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Adji Wiguna Jaya

Gotong Royong
The term gotong royong comes from the Yogyakarta area, known as "gugur

In East Java, it is known as "Sempat"

In Bali it is known as "Ngayah"

DI Madura is known as "Song-Osong Lombhung".

Even though the terms are different, gotong royong has the same meaning,
namely activities that prioritize common interests and are often carried out by
Indonesian people.
“Bhineka Ika Tunggal Ika”, Tan Hana
Dharma Mangrwa,”
The sesanti or motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika was first expressed by Mpu
Tantular. This motto is found in Sutasoma kakawin which reads:

"Bhinneka Ika Tunggal Ika", tan hana dharma mangrwa,"

"It's different, it's one, there are no dual devotions."

Then the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, tan hana dharma mangrwa was used to
anticipate the diversity of religions embraced by the people of Majapahit, who
at that time even though their religions were different, they were still one in
What is the purpose of Bhinneka Tunggal
Ika for the Indonesian nation?

The motto of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika for the Indonesian nation is the basis for
the unity and integrity of Indonesia, even though Indonesia has different
ethnicities, racial cultures and groups, the overall diversity that exists
constitutes unity.
Legal Basis for Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
The legal basis is the legal basis for the enactment of a provision.

The legal basis for Bhinneka Tunggal Ika is found in article 36A of the 1945
Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which reads "The National Symbol is
the Garuda Pancasila, with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika"
Characteristics of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
1. There is equality and obligation for every citizen
2. There is no racism, namely the ideology that considers one's race or tribe
to be superior
3. The growth and development of attitudes towards one's own group and
hatred for other groups or differences in skin color
4. There is no discriminatory attitude, namely differentiating between
people in social, national and state life
5. Developing mutual respect between members of the community.
What do you think is diversity in
Indonesian society?
Indonesia has islands. Indonesia, which consists of many islands, is a country
characterized by various ethnic, racial, cultural and linguistic differences. But
these diverse natural conditions have the potential to give rise to conflict.
What conflicts will occur?
1. Vertical Conflict
2. Horizontal Conflict
3. Disintegration of the nation
How does a multicultural society attempt
to deal with social problems?

1. Cultivate an attitude of tolerance

2. Instill an attitude of sympathy and empathy
3. Developing a democratic and anti-discrimination attitude
4. Developing the spirit of nationalism
5. Foster a cooperative attitude

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