Unit 6

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Habitat Interaction
Ex 18
1- a herbivore ургамлын идэштэн
A herbivore is an animal
that eats plants

2. Carnivore –махан идэштэн

A carnivore is an animal
that eats other animals.
1- an omnivore махан болон
An omnivore is an animal
өвсөн идэштэн that eats both plants and

2. An insectivore
An insectivore is an
шавж идэштэн animal that eats insects
• Label the animals below as herbivore, carnivore, omnivore or insectivore.
1d 2e 3f 4 a 5b 6g 7c
1- a scavenger хаягдлаар хооллодог шувуу
d an animal or other
organism that feeds on
dead organic matter

2. A vulture –тас шувуу

A large bird related to
hawks, eagles and falcons
3- fungi мөөг, мөөгөнцөр
f. A single celled organism
that lives by
муудах thnigs
4. A coyote –цөөвөр чоно
prairie wolf
5- a crow -хэрээ
b. A bird that has a stout
bill, a black plumage-өд
and a wedge-салаа
shaped tail
6. A magpie –шаазгай
дүрсгүй bird that has a
long tail, black and white
plumage-өд, сөд.
7. An interaction –харилцан үйлчлэл]

• Read the sentences and find differences.
• How is first statement is different than second and third?
Ex 23b
. c 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B
Ex 24
1. either 2. Neither 3. Both 4. Neither 5. Both 6. Neither 7.
none 8. All
1. is unbalanced 2.
Vibrates/makes 3. is
endangered 4. Keep 5. was
introduced 6. Do/recycle 7.
are disrupted by 8. Is
1. none 2. Either 3. All 4. both of 5. Neither 6. either
7. either 8. None 9. All of the choices work.
1. D 2. F 3. E 4. A 5. C

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