Health 7 Week 1 Holisitic Health and Health Dimension

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Lesson 1: Holistic Health and

Health Dimension
What is Health ?
- a state of complete physical, mental
and social well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity.
How about Wellness?
- is the quality of life that includes
physical, mental, emotional, family
- social, and spiritual health.
Holistic Health is actually an approach to
life. Rather than focusing on illness or
specific parts of the body, this ancient
approach to health considers the whole
person and how he or she interacts with
his or her environment .
Attaining holistic health should
be everybody’s goal. At this
point of your life you may have
health concerns that needed
to be addresses.
You also need to develop all
dimensions of your health.

What are the dimensions

of health?
Physical Health means how well
your body function. It means you
can carry out everyday task
without becoming too tired.
You can attain this by giving your body total care,
which includes the following:
• keeping your body fit by exercising and
participating in active games
• eating well and balance diet
• getting adequate sleep and rest
• drinking enough water
• practicing cleanliness and good grooming habits
• getting regular medical and dental check-up and
• avoiding harmful substances
Mental and Intellectual Health
means being a lifelong learner by
continuously wanting to learn new
things and improve one’s skill.
Emotional Health involves understanding
and liking yourself as well as accepting and
learning from your mistakes. It refers to
how well you meet the demands of daily life
and how you adjust to new situations.
You can practice these when you:
 face life problem squarely
 handle stress and seek help if needed
 express your emotions in positive ways
 deal with life’s pressures and stresses in
positive ways
 build strong communication network
among family, friends and peers
Social Health refers to how well
you get along with other people.
This can be observed when you:
 make and keep friends
 play/work well with a group
 give and get help from others
 communicate well and show respect
and care for yourself and others
Moral-Spiritual Health means being
at peace and in harmony with
yourself, others and a higher power
or bigger reality. What you feel,
think, and say what you believe in or
value are shown in how you act.
Changes in Health
Dimension During
What is Puberty?
Puberty is the period of human
development in which adolescent
experience dramatic physical growth
and development. Puberty is a
period of stress both physically and
Physical The physical changes occur due to
hormonal changes.
Mental/Intellectual A person challenges the way things are.
This is part of intellectual growth.
Emotional A person explores new relationships and
ideas from friends and others.
Social The adolescent starts to identify
herself/himself to a group. Having
friends means that they are accepted
and they belong.
Moral-spiritual Adolescent consistently struggle
between what they know they should
be doing and what they actually do.
I. Classify the following behaviors and practices
below whether it belongs to Enhances Health or
Hinders Health. Write your answer on the proper
Enhances Health Hinders Health
- Exercise regularly.
- Physically inactive
- Skipping meals or over eating
- Eat healthy and nutritious food
- Spending too much time surfing in the internet and
engaging in online games
- Staying up late at night
- Have a regular medical check-up
- Sleep at least 7 hours daily
- Take a balanced meal regularly
- Build strong ties with family, friends, church, and
II. Answer the following questions.
1. Why is it important to be healthy and well?
2. How are the different health dimensions
related to one another?
Exercise regularly. Physically inactive
Eat healthy and nutritious food Skipping meals or over eating
Have a regular medical check-up Spending too much time
Sleep at least 7 hours daily surfing in the internet and
Take a balanced meal regularly engaging in online games
Build strong ties with family, friends Staying up late at night
,church, and community.
I. Identify the health dimension that is being
described below. Write the correct answer on
your paper.
___1. It refers to the cognitive ability and skills
to improve one’s quality of life.
___2. It refers to one’s faith, beliefs, and values.
___3. It refers to the ability to accept and cope
with one’s own feeling and that of others.
Emotional Health Mental Health
Moral-Spiritual Health
___4. It refers to the state of the body- its compo

-sitions, functions, maintenance, and

___5. It refers to the ability to build and maintain
harmonious and satisfying relationships.
Physical Health Psychological Health
Social Health
___6. A state of complete physical, mental and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
___7. It is actually an approach to life, rather than
focusing on illness or specific parts of the body, this
ancient approach to health considers the whole person
and how he or she interacts with his or her environment.
___8. The quality of life that includes physical, mental,
emotional, family - social, and spiritual health.
Health Wellness
Holistic Health
Give at least two dimensions of health.
1. Mental Health/ Intellectual Health
2. Moral-Spiritual Health
3. Emotional Health
4. Physical Health
5. Social Health
6. Health
7. Holistic Health
8. Wellness
9. – 10. Physical Health, Mental/ Intellectual Health,
Emotional Health , Social Health, Moral-Spiritual

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