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TEAM – 3
SIVA SURYA V S 310622104140
SIVASHANKAR M 310622104142
• Introduction to I/O streams
• Byte stream
• Character stream
• Buffered stream
• File I/O operations
• Serializing and deserializing
Stream Output stream
• A stream is a sequence of data. In Java,
a stream is composed of bytes.
• In Java, 3 streams are created for us
automatically. All these streams are
attached with the console.
• 1) System.out: standard output stream
Input stream
• 2) standard input stream
• 3) System.err: standard error stream
I/O streams in java
• In Java, I/O (Input/Output) streams provide a way to handle
input and output operations.
• Two types of streams
Input and output stream : represent the flow of data into and out of
a program
Byte Stream
• ByteStream classes are used to read bytes from the input stream and write
bytes to the output stream.
• ByteStream classes read/write the data of 8-bits.
• The ByteStream classes are divided into two types of classes, i.e., InputStream
and OutputStream. These classes are abstract and the super classes of all the
Input/Output stream classes.

Examples of ByteStream Classes:

• FileInputStream and FileOutputStream: Read from and write to files
• ByteArrayInputStream and ByteArrayOutputStream: Operate on byte arrays
in memory.
• DataInputStream and DataOutputStream: Read and write primitive data
Character Stream
• Character streams are used to handle text-based data
Types of Character Stream Classes:
• Reader: Abstract class for reading characters from different sources.
• Writer: Abstract class for writing characters to different destinations.

Examples of Character Stream Classes:

• FileReader and FileWriter: Read from and write to text files, respectively.
• StringReader and StringWriter: Read from and write to strings.
• BufferedReader and BufferedWriter: Provide buffering capabilities for
improved performance
Buffered stream
Buffered input streams read data from a memory area known as a buffer;
Similarly, buffered output streams write data to a buffer.

There are four buffered stream :

• BufferedInputStream and BufferedOutputStream - create buffered byte
• BufferedReader and BufferedWriter - create buffered character streams
File I/O operations
1.Writing to a File:
Java provides FileWriter and BufferedWriter classes for writing data to
2.Reading from a File:
FileReader and BufferedReader classes facilitate reading data from files
in Java.
3.Exception Handling:
File I/O operations in Java may encounter IOExceptions due to various
reasons like file not found or permission issues
Exception handling with file I/O
• Exception handling is crucial when performing file I/O operations in
Java to handle potential errors gracefully.
• Common exceptions include FileNotFoundException, IOException, and
• Use try-catch blocks to surround file I/O operations that may throw
• Each catch block should handle a specific type of exception, providing
meaningful error messages or appropriate error recovery actions.

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