3rdQ-Week 5 - PEACE-Human Security

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Protect Human
Classroom Activities

 Singing of song
“The Greatest Love of All”
by Whitney Houston
Protect Human
What are your
thoughts/realizations after
watching the short video
Defining Human Security
Is the absence of threats to
core human value, including
the basic human values,
individual physical safety.

The main goal of human

security is to safeguard the
vital core of all huma lives from
critical pervasive threats
Human Security Example
Economic security
Food security
Health security
Environmental security
Personal security
Community security
And political security
Human Security Example
Economic security
the condition of having
stable income or other
resources to support a
standard of living now and in
the foreseeable future.
Human Security Example

Food security
Food security is defined as "when all
people, at all times, have physical
and economic access to sufficient,
safe and nutritious food that meets
their dietary needs and food
preferences for an active and
healthy life" by the World Food
Summit in 1996.
Human Security Example

Health security
public health security is defined as
the activities required, both
proactive and reactive, to minimize
the danger and impact of acute
public health events that endanger
people’s health across the country.
Human Security Example

Environmental security
is protectedness of natural
environment and vital interests of
citizens, society, the state from
internal and external impacts,
adverse processes and trends in
development that threaten human
health, biodiversity and sustainable
functioning of ecosystems, and
survival of humankind.
Human Security Example

Personal security
Personal security refers to the state
of being safe from danger or harm. It
is the protection of oneself and one's
property from threats such as theft,
violence, or cyber attacks.
Human Security Example

Community security
Community security in the
context of human security
refers to the protection and
safety of communities,
encompassing various
levels such as individuals,
local communities, and
Human Security Example

Political security
Political security is about the
organizational stability of states i.e.
the systems of government and the
ideologies that give governments,
and states, their legitimacy.
Threat to Human Security
has taken a heavy toll on rural
livelihoods, loss of income and job
opportunities were overarching
challenges in poor communities in
the Philippines.
Threat to Human Security
State Failure
Government inability to control its
territory, to provide basic services,
scarcity of energy, provide stable
jobs, control of basic commodity
Threat to Human Security
Organized crime or violence
Riots and random youth gang
fights are examples of
spontaneous collective violence.
At the other extreme are the
organized forms of collective
violence. These include coups,
rebellions, revolutions, terrorism,
and war.
Threat to Human Security
Relative poverty
A condition in which some groups
are perceived as better than other
in many aspect of life, which
creates collective frustration
which lead to collective violence.
As a student, how can you
contribute to safeguarding our
national security? What are
your everyday activities and
actions that reflects our effort
towards national security?
Protect Human

Educate your self

 Learn
practical skill
 Get the
 Engage in real life
Protect Human Security
Classroom Activities
• The idea of being a peace advocate is important
for all students and is something which should
be encouraged, recognized and rewarded in the

• In this activity, each student is to prepare an

acceptance speech for a Classroom Peace Prize to
be presented at Southville 1 INHS awards
ceremony. The students can pick from one of the
following award categories to base their
acceptance speech on.

• Care: desires to help people
• Compassion: feeling and showing sympathy and
concern for others
• Consideration: thinking of others]

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