JK11 Basic Networking Hardware

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Basic Networking

 Basic LAN Definition
 Network Hardware
 Network Media
 Sample LAN Implementation
 Definition – LAN
 "local area network"
 Is a group of computers and associated devices that share a
common communications line or wireless link and typically share
the resources of a single processor or server within a small
geographic area (for example, within an office building).
 Usually, the server has applications and data storage that are
shared in common by multiple computer users.
 A local area network may serve as few as two or three users (for
example, in a home network) or many as thousands of users.
 Definition – Wireless LAN
 A local area network that transmits over the air typically in an
unlicensed frequency such as the 2.4GHz band.
 A wireless LAN does not require lining up devices for line of sight
 Wireless access points (base stations) are connected to an
Ethernet hub or server and transmit a radio frequency over an
area of several hundred to a thousand feet which can penetrate
walls and other non-metal barriers.
 Roaming users can be handed off from one access point to
another like a cellular phone system.
 Laptops use wireless network cards that plug into an existing
PCMCIA slot or that are self contained on PC cards, while stand-
alone desktops and servers use plug-in cards (ISA, PCI, etc.).
 Characteristics – LAN
 Topology
 The geometric arrangement of devices on the network or
the shape of a local-area network (LAN) or other
communications system.
 Protocols
 The rules and encoding specifications for sending data. The
protocol defines the format and meaning of the data that is
exchanged. The protocols also determine whether the network
uses a peer-to-peer or client/server architecture.
 Media
 Devices can be connected by twisted-pair wire, coaxial cables,
or fiber optic cables. Some networks do without connecting
media altogether, communicating instead via radio waves.
 Topology types

 bus topology: All devices are connected to a central cable, called the bus
or backbone. Bus networks are relatively inexpensive and easy to install
for small networks. Ethernet systems use a bus topology.
 star topology: All devices are connected to a central hub. Star networks
are relatively easy to install and manage, but bottlenecks can occur
because all data must pass through the hub. This is not much of a
problem anymore with the widespread deployment of switches.
 ring topology: All devices are connected to one another in the shape of a
closed loop, so that each device is connected directly to two other
devices, one on either side of it. Ring topologies are relatively expensive
and difficult to install, but they offer high bandwidth and can span large
Network Hardware
 Hub OSI Model Layers
 An unintelligent network device that sends one 7 Application
signal to all of the stations connected to it.
 All computers/devices are competing for 6 Presentation
attention because it takes the data that comes 5 Session
into a port and sends it out all the other ports 4 Transport
in the hub.
3 Network
 Traditionally, hubs are used for star topology
networks, but they are often used with other 2 Data Link
configurations to make it easy to add and 1 Physical
remove computers without bringing down the
 Resides on Layer 1 of the OSI model
Network Hardware
 Switch OSI Model Layers
 Split large networks into small segments, 7 Application
decreasing the number of users sharing the
same network resources and bandwidth. 6 Presentation
 Understands when two devices want to talk to 5 Session
each other, and gives them a switched 4 Transport
3 Network
 Helps prevent data collisions and reduces
network congestion, increasing network 2 Data Link
performance. 1 Physical
 Resides on Layer 2 of the OSI model.
Network Hardware
 Bridge OSI Model Layers
 Connects two LANs and forwards or filters data 7 Application
packets between them.
 Creates an extended network in which any two 6 Presentation
workstations on the linked LANs can share 5 Session
data. 4 Transport
 Transparent to protocols and to higher level 3 Network
devices like routers.
2 Data Link
 Forward data depending on the Hardware
(MAC) address, not the Network address (IP). 1 Physical
 Resides on Layer 2 of the OSI model.
Network Hardware
 Repeater OSI Model Layers
 Used to boost the signal between two cable 7 Application
segments or wireless access points. 6 Presentation
 Can not connect different network architecture. 5 Session
 Does not simply amplify the signal, it 4 Transport
regenerates the packets and retimes them. 3 Network
 Resides on Layer 1 of the OSI model. 2 Data Link
1 Physical
Network Hardware
 Router OSI Model Layers
 A device that connects any number of LANs. 7 Application
 Uses standardized protocols to move packets 6 Presentation
efficiently to their destination. 5 Session
 More sophisticated than bridges, connecting 4 Transport
networks of different types (for example, star 3 Network
and token ring) 2 Data Link
 Forwards data depending on the Network 1 Physical
address (IP), not the Hardware (MAC) address.
 Routers are the only one of these four devices
that will allow you to share a single IP address
among multiple network clients.
 Resides on Layer 3 of the OSI model.
Network Hardware
 Additional Network Hardware Devices:
 Network Interface Cards (NICs)
 Puts the data into packets and transmits packet onto the network.
 NICs (Network Interface Cards)
 Are connectivity devices that enable a workstation, server, printer, etc. to receive
and transmit data over the network media
 Most NICs contain a data transceiver (the device the transmits and receives data)
 NIC’s belong to both the Physical and Data Link layer of the OSI model
because they issue signals to a wire or into the atmosphere and they receive data
 They perform the routines that determine which node has the right to transmit
data over a network at any given instant – e.g. CSMA/CD on Ethernet
 Many NICs can also perform prioritization, network management, buffering, and
traffic-filtering functions
 NICs do not analyse information added by the protocols in Layer 3 through to
Layer 7 of the OSI model ay be wired or wireless.

Gateways and Other Multifunction Devices

Gateway is a term that can refer to one of many similar kinds of devices or interfaces in
networking, so it is important to understand the context in which it is used.

 In broad terms, gateways are a combination of networking hardware and software that
connect two dissimilar kinds of networks
 Gateways actually repackage information so that it can be read by another system
 Gateways can reside on servers, microcomputers, connectivity devices or mainframes

The following is a list of some common gateways

 Email gateway – translates messages from one type of email system to another
 Internet gateway – allows and manages access between LANs and the Internet
 LAN gateway – allows segments of a LAN running different protocols or different
network models to communicate with each other
 Voice/data gateway – connects part of a network that handles data traffic with the part of
the network that handles voice traffic
 Firewall – selectively blocks or filters traffic between networks
Sample LAN Implementation
Business Configuration
Sample LAN Implementation
Business Configuration

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