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Oh, but my
homework was
finished by my
sister last night

I finished my
homework last and

Learning Objectives
01 Menganalisis tentang fungsi social, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan Active and Passive Voice

02 Voice
Mengidentifikasi bentuk kalimat Active and Passive

03 passive voice
Menyelesaikan soal latihan tentang kalimat active and
What is Active and
Passive Voice ?
Active Passive
Active voice is aVoice
form of sentence where the Passive voice is a Voice
form of sentence where the
subject of the sentence act as a ”doer” of an subject receives the action. In Indonesia, passive
action. In Indonesia, active voice ussualy begin voice ussualy begin with suffix ter- or di-, for
with suffix me- or ber-, for example memasak example terlempar and dibuang.
and bermain.
>> The book report is given by Krisna to the
>> Krisna give a book report to the class. Krisna class.
(subject) melakukan sebuah aksi (verb) yaitu The book report (object) menerima sebuah aksi
“memberi” sebuah book report (object) (verb) berupa “diberi” oleh si Krisna (subject)
Characteristics of Active
and Passive Voice
Active Passive

Subject melakukan aksi •
Selalu memiliki to be + V3
• Menggunakan kata kerja (verb) • Biasanya diikuti oleh “by” untuk
atau to be menjelaskan pelaku/subject
• Memiliki pola kalimat Subject + • Selalu ada object
Verb + Object • Kata kerja pada passive voice
• Menceritakan dengan jelas adalah transitive verbs
tentang siapa (subject) yang (membutuhkan) object, seperti
melakukan apa (verb) pull, bring, love, change, make,
dan lain-lain.
Formulas Active and
Passive Voice
Active voice Passive voice
Subject + Verb + Object + (Adverb) Subject + To be + Verb 3 + (by + pronoun)

Examples : Examples:
• My grandmother listened to old radio • The old radio was listened by my
lastnight (Nenekku mendengarkan radio grandmother (Sebuah radio lama di
lama semalam) dengarkan oleh nenekku)
• She buys a new expensive car (Perempuan • The new expensive car is bought by her
itu membeli sebuah mobil baru yang mahal) (Sebuah mobil baru yang mahal dibeli oleh
• I ride my motorcycle to the office ( Saya dia (perempuan))
mengendarai sepeda motor saya ke kantor) • My motorcycle is ridden to the office by me
(Sepeda motor ku dikendarai ke kantor oleh
Active : S + V1 (s/es) + Obj
Passive : Obj + to be + V3 + by + S
Active : He cooks fried noodle every
morning. Active : S + V2 + Obj
Passive : Fired noodle is cooked every Passive : Obj + was/were + V3 + by + S
Active : He cooked a fried noodle
Active : S + will + V1 + Obj yesterday
Passive : Obj + will + be + V3 + by + Passive : Fried noodle was cooked
S yesterday
Active : S + has/have + V3 + Obj
Active : He will cook fried noodle Passive : Obj + has/have + been + V3 +
Passive : Fried noodle will be cooked by + S
by him
Active : He has cooked fired noodle
Passive : Fried noodle has been cooked by
Let’s discuss
Active : Diva visits her grandmother every week
Passive :

Active : They are making a cookies

Passive :

Active : I had eaten a birthday cake

Passive :
Let’s read
Bogor is a City in northern Java Island, Indonesia. It is the part of West Java Province.
Together with Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, the City is included in the
Jabodetabek metropolitan area. Bogor has been known as the ‘Rain City’ of Indonesia
and ‘Buitenzorg City’. the City stretches across 118,5 km2 areas. Bogor is World
famous for its Bogor Botanical Garden, a Conservation site for several plants and

The City was Born in June 3rd 1482, when Padjadjaran Kingdom was existed in West
Java. You can see the city’s Landmarks such as Tugu Kujang, Prasasti Batu Tulis,
Cimahpar Integrated Conservation Offices, Telaga Cikeas, etc. Bogor City is
surrounded by several Mounts like Gunung Gede, and Gunung Halimun Salak.

Which the passive voice ?

Bogor is a City in northern Java Island, Indonesia. It is the part of West Java Province.
Together with Jakarta, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi, the City is included in the
Jabodetabek metropolitan area. Bogor has been known as the ‘Rain City’ of Indonesia
and ‘Buitenzorg City’. the City stretches across 118,5 km2 areas. Bogor is World
famous for its Bogor Botanical Garden, a Conservation site for several plants and

The City was Born in June 3rd 1482, when Padjadjaran Kingdom was existed in West
Java. You can see the city’s Landmarks such as Tugu Kujang, Prasasti Batu Tulis,
Cimahpar Integrated Conservation Offices, Telaga Cikeas, etc. Bogor City is
surrounded by several Mounts like Gunung Gede, and Gunung Halimun Salak.
“When everything seems to be going against you,
remember that the airplane takes off against the wind,
not with it.”
-Henry Fold-

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