LECTURE 2-Data Types

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Sri Krishna Arts And Science College

Department of ICT

Course Title: PHP & MYSQL

Course Code: 19CSS22
Class : III BSc – Computer Technology “A”
Google Class room Code: 7cxe5v3

Online Material
Lecture 2: Data types in PHP


Assistant Professor

Department of Computer Technology

 Data types
 Integers
 Floating-Point Numbers
 Strings
 Booleans
 Arrays
 Objects
 Resources
 Callbacks
 Variables
Text Books
1. Rasmus Lerdorf, Kevin Tatroe, Bob Kaehms, RicMcGredy
(2020), Programming PHP, O’REILLY(SPD), 4th Edition.
2. Vikram Vaswani, 2017, “PHP A Beginners Guide”, Tata
3. Lee Babin, Nathan A. Good, Frank M. Kromann, Jon
Stephens (2013), “PHP 5Recipes, A problem solution
approach”, après

Topic: Data types in PHP

Reference: Clever Techie Channel

Topic: Data types in PHP

Reference: ChidresTechTutorials

 A literal is a data value that appears directly in a program

 Examples
 2001
 0xFE
 1.4142
 "Hello World"
 'Hi'
 true
 null

 Identifiers are the names of variables.

 The names of functions,constants and classes are also
 Rules:
 Identifiers can be of any length and can consist of letters,
numbers, and underscores.
 Identifiers cannot begin with a digit.

 In PHP, identifiers are case sensitive. $tireqty is not the same

as $TireQty.
 Trying to use them interchangeably is a common
programming error.
 Function names are an exception to this rule: Their names
can be used in any case.
 A variable can have the same name as a function.
 This usage is confusing, however, and should be avoided.
 Also, you cannot create a function with the same name as
another function.

 Identifiers can be any length.

 This is advantageous because it enables a programmer to
accurately describe the identifier's purpose via the identifier
 An identifier name can't be identical to any of PHP's
predefined keywords.
▪ PHP variable is just a assigment to refer a location in memory
where some value is stored.
▪ You can not refer to memory addresses directly.

▪ Since PHP variable friendly refered to memory locations.

▪ All variables in PHP are prefixed with a dollar sign ($).

▪ PHP parser to recognize the variable dollar sign and dollar

sign is not technically part of the variable name.
▪ PHP variables most of part have a single scope, which most
used included and required files as well.

$b = 1; /* global scope */

function test()

echo $b; /* reference to local scope variable */

Any variable used inside a function is
called local function scope.
test(); Note: This example will not produce any
output because echo statement refers to
?> a local version of the $b variable and it
has not been assigned a value within this
Data Types in PHP

 PHP data types are used to hold different types of data or

 PHP supports 8 primitive data types that can be categorized
further in 3 types:
 Scalar Types (predefined)
 Compound Types (user-defined)
 Special Types
Data Types in PHP

 PHP Data Types: Scalar Types

 It holds only single value. There are 4 scalar data types in
 boolean
 integer
 float
 string
Data Types in PHP

 PHP Data Types: Compound Types

 It can hold multiple values. There are 2 compound data types
in PHP.
 array
 object
PHP Boolean

 Booleans are the simplest data type works like switch.

 It holds only two values:
 TRUE (1)
 FALSE (0).
 It is often used with conditional statements.
 If the condition is correct, it returns TRUE otherwise FALSE.
if (TRUE)
echo "This condition is TRUE.";
if (FALSE)
echo "This condition is FALSE.";
Output:This condition is TRUE.
PHP Integer
 Integer means numeric data with a negative or positive sign.

 It holds only whole numbers

 Rules for integer:

 An integer can be either positive or negative.

 An integer must not contain decimal point.

 Integer can be decimal (base 10), octal (base 8), or

hexadecimal (base 16).
 The range of an integer must be lie between 2,147,483,648
and 2,147,483,647 i.e., -2^31 to 2^31.
PHP Integer-Example
$dec1 = 34;
$oct1 = 0243;
$hexa1 = 0x45;
echo "Decimal number: " .$dec1. "</br>";
echo "Octal number: " .$oct1. "</br>";
echo "HexaDecimal number: " .$hexa1. "</br>";

Decimal number: 34
Octal number: 163
HexaDecimal number: 69
PHP Integer-Example
243)8 = (163)10
Step by step solution
Step 1: Write down the octal number:
Step 2: Multiply each digit of the octal number by the
corresponding power of eight:
2x82 + 4x81 + 3x80
Step 3: Solve the powers:
2x64 + 4x8 + 3x1
Step 4: Add up the numbers written above:
128 + 32 + 3 = 163

So, 163 is the decimal equivalent of the octal number 243.

PHP Integer-Example
To convert the hex number 0X45 to decimal (or any other
hexadecimal number for that matter), you follow these steps:
Step 1) Multiply the last digit by 1, Multiply the second to last digit
by 16, Multiply the third to the last digit by 16 x 16, Multiply the
fourth to the last digit by 16 x 16 x 16, Multiply the fifth to the last
digit by 16 x 16 x 16 x 16 and so on until all the digits are used.
Step 2) Add up all the products you got from Step 1 to get the
answer to 0X45 in decimal.
4 x 16 = 64
5 + 64 = 69
Float/double Data type-Example
 It is also called numeric data types.
 A number with a fractional component.
 $num hold value=100.0.
 pass $num inside echo statement to display the




Output: float(100)
Float/double Data type-Example
$n1 = 19.34;
$n2 = 54.472;
$sum = $n1 + $n2;
echo "Addition of floating numbers: " .$sum;

Output: Addition of floating numbers: 73.812

PHP String
 A string is a non-numeric data type. It holds letters or any
alphabets, numbers, and even special characters.
 String values must be enclosed either within single quotes or in
double quotes. But both are treated differently.
$company = "Javatpoint"; Hello Javatpoint
Hello $company
echo "Hello $company";
echo "</br>";
echo 'Hello $company';
PHP Array
• An array is a compound data type.
• It can store multiple values of same data type in a single
$bikes = array ("Royal Enfield", "Yamaha", "KTM");
var_dump($bikes); echo "</br>";
echo "Array Element1: $bikes[0] </br>";
echo "Array Element2: $bikes[1] </br>";
echo "Array Element3: $bikes[2] </br>";
PHP Array-Output

array(3) { [0]=> string(13) "Royal Enfield"
[1]=> string(6) "Yamaha" [2]=> string(3)
"KTM" }
Array Element1: Royal Enfield
Array Element2: Yamaha
Array Element3: KTM
PHP object
 Objects are the instances of user-defined classes that can
store both values and functions.
 They must be explicitly declared.
class bike {
function model() {
$model_name = "Royal Enfield";
echo "Bike Model: " .$model_name;
Bike Model: Royal Enfield
$obj = new bike();
$obj -> model();
PHP Resource

 Resources are not the exact data type in PHP.

 Basically, these are used to store some function calls or
references to external PHP resources.
 For example - a database call. It is an external resource.
$con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","","users");
 Function will return a resource type data to be stored into
$con variable.
PHP Null
 Null is a special data type that has only one value: NULL.

 There is a convention of writing it in capital letters as it is

case sensitive.
 The special type of data type NULL defined a variable with
no value.


$nl = NULL;

echo $nl; //it will not give any output

Predefine functions to Check data type
 is_int( ) : Check given value is integer or not

 is_float( ) : Check given value is float or not

 is_numeric( ) : Check given value is either integer or float

 is_string( ) : Check given value is string or not

 is_bool( ) : Check given value is Boolean or not

 is_array( ) : Check given value is array or not

 is_object( ) : Check given value is object or not

 is_null( ) : Check given value is null or not

Variables Types
 Variable Variables

 You can reference the value of a variable whose name is

stored in another variable.

Ex: $foo = 'bar';

$$foo = 'baz';
 After the second statement executes, the variable $bar has
the value "baz".
Variables Types
 Variable References

 In PHP, references are how you create variable aliases.

 To make $black an alias for the variable $white,

use: $black =& $white;

 The old value of $black is lost. Instead, $black is now another
name for the value that is stored in $white
Variables Types
 Variable References

 After the assignment, the two variables are alternate names

for the same value.
 Unsetting a variable that is aliased does not affect other
names for that variable's value, though:

$white = "snow";

$black =& $white;


print $black;

Output: snow
Variable Scope
 There are four types of variable scope in PHP:

 local

 global

 static

 function parameters.
Local Scope
 A variable declared in a function is local to that function.

 It is visible only to code in that function (including nested

function definitions);
 it is not accessible outside the function.

function update_counter ( )

{ $counter++; }

$counter = 10;

update_counter( ); Output: 10

echo $counter;
Global Scope
 Variables declared outside a function are global.

 Can be accessed from any part of the program.

 However, by default, they are not available inside functions.

 To allow a function to access a global variable, you can use

the global keyword inside the function to declare the variable
within the function
function update_counter ( )
{ global $counter;
$counter++; }
Output: 11
$counter = 10;
update_counter( );
echo $counter;
Static Variables
 A static variable retains its value between calls to a function
but is visible only within that function.
 You declare a variable static with the static keyword.
function update_counter ( )
Static counter is now 1
static $counter = 0; Static counter is now 2
$counter++; Global counter is 10
echo "Static counter is now $counter\n";
$counter = 10;
update_counter( );
update_counter( );
echo "Global counter is $counter\n";
Function Parameters
 Function parameters are local, meaning that they are available
only inside their functions.

function greet ($name)

echo "Hello, $name\n";
Hello, Janet


Note: In this case, $name is inaccessible from outside greet( ).

Garbage Collection
 To understand memory management in PHP, you must first
understand the idea of a symbol table .
 There are two parts to a variable

 its name (e.g., $name), and

 its value (e.g., "Fred").

 A symbol table is an array that maps variable names to the

positions of their values in memory.
 When you copy a value from one variable to another, PHP
doesn't get more memory for a copy of the value.
Garbage Collection
 Instead, it updates the symbol table to say "both of these
variables are names for the same chunk of memory."
 So the following code doesn't actually create a new array:
$worker = array("Fred", 35, "Wilma");

$other = $worker; // array isn't copied

 If you then modify either copy, PHP allocates the memory and
makes the copy:

$worker[1] = 36; // array is copied, value changed

 By delaying the allocation and copying, PHP saves time and
memory in a lot of situations. This is copy-on-write.
Garbage Collection
 Reference counting is the preferred way to manage memory.

 Keep variables local to functions, pass in values that the

functions need to work on, and let reference counting take
care of freeing memory when it's no longer needed.
 If you do insist on trying to get a little more information or
control over freeing a variable's value, use the isset( ) and
unset( ) functions.
Garbage Collection
 To see if a variable has been set to something, even the empty

use isset( ):

$s1 = isset($name); // $s1 is false

$name = "Fred";

$s2 = isset($name); // $s2 is true

 Use unset( ) to remove a variable's value:

$name = "Fred";

unset($name); // $name is NULL

 Check if given variable holds a integer type of value then print
the sum otherwise show error message
 Is there any limit on how large a PHP integer value can be?
Do It Yourself


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