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William McGuire developed IP Model which assumes that the
advertising audiences are information processors and problem-

This model is like the other response hierarchy models that

explain how a customer go through six phases to take the final
decision of purchase.
1.) Presentation
• Presentation is the phase where
• customer are make aware about the product, that there is a
new product available in the market.
• In this stage, advertising has to highlight the feature and
benefits of the new product.
• It will help the customer to differentiate the product with an
old product or competitor product.
2.) Attention
The product must attract the consumer's attention. This is done
via the advertising materials. It is a type of “eyecatcher.”
3.) Comprehension
Customers evaluate the product in depth.
Customers take analyses that are there any products
available in the market with the same feature or benefits.
What will be the price of this product if I buy it?

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4.) Yielding
This step is about assuring that the customer likes your product.
The word ‘liking’ should not be confused with an emotional attachment with the product.
In this case, liking refers to the consumer viewing some positive benefits associated with the brand.
For Example, it is available, it looks like a good product, it’s a healthy product, it fits with my budget, and so on .
5.) Retention
Retention refer to the ability of the consumer to accept and
store in memory the relevant information about the product
or service

Retention of information is important because most

advertising is designed to motivate the customer.

It does not happen immediately but used later time to make

the purchase decision.
6.) Behavior
Behavior is the final phase of the Information Processing

This stage includes the purchase of products and services.

Purchase can be offline or online both.

This stage describes that the purpose of advertising gets fulfill

and it convinces the customer to purchase the product.
Innovation Adoption Model

1.) Awareness
Awareness is the phase in which the customer is made aware
of the product or service, that there is a new product available
in the market. In this stage, advertising has to highlight the
feature and benefits of the new product. It will help the
customer to differentiate the product with an old product or
competitor product.

2.) Interest
Interest is the second stage of the customer where he finds the product
Now the awareness of new product spreads in the market. Customers start
getting more information about the product.
If customers looking for any feature, then is this product include that
Innovation Adoption Model
3.) Evaluate
The customer starts liking the product so he starts evaluating
the product more. IN this customer evaluate the product in
depth. Customers take analyses that are there any products
available in the market with the same feature or benefits. What
will be the price of this product if I buy it?

4.) Trial
Consumer trials are an essential part of a new product
launched in the market. Product trials and samples allow
consumers to try a product with no risk before they consider
purchasing it. If the product is of long-term use then the trial
will help the company to generate lead also, because
customers get faith in the product by using it.
5.) Adoption
Product adoption defines the process of the customer in which
they are ready to buy the product because they understand it’s
value. This stage needs to be smooth and simple, otherwise,
the customer will get irritated and walk away without a
Outdoor Indoor

1. Awareness on any topic 1. Create a modelling set up inside the classroom on

2. Teach something to a common Any theme (guerrilla marketing)
community 2. Campaign
3. Campaign

Target Audience
Students, disabled people, women ,transgender, sanitary workers, workers, labourers

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