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Either do task on slide 12 or slide 13 (and 14)

Specification reference

31 March 2024

Lesson 16: How can we achieve a balance

between development and conservation in
cold environments?
Consider the following questions:

• Which is more important: economic development or


• Why do we need to achieve a balance between

development and conservation?
Today’s Objectives
To assess a range of strategies which can be used to
balance the needs of economic development and
conservation in cold environments, including:

• Use of technology

• Role of governments

• International agreements

• Conservation groups
Introduction: development vs conservation
TASK: Use the knowledge you have gained in recent lessons (L13-15) to copy out
and fill in the table below. Think: social, economic, environmental.
Development of wilderness areas Protection of wilderness areas


Introduction: development vs conservation
TASK: Use the knowledge you have gained in recent lessons (L13-15)
to fill in the table below. Think: social, economic, environmental.
Development of wilderness areas Protection of wilderness areas
Advantages • More jobs for locals • Native peoples’ traditional way of life is
• Multiplier effect: local economy left intact
grows in many ways • Animals and plant life are undisturbed:
• Government and country gains pristine fragile environments remain
money from tax to industries and intact
from products which are obtained • Planet-wide genetic diversity maintained
(gold / fish / oil, etc) • Scenic beauty kept intact
• Potential for scientific research
Problems • Most jobs are taken by temporary • Native people do not benefit from
economic migrants rather than modern day advancements and
locals. improvements in their standard of living
• Traditional cultures may be eroded / • Country does not access the resources
destroyed. available in these areas.
• Areas can become polluted
• Local wildlife disturbed / destroyed
• Often more release of CO2 – impacts
on global warming

Now we’ll explore our first strategy from today’s
To assess a range of strategies which can be used to
balance the needs of economic development and
conservation in cold environments, including:

• Use of technology

• Role of governments

• International agreements

• Conservation groups
Use of technology
Note: We have already covered several benefits to the
environment of the use of technology when considering
solutions to the challenges of building in cold environments.
Use your L14 worksheet to identify a few of these:
• Triple-glazed windows stop heat escaping to surrounding
• Building on stilts means permafrost underneath does not melt
• Airport runways painted white to reflect sunlight and stop
them warming up compared to surrounding landscape
• Parts of Trans-Alaskan pipeline built 10 feet above ground, or
underneath ground, to allow caribou to migrate underneath it.
How ICT helping wilderness communities?
What benefits do you think recent developments in
technology (e.g. wireless radio, satellite mobile phones,
satellite internet links) have brought to wilderness
communities and encouraged young people to stay?
• Internet access has transformed availability of information in
these areas even more than it has in our own society.
• Video conferencing is transforming education and health
• Children in remote Inuit communities can be taught by
teachers anywhere around the world. Students can complete
degrees remotely online, e.g. from University of Alaska.
• Globalisation is being brought to the world’s remotest places.
(n.b. In some of these areas post may still only arrive once per
week) 9
How ICT helping wilderness communities?

Read the information on your handout to review the

impact of ICT on wilderness communities

Today’s Objectives
To assess a range of strategies which can be used to
balance the needs of economic development and
conservation in cold environments, including:

• Use of technology

• Role of governments
We’ll be
focusing on
• International agreements examples
from the
• Conservation groups
Management strategies at different scales

TASK: Read the information on your handout, ‘Managing

cold environments’ . Create a key and use 2 colours to
highlight it to outline strengths and weaknesses of each of
the different strategies.

TASK: Write half a side of A4 to compare the different

management approaches used by the Arctic Council,
national governments and Greenpeace. Include in your
comparison the strengths and weaknesses of each

Management strategies at different scales
TASK 1: Read the information on your handout, ‘Managing cold environments’.

TASK 2: Answer the following questions on lined paper:

1a, Why are international agreements so important in order to protect the Arctic?
1b, Give one example of an international agreement and state the success it has

2, Why can it be difficult for national governments to manage their territories?

Give examples from the situation in Alaska to illustrate your points

3, The conservation group Greenpeace want to make the Arctic a ‘global

sanctuary’. What are the pros and cons of this idea? Name examples of groups
who would be for and against it
Clue to help you with Q1

National governments: differing views
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR):
• The most biologically diverse Arctic region of the world
• There is potential for an area of ANWR, Area 1002, to be
opened up for oil and gas exploration. The area has never
been designated as a wilderness area; it was set aside by
the US congress in 1980 as a potential source of domestic
• If oil was extracted it
would be piped along
the Trans Alaskan

National governments: differing views
TASK: Different US governments have had very different
opinions on what should happen to Area 1002. Watch the
2 videos. Which president do you think had the right view?

Obama, 2015:
George Bush, 2008: https://
http:// 5/president-obama-calls-congress-prot
oY ect-arctic-refuge-wilderness

National governments: differing views
What is Donald Trump’s view?

Today’s Objectives
To assess a range of strategies which can be used to
balance the needs of economic development and
conservation in cold environments, including:

• Use of technology

• Role of governments

• International agreements

• Conservation groups
Review of Learning
The class will be divided into 4 groups. Within each group,
students will work in pairs or 3s.
Each pair or 3 will plan the answer to one of the 9 mark
questions on the next slide.
Points to include in plan:
• What key points would you include? (i.e. PEE paragraphs)
• What case study information would you use to back up
each point?
• How would you assess or evaluate each PEE point? i.e.
which is most important and least important and why?
• What would be your overall conclusion?
Review of Learning
1. Using a case study, assess how different strategies can
help reduce environmental damage in cold environments. [9

2. To what extent is there conflict between development and

conservation in a named cold environment? [9 marks]

3. Discuss how balance may be found between conservation

and development in a named cold environment. [9 marks]

4. Evaluate the benefits of conservation versus development

in a named cold environment. [9 marks]
Further reading…


Revise for end of topic test.

You should have the copy of the specification

printed out for this topic and the glossary.

As you revise tick off the parts of the specification

you have covered.


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