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Communication at

work place
How is the writing that you and your peers are practicing every day by texting, e-
mailing, or instant messaging different from the writing business professionals
expect in the workplace? Will your employer benefit from your informal writing?

 Writing is the activity or the occupation of composing text for publication. It plays
a crucial part in the workplace.

 Writing skills need to be flawless in such a way that email, memo etc. are clear
and concise. This is what business professionals want.

 Informal writing can never be helpful for employees. Because it is possible that
the other people will find it displeasing
It is quite natural to favor one’s own country over a foreign one. To what extent can
ethnocentrism and stereotypes be considered normal reactions, and when do they become
destructive and unproductive in the workplace?

 Ethnocentrism is the belief in the superiority of one’s own culture and group. It
causes us to judge others by our own value.

 Stereotype is the oversimplified behavioral pattern applied to the entire group.

 Both cannot be considered normal reaction. During the communication, it creates

misconception and misunderstanding.
What arguments could you give for or against the idea that body language is a science with
principles that can be interpreted accurately by specialist?

 It is my belief that body language is a exact science. This is supported by the fact
that is proven method of communication
 Many culturally unique facial expressions have been found to be universal and
 The context is dramatically altered by the body language. He advises the listener
to sit near to the speaker, face them, lean their head towards them and maintain
eye contact.
Name examples that illustrate the nonverbal cues we send by our use of time, space or
territory. How does our need for personal space or territory, for example, play out in the new,
flexible “anytime, anywhere” workplace?

 The main examples that illustrate the non verbal cues are eye contact, facial
expression, posture and gesture.

 Each one has a personal space or territory where we can work efficiently and feel
better. At that place and that specific time observer can tell us about our specific
How are the listening skills important to employees, supervisors, and executives?
Who should have the best listening skills?

 Really listening to someone shows you care about what they are saying and
empathize with their feelings. This creates a work environment of trust. Having
the trust of your employees gives you greater influence over them. At the same
time, it makes them more motivated and committed to their work.

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