the
lack of communication and hasty
decisions made by the characters. If
Romeo and Juliet had been able to
openly communicate their love and
intentions to their families, the tragedy
could have been avoided. Additionally,
if Friar Laurence had informed Romeo
about the plan to fake Juliet's death, the
miscommunication could have been
• Romeo
Problem: Romeo is impulsive and prone to
making rash decisions, leading to tragic
Solution: Romeo could benefit from seeking
guidance from a trusted mentor or confidant
before acting on his emotions. Developing
better impulse control and considering the
long-term consequences of his actions would
also help him avoid unnecessary conflicts..
• Juliet
Problem: Juliet is torn between her love for
Romeo and her loyalty to her family, leading
to internal conflict and emotional turmoil.
Solution: Juliet could try to communicate
openly with her family about her feelings and
seek a compromise that respects both her own
desires and her family's expectations. Seeking
the support of a trusted friend or confidant
could also provide her with valuable advice
and emotional support.
• Friar Laurence

Problem: Friar Laurence's well-intentioned but
misguided actions contribute to the tragic
outcome of the story.
Solution: Friar Laurence could benefit from
being more cautious in his decision-making
and considering the potential consequences of
his actions. Seeking counsel from other trusted
figures in the community and carefully
weighing the risks and benefits of his plans
would help him avoid unintended harm.
• Lord and Lady Capulet
Problem: Lord and Lady Capulet's strict
control over Juliet's life contributes to her
sense of isolation and desperation.
Solution: The Capulets could benefit from
listening to Juliet's perspective and
understanding her desires. By fostering open
communication and showing empathy towards
Juliet's feelings, they could work towards a
more harmonious family dynamic that respects
Juliet's autonomy while still maintaining
familial bonds.
"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragic love
story that highlights the power of love,
the destructive nature of hatred, and
the consequences of impulsive actions.
Despite its tragic ending, the play
continues to captivate audiences with
its timeless themes and complex
characters. It serves as a reminder of
the importance of communication,
understanding, and the pursuit of
To sum it all, Romeo and Juliet is a
good story that leaves many lessons to
those who can read or watch it. It's not
a perfect story but like life, nothing is
perfect but it's a story that can teach
many lessons in life that we should

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