Lesson 4

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Strategic Marketing Planning

Refer to a process of defining an organization's long-term

direction, goals, and objectives, and determining the best course of
action to achieve those goals.

It involves analyzing an organization's internal and external

environment, identifying opportunities and threats, setting goals and
objectives, and developing strategies to achieve those goals.
Importance of Strategic Planning

• It helps organizations identify their strengths and weaknesses,

and determine where they need to focus their resources to
achieve their objectives.

• It also helps organizations adapt to changes in their

environment, anticipate future trends, and make informed
decisions about resource allocation.
Scope of Strategic Planning

Vary depending on the size and complexity of the organization.

• It can range from a high-level strategic plan for the entire

organization to more specific plans for individual departments or
business units.

• Strategic planning can also be used to address specific issues or

challenges facing an organization, such as a declining market share
or a changing regulatory environment.
Different Kinds of Strategic Plans

There are several kinds of strategic plans, each designed to

address specific aspects of an organization's operations. Here are
some of the most common types of strategic plans:

• Corporate Strategic Plan: This type of plan outlines the overall

direction and goals of an entire organization. It includes a vision
statement, mission statement, and objectives for the
organization as a whole.

• Business Unit Strategic Plan: This plan focuses on a specific

business unit within the organization. It includes goals and
objectives that are tailored to the unique needs and challenges of
that unit.
• Functional Strategic Plan: This type of plan focuses on a
specific functional area within the organization, such as
marketing, operations, or finance. It includes goals and
objectives that are specific to that function, and outlines
strategies for achieving them.

• Operational Strategic Plan: This plan focuses on the day-to-

day operations of the organization. It includes goals and
objectives related to operational efficiency and effectiveness, and
outlines strategies for achieving them.

• Project or Initiative Strategic Plan: This plan focuses on a

specific project or initiative within the organization. It includes
goals and objectives related to that project, and outlines
strategies for achieving them.
Strategic Planning Process

1. Establishing the Mission and Vision: The first step in the

strategic planning process is to establish the organization's
mission and vision. This involves defining the purpose of the
organization and what it aims to achieve in the long term.

2. Conducting a SWOT Analysis: Once the mission and vision

have been established, the organization should conduct a SWOT
analysis to identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats. This analysis will help the organization better
understand its internal and external environment and identify
potential areas for improvement.
3. Setting Goals and Objectives: Based on the results of the
SWOT analysis, the organization should set goals and objectives
that align with its mission and vision. These goals and objectives
should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-

4. Developing Strategies: After setting goals and objectives, the

organization should develop strategies for achieving them. This
involves identifying the actions that need to be taken to achieve
each goal and objective and developing a plan for implementing
those actions.

5. Implementing the Plan: With the strategies in place, the

organization should begin implementing its strategic plan. This may
involve making changes to the organization's structure, processes,
or systems to support the plan.
6. Monitoring and Evaluating Progress: As the plan is being
implemented, the organization should regularly monitor and
evaluate its progress. This involves tracking key performance
indicators and making adjustments as needed to ensure that the
plan is on track.

7. Revising the Plan: Finally, the organization should periodically

revise its strategic plan to reflect changes in the internal or external
environment or to update goals and objectives as necessary.
Developing Marketing Strategy

1. Define your target audience: Identify who your ideal

customer is and what their needs and wants are. This will help
you tailor your marketing efforts to reach them more effectively.

2. Conduct market research: Use market research to gain

insights into your target audience, competitors, and industry
trends. This will help you understand the current state of the
market and identify opportunities for growth.

3. Set clear goals and objectives: Establish specific and

measurable goals that align with your overall business
objectives. This will help you track your progress and determine
the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
4. Develop a unique value proposition: Define what sets your
product or service apart from the competition and use this to craft
your messaging and positioning.

5. Determine your marketing mix: Decide on the marketing

tactics and channels that you will use to reach your target
audience. This may include social media, email marketing, content
marketing, paid advertising, and more.

6. Develop a budget: Determine how much you can allocate to

marketing and decide how to allocate those resources across your
marketing mix.
7. Create a timeline: Establish a timeline for implementing your
marketing strategy and ensure that all of your tactics are integrated
and coordinated.

8. Measure and adjust: Continuously measure the effectiveness

of your marketing efforts and adjust your strategy as needed. This
will help you optimize your results and improve your return on

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