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• To do listening practice
• To know related words of sports
• To know difference sport in the court, on the field ,in gym etc
• To learn prepositions
• To learn past perfect passive and future perfect passive
• To know some idioms
To do practice
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• 1.The people are from different countries. T F DS
• 2.Most of them have the same favorite sports. T F DS
• 3.They like sports which they play well. T F DS
• 4.Another name of football is soccer in Britain. T F DS
• 5.One person likes winter sport . T F DS
• 6.Tennis is summer sport. T F DS
• 7.Sport centers offer a lot of activities and you can
• meet people who have same interests in sports. T F DS
3a. Listen to the commentaries and guess which sports
are being played. Then compare with partner.

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Ex:3b 3a. Listen to the commentaries and guess which sports are being
played. Then compare with partner. page 105
• 1. The first commentary is about … .
a. rugby b. basketball c. football
2. The second commentary is about … .
a. tennis b. hockey c. basketball
3. The third commentary is about … .
a. basketball b. volleyball c. football
4. “Leo” Messi plays for … .
a. Algeria b. Albania c. Argentina
5. Words rebounds, steals, assists and fade-away jumper are used in .
a. football b. volleyball c. basketball
6. Words pass, swing, hit and all-around are used in … .
a. volleyball b. football c. basketball

•New words
a shuttlecock goggles a snorkel mask ping pong paddles a baseball bat swords
weights a bowling ball and pins a tennis racket cleats a hockey stick and puck

a b c d e

f g h i

j g






• Rules provide an agreement of understanding to competition. In sports, rules define what is
allowed or not allowed to occur during situations on and off the court. Rules govern anything
from wearing proper uniforms
right, suitable, or correct to how to keep score during games of
different levels of competition. The rules of a game apply to players, coaches and officials,
and vary among different sports and age groups.
to be different from each
other in size, shape,

• Rules for players

• The rules for players vary depending on the sport they play and the level they play at. This
prevents a bias opposing ainparticular person or thing
an unfair way
against things such as age, development and skills
on teams. For example, football players are expected to follow rules governed by their team
such as behavior, attending practices, camps and drills and wearing the correct uniform.
Players may also be expected to train and practice outside of their playing season to stay
physically fit and updated on their skills.
• Rules for coaches
• To be able to successfully train a team and mentor players during a game, coaches should
fully understand the rules of the sport they coach. By not following the correct rules of the
sport, the team could face penalties caught by officials during games. Many sports programs
require that coaches take continuing education courses to stay updated on rules and
a way of doing something, especially
procedures. the correct In addition to game play rules, coaches need to
understand additional aspects one part of a situation, idea, planof sports rules such as proper game
ethics, nutrition and first aid, and be able to implement these aspects during drills, practices
and games. make changes that you have
officially decided should happen
the person who makes sure that the players obey the rules a method of teaching students,
Rules for officials in sports such as tennis, baseball sports players
• Sports players and coaches depend on officials including umpires and referees to understand
all of the rules of a game. Officials should also understand the signaling and whistling codes
for the sports they govern. During games, officials track scores, keep time and resolve in-
game discrepancies based on the rules for that game. To help officials, players should also
keep updated on game rules.
a difference between two amounts
details, reports/үл ойлголцол,зөрөлдөөн/
• Injury prevention
• Sports’ rules help prevent injuries during practice and in games. Rules
govern things such as access to working safety gear, including
helmets, padding and mouth guards. equipment

Rules for players Rules for coaches Rules for officials Injure prevention
Players are Coaches are Players and Player mustn’t
supposed to follow allowed to fully coaches aren’t injury during
understand and allowed to
rules governed by practice and
follow rules of discrepancy with
their team sports game
referees .
• 1. aesthetic/гоо зүйн/ appreciation • A. contest level
• B. spending much time seated ,
• 2.a competition
• 3.physical challenge • C. recognizing quality of
• 4.a co-operation movement in a performance
• 5.a sustained level • D. the state of being grossly/их
хэмжээний/ fat or overweight
• 6.a sedentary behavior
• E. working with others
• 7.obesity:when someone is very fat in a way • F. testing yourself against other
that is unhealthy
• G. testing yourself against the
environment or your best
• 1. Why do you need physical activity?

2. Why inactivity is called as a “silent killer”?

3. What are the benefits of sports?

• 4. What personal qualities will be improved when you participate in sport activities?
• .

• 5. How sport participation can positively affect your mental health?

• Regular physical activity three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes helps keep critical thinking, learning,
and using good judgment.
• 1. The most suitable title of the text is
a. Games of football b. Obsession to football c. Fans of football
2. Allegiance means
a. loyalty or commitment b. honor c. respect
3. The blogger had to support Arsenal because
a. he isn’t interested in football
b. he doesn’t want a long conversation about football matches
c. he did the same as locals do
4. “Inescapable”/зайлшгүй/ means
a. unable to be avoided or denied b. unnecessary c. preventable
5. In the end, the blogger says that he… .
a. feels annoyed with the football
b. will be a goal defense
c. will support people’s love to sport
an extreme unhealthy interest in something or worry about something
with/татагдалт/ The kids have an obsession with computer games.
Take part in to be involved in an activity, sport, event etc with other people

About 400 students took part in the protest.

Lead to/хүргэх/ to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something

The events that led to the start of the First World War

rush around to try to do a lot of things in a short period of time

Get things ready early so that you don’t have to rush around at
the last minute
rush out to produce something very quickly •Thousands of copies of the CD have been rushed out in time
for Christmas.
Familiar with knowing something very well
Chinese kids are familiar with British English, since they are
taught in school with British English.
Boast of to talk too proudly about your abilities, achievements, or possessions
The school can boast of the first secondary school girls’
rugby league team.
the feeling of being annoyed, upset, or impatient, because you cannot control or change a situation,
Frustration with She was frustrated with her son because he wouldn't clean his room.
To glance, look, or stare through something, especially in an
Peer through intent, inquisitive, or searching manner.
Sarah peered through the curtains to see if the man was still lurking /отох/
Peer into outside
to the house
look deep into something.
I peered into the room to see if anyone was in there.
Peer over to look carefully or with difficulty:
The judge peered over his glasses at the jury.

Peer at To examine, scan or stare at someone or something

Sarah's daughter came into the room and peered at me suspiciously, th
en turned around and walked right back out again.
Interested in giving a lot of attention to something because you want to find
out more about it I’m interested in classical literature.

to with at Out/to with in with Of/about

• rush ………. familiar ……… ………….frustration boast ………. peer ……
interested……….. lead……….. take part ……… obsession ………..
Listening track 26
• 1. Eddy didn’t play hockey because ... .
a. it was too dangerous b. practice was too early c. he hated hockey
2. What does Lin Yue assume about Canadians?
a. They like violence. b. They all can skate. c. All of them are
wealthy. assume
3. What does Lin Yue say about table tennis?
a. The rules are simple. b. The equipment is simple. c. It is for all ages.
4. What does Lin Yue say about her sister?
a. She taught her how to play. b. She is a good player. c. She likes to play
• 1. There were ………………… outdoor sport fans in the past.
2. I drank …………………… water than she did at the last
basketball competition.
3. I have ……………………. than an hour to do this exercise.
4. We have ……………………. time to go in for sports these
5 …………………….. than thirty children each year
participate in the chess tournament.
6. This athlete does ……………………….. workout on
weekdays. He has a full time job at the Sports Committee.
• 1. … people live in a city than in a town.
a. More b. The most c. More than
2. Men spend … hours for watching sport news than women.
a. the least b. less c. more
3. There has been … news recently about obesity caused by sedentary
a. many b. much c. a few
4. This year children have participated in … international sport events than
last year.
a. few b. more c. little
• 5. Statistically, women are involved … in team sports than men.
a. fewer b. the most c. less
6. Lately, in Mongolia … women have been doing wrestling and they
have won many
a. more b. much c. little
7. There are … winter sports are in our country to compare with
summer sports.
a. the fewest b. fewer c. less
8. Families should pay … attention to little children to be physically
a. more b. much c. many
To talk about recent actions, experiences, and ongoing actions/situations.
has been sold

has been marked

has been brought

has been covered

has been cooked

It is used to indicate an action that had been completed before another past action took place or a specific time in the past.
• 1. Dr. Richard had saved Silvia's life.
. Silvia’s life had been saved by Dr . Richard.
• 2. The Americans had discovered another
.Another planet had been discovered by the Americans.
• 3. Hospital staff hadn't accepted the injured
. The injured man had not been accepted by hospital staff.
• 4. Jerry had received the check just in time.
. The check had been received by Jerry just in time.
• 5. Jim had received an anonymous gift.
. An anonymous gift had been received by Jim
• 6. Who had designed the plan of that villa?

• 7. By whom had thehad

Firefighters planput
of that
firedesigned ?
The fire had been put out successfully by fire fighters.
Future Perfect Passive is used to talk about actions or events that will be finished by a certain moment in the future.
Positive: O+ had+ Positive: O+ will+
been+verb(PP)+by S have+been+ verb(PP)
Question: Had+O+ Question:
been+verb(PP)+by S? Will+O+have+been+
verb(PP)+by S?
Negative: O+hadn’t Negative:
been+verb(PP)+by S. O+won’t+have+
been+verb(PP)+by S.
1.The drinks will have been ordered by Frank
2All the money will have been spent by you.
The dog for a walk will have been taken by me
4.The car will have been sold by her.

5.The problem will have been solved by them

6.The book won’t have been read by her.

7.He will have been trusted by them.

8.Barbara won’t have been rung by him
9.Will the bill have been paid by them?

9.Will my socks have been washed by you?

The casino has been closed by authorities.
The result of the match will be announced by them.
New schools are being built by government.
English is spoken by students in class.
My bike was stolen by thief.
Dinner has been made by him.
The photograph was patented by Thomas Edison in 1877.
The room has already been tidied by kids.
Jenny will not have saved enough money.
Enough money won’t have been saved by Jenny..
A new important job had been gotten by my dad by San Francisco.
•Mom will have cooked our favorite meal.
Had their dancing performance been showed by girls at the school?. Our favorite meal will have been cooked by mom.
•When will he have finished writing this book?
The computer hadn’t been used by them at their school.. When will this book have been finished writing by him?.
Quick check

Active or Passive

•15 questions
•Time: 10 secs

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• 1.Argentina has won two World Cups. Two World Cup has been won Argentina.
By 2050,a cure for cancer will have been discovered by scientists.
2.By 2050 ,scientists will have discovered a cure for cancer.
3.By 1pm,the athletes had left the stadium. By 1pm,the stadium had been left by athletes.
4.In 100 years , people will have visited the Moon.In 100 years The Moon will have been visited by people
5.By 2040,the government will have banned smoking. Smoking will have been banned by government.
6.People have played football for hundreds of years. Football has been played for hundreds of years by
7.Has anyone ever sent you a ticket for basketball competition.
Has a ticket for basketball competition ever been sent by
8.Olympic medalist Prieste had stolen the first Olympic flag from one of his teammates
The first Olympic flag had been stolen by Olympic
medalist Prieste from one of his teammates.
• 1. By 1920, the first talking films … .
a. had made b. had been made
2. I’m afraid all the food … .
a. has eaten b. has been eaten
3. In 100 years, all the rainforests … down.
a. had been cut b. will have been cut
4. I… to swim by the time I was 8.
a. had been taught b. had taught
5. Alexander Fleming … penicillin by the Second World War.
a. had been discovered b. had discovered
6. My sister … her homework before I came home.
a. had already done b. had been already done
Ex 20.
Listen to the people. Are they talking about

a. girls’ hobbies b. boys’ hobbies or c. hobbies for

Link oruulah
• 1.an all-rounder • A.to perform with determination , effort
• 2.up to scratch • B. accept the challenge and try your
• 3.to get stuck into hardest
• 4.to throw in the towel • C.to give up on something
• 5. to take the bull by the • D. someone who is good at many things
horns • E.at an acceptable standard
a b c d e
all-rounder upping to scratch getting stuck into
take the bull by the horns threw in the towel

• 1. I’m not ready to take up a new hobby, because I feel I’m not
…………………………………doing it.
2. My dad has been fixing the car since this morning. But it still doesn’t
start. So he …………………
3. Tsogt can deal with anything. He can play any sports and draw pictures
very well . Everyone says that he is an …………………….
4. Don’t … …………………………………………..It’s really difficult to
jog for 10 kilometers long.
5. Don’t disturb mom. She is really ………………………………….. the
decoration of the fancy dress

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