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A Walkthrough on

Resource Speaker
Google Drive is a
What is cloud-based storage
solution that allows
you to save files
online and access
them anywhere from
any smartphone,
tablet, or computer.
Nolledo (2020).

“Google Drive is a modern-day hard drive.”

If you have a Google account, you already
have 15 GB of free storage on

Google Drive gives you the power to upload and save a range of file
types — documents, photos, audio, and videos — to Google servers,
or the "cloud." Drive can serve as a backup solution, or as a way to
free up space on your device.
For Google Workspace in Education, you
had UNLIMITED of free storage on

until 2020 that Google announced that there is

now a baseline of 100TB of pooled cloud
storage shared across all users.
How to Use Google Drive
How to Use Google Drive

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