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Nutrition refers to the intake
of food in relation to the
body’s dietary needs.
Why does adolescent nutrition important?

The physical changes during

adolescence affect the body’s
nutritional needs.
For boys, muscle mass increases
and girls increase body fats.
for Adolescents
According to the Food and Nutrition Research
Institute ( FNRI), teenagers have a greater need for
certain nutrients because of the rapid growth and
development during teenage years. These include:

Adolescence is a crucial
period for
bone development .
Calcium is needed to reach the
largest amount of bone tissue or
what we call peak bone mass.
What does Calcium do?

Calcium is a mineral that is

necessary for life. In addition to
building bones and keeping them
healthy, calcium enables our blood
to clot, our muscles to contract, and
our heart beat.
Teenagers need additional
iron for the growth spurt.
Girls in the onset of
menstrual cycle require
increased iron intake. Your body
uses iron to make hemogloblin.

Within the period of accelerated

growth rate, teenagers need a lot
of body-building foods. Protein
needs of
adolescents from 13-15 years
of age are 71 grams/day for
boys and 63 grams/day for girls.
Why is protein important?

Protein makes up the

building blocks of organs,
muscles, skin and hormones.
Your body needs protein to
maintain and repair tissues.
During adolescence, boys need
more energy foods for increased
physical activities compared to
Energy needs of
adolescents from 13-15
years of age are 2,800
kilocalories for 50 kg boys
and 250 kilocalories for 49
kg girls.
The Nutritional Guide
Pyramid provides
framework to meet the needs
of Filipino children.
Why are adolescents
undernourished ?
1. Poor eating habits
2. Poor food choices and intakes
4. School canteens or
because of peers and media
3. Too conscious of the
serve less nutritious food
kinds and amounts of food
5. Low intake of iron and vitamin C
they eat
6. Skipping breakfast and
poor meals
Nutritional Problems
of an Adolescent
• Millions around the world suffer
malnutrition, and this includes

Malnutrition is a condition in
which an individuals nutrient is
inadequate or unbalanced.
malnutrition (PEM)
and micronutrient deficiencies
are our country’s leading
nutritional problems.
• Underweight is a weight that is
below desirable body weight
and overweight is a weight that
is higher than desirable body
• Micronutrient deficiency is the lack or
shortage of a substance, like vitamins
and minerals, that is essential in
small amounts for the proper growth
and metabolism.
What are the nutritional concerns
of adolescents?

1. Skipping breakfast
2. Poor selection of foods
eaten during meals/lunch
3. Poor snacking choices
4. Practice of fad diets to lose
5. Eating disorders
What are the negative effects of
malnutrition among adolescents?

1. Delay in growth and development

2. Poor performance in school
3. Being sluggish and gets tired easily
4. Delay in the development of
secondary sexual characteristics
5. Poor nutrition in adulthood

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