Lobbying - Intercultural Communication

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Lobbying as an efficient tool in

Intercultural Business

Prof. Efthalia (Elia)

University of the Peloponnese,

Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &
Modern Politics

 Political Culture
 Globalization
 Influence of International Politics
 Political Parties and Pressure Groups
 Influence Mechanisms

Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &

 Definition: it is the process of influencing

policy-making or/and government politics
according to certain methods and techniques
 Variety of represented interests on local and
international level
 Public suspicion – need for transparency
 Code of Conduct
Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &
Lobbying in Europe

 Key Actors in policy –making

 Increased number of Lobbyists
 Interests represented of various kinds
 The role of Interest groups
 National lobbying
 Lobbying in the EU and the US

Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &
 To have political consciousness
 To follow the Code of Conduct
 To be able to gather information
 To have appropriate argumentation
 To form coalitions and keep allies
 To know legislation
 To know policy-making procedures
 To have PR competence
 To be social
 To be able to adjust
 To speak many languages
Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &
Lobbying Techniques

 Speech writing
 Speech delivery
 Media exposure
 Leaflets
 Event organization
 Organization of conferences & Seminars
 Signatures
Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &
Pressure Groups

 Pressure Groups are social aggregates with

some level of cohesion and shared aims
which attempt to influence the political
decision-making process
 Identified in all political systems
 The pluralist approach as opposed to the
corporatist approach

Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &
Pressure Groups

 Pressure-Groups methods determined by:

– The political institutional structure
– The nature of the part system
– The political culture
– The nature of the issue
– The nature of the group

Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &
References (selected)
 Beyers, J., Hanegraaff, M. & Poletti, A. (2016). Explaining varying lobbying styles across
the Atlantic. An empirical test of the cultural and institutional explanations.
Journal of Public Policy ,1(4).
 Chatzigianni, Efthalia (2014). Corporatism and pluralism in European sport interest
representation. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics. 6(1),19-36
 Korkea-aho, E. (2023). The End of an Era for Foreign Lobbying? The Emergence of
Foreign Transparency Laws in Washington, Canberra and Brussels. Journal of Common
Market Studies,
 MacArthur, John B. (1999). The impact of cultural factors on the lobbying of the
International Accounting Standards Committee on E32, comparability of financial
statements: an extension of MacArthur to accounting member bodies, Journal of
International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 8(2), 315-335
Introduction to Intercultural
Commonucation in Business &

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