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• The stress corresponding to the limiting value

of external force up to and within which the
deformation disappears completely upon the
removal of external force is called elastic limit.
• Hooke’s law states that: “ When a body is
loaded within elastic limit, the stress is
proportional to strain developed” or “Within
the elastic limit the ratio of stress applied to
strain developed is a constant”

Dr. Ramesh Parihar

• Mathematically within elastic limit
Stress α Strain
σ α e
σ = Ee
• The constant is known as Modulus of elasticity or
Elastic modulus or Young’s modulus.
• E is generally assumed to be same in tension or
σ= P/A; e =ΔL/L
• E=PL/A Δ L
• Δ L =PL/AE
Dr. Ramesh Parihar
• It is a graph that represents
how a part behaves under
an increasing load.
• Stress-strain diagrams are
extensometer specimen
generated experimentally
using UTM through the
performance of tensile tests
using fabricated test
• The applied load and
displacement are
monitored during the test,
and are used to calculate
stress and strain Universal Testing Machine
respectively. Dr. Ramesh Parihar
• Standard tensile test involves
subjecting a circular bar of
uniform cross section to a
gradually increasing tensile
load until the failure occurs.
• Tensile test is carried out to
compare the strengths of
various materials
• Change in length of a selected
gauge length of bar is recorded
by extensometers
• A graph is plotted with load v/s
extension or stress v/s strain
Dr. Ramesh Parihar

Dr. Ramesh Parihar

• A -- Limit of proportionality; It is the point where the linear nature of
the stress strain graph ceases
• B -- Elastic limit; It is the limiting point for the condition that material
behaves elastically, but Hooke's law does not apply . For most practical
purposes it can be often assumed that limit of proportionality and
elastic limits are the same
• Beyond the elastic limits, there will be some permanent deformation
or permanent set when the load is removed
• C (Upper Yield point), D (Lower yield point) – Points after which strain
increases without correspondingly high increase in load or stress
• E -- Ultimate or maximum tensile stress; Point where the necking starts
• F --Fracture point.

Dr. Ramesh Parihar

• Yield strength: you can draw a line parallel to
the initial linear portion, and where this line
intersects the curve is the yield point. The Y
coordinate of this point is the yield strength.

Dr. Ramesh Parihar

• To calculate the engineering stress, the
applied load is divided by the original cross
sectional area;
• however the true stress would be equal to the
load divided by the new deformed cross
sectional area.
• Therefore true stress > engineering stress.

Dr. Ramesh Parihar

Dr. Ramesh Parihar
Strain Hardening in Stress-Strain Curve

• Note that true stress increases continuously in

the plastic region until necking
• In the engineering stress-strain curve, the
significance of this was lost because stress was
based on an incorrect area value
• What it means is that the metal is becoming
stronger as strain increases
• This is the property called strain hardening

Dr. Ramesh Parihar

Dr. Ramesh Parihar
• Energy to break a unit volume of material
• Approximate by the area under the stress-straincurve.

Engineering smaller toughness (ceramics)

tensile larg er toughness
stress,  (metals, PMCs)

smaller toughness-

Engineering tensile strain, 

Dr. Ramesh Parihar

• The stress-strain diagram differs in
form for various materials.
• Engineering materials are classified
as either ductile or brittle materials.
• A ductile material is one having
relatively large tensile strain up to
the point of rupture like structural
steel and Aluminum.
• whereas brittle materials has a
relatively small strain up to the
point of rupture like cast iron and

Dr. Ramesh Parihar


Dr. Ramesh Parihar

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