50 Vivek Singh Reinforcement Learning

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Fundamentals of
Reinforcement Learning

Key Elements Basic Concepts

The key elements of Reinforcement learning involves

reinforcement learning include an agent learning to make
the agent, environment, actions, decisions through trial and error,
rewards, and policy. with the goal of maximizing
cumulative reward.

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Components of Reinforcement Learning

Agent Environment Rewards and Policy

The agent in reinforcement The environment represents the Rewards serve as the feedback
learning is responsible for external context in which the mechanism for the agent, while
making decisions and taking agent operates and receives the policy defines the strategy
actions within the environment. feedback through rewards. for selecting actions.
Applications of
Reinforcement Learning
Robotics and
Automation Gaming Industry

Reinforcement learning is widely In the gaming industry,

used in robotics and automation reinforcement learning is applied
for autonomous decision-making for developing intelligent game-
and control. playing agents and optimizing
game strategies.

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Challenges in Reinforcement Learning

Exploration vs. Credit Assignment

Exploitation Problem

Balancing exploration of new Attributing the impact of actions

strategies with exploitation of to rewards in long-term decision-
known strategies is a making poses a significant
fundamental challenge in challenge in reinforcement
reinforcement learning. learning.

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Deep Reinforcement Learning

Integration with Deep Applications in

Learning Robotics

Deep reinforcement learning Deep reinforcement learning has

combines reinforcement learning shown promising results in
with deep neural networks for complex robotic control and
complex decision-making tasks. autonomous systems.

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Future Prospects Key Takeaways

As advancements in AI and Reinforcement learning offers

machine learning continue, the powerful tools for solving
future of reinforcement learning complex decision-making
holds potential for problems and has diverse
transformative innovations. applications across various

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