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Setting a Goal.
What is a Goal?

The end toward which effort is directed.

Goals keep us focused on a purpose.

Setting a Goal.
Purpose of Goal Setting?
A Goal Setting …..

Provides direction and guidance for the process.

Helps to allocate the resources available.
Helps to assess the progress of the efforts.
Accurately plan and execute the plans to success.
Setting a Goal.
Purpose of Goal Setting?

Setting a Goal
Is the first Step
Towards turning
Setting a Goal.
Types of Goals.
Short Term Goal.
Set to be achieved in the immediate Future.
They are often steps to achieve the Long term goals.

Long Term Goal.

Set to be achieved in the distant Future.
They are often the life oriented decisions.
Setting a Goal.
Fix the Destination.

It gives a sense of Direction.

It helps to see in a bigger picture.
It provides motivation.
It gives a greater control of your future.
Setting a Goal.
Fix the Destination.

Fix a destination.
Explore the paths available.
Finalize the appropriate path.
Make the journey smooth.
Reach the destination, achieve the success.
Setting a Goal.
Dream the Future.

Where would you like to be,

After, about TEN YEARS from today?
Setting a Goal.
Analyze the Opportunities.

Research the areas of your interest.

Talk to people in the fields or experts.
Check for Confident Career Options.
Explore Opportunities abroad as well.
Set the educational & Skill requirements.
Start the journey to your Goal.
Setting a Goal.
Analyze yourself.

Understand your strengths.

Realize your Inner Motivation.
Conceptualize what you want to do?
Explore the career options in the field.
Research the Options and Opportunities.
Finalize your Goal.
Setting a Goal.
Break down the Dream Destination.

Fix the way to reach the Goals.

Break them into shorter paths.
Achieve them one by one.
Improve your understanding and confidence.
Get updated and upgraded with the advancements.
Reach your Goal.
Setting a Goal.
Make it SMART.

Specific - Have a clarity about your Goal.

Measurable - The achievements could be assessed.
Attainable - Be realistic with the dream and the efforts.
Relevant - Be practical and true to yourself.
Timed - Set time frames to achieve them.

Reach your Goal.

Setting a Goal.
Avoid conflicts

Talk to parents and elders in the family.

Talk to teachers and subject experts.
Talk to friends and / or Siblings & Cousins.
Talk to people in the field.
Talk to yourself.

Reach your Goal.

Setting a Goal.
Every Journey set out should have some strength in you.
Strength comes, not with hard works.
Strength comes, not from smart works.
Strength comes, not through home works.

Strength comes – from dedication.

Strength comes – from learning.
Strength comes – from failures.
Strength comes – through Practicing.

Strength can make you reach your Goal.

Setting a Goal.

Not an Option.
Not an Objective.
Not a Resolution.
Not a Mission.
Setting a Goal.
There are more failure stories than success stories in the world.
A failure is a fall, to make us learn How to Rise.

It’s not the failure, but the FEAR to fail,

the real enemy in between you and your Success

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