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Santa Katarina

By Juan Camilleri
Facts about St Katarina

She was the American founder Her biggest achievement was She also had two kids going by St Katarina established 50
of the blessed sacraments sisters founding the blessed sacraments the name of Louise Drexel and missions for Indians in 16
for Indian and coloured people. community. Elizabeth Drexel. different states

St Katarina’s opening prayer

was Ever Loving God {which
St Katarina did a miracle when St Katarina had about $7
means that god is saying
she restored the hearing for a million {in today’s currency it
something very important and
little boy would be about $180million}
we can love him with every part
of our being.}
Her impact on our society

her impact on our society

• St Katarina had an impact on our society when she

founded the blessed sacraments group for Indians and
coloured people which had a good change and made
everyone one big society, with now one being judged.
• Another impact that she had was when she and her family
used to donated food, clothing, and money twice a week
which helped lot’s of people.
• Another reason was that she showed everyone that even if
we are all different we are still people and it doesn't mean
that we must judge eachother
How can St Katarina be a role model for

• St Katarina can be a role model for me because

she teaches me how to always care for people of
the world, give to others who have less than me,
and always reminds me to make sure that
different people are never being bullied.
• To be like St Katarina I can learn to
always care for everyone even for my
enemies who might be against me.
How can I be like • Another way to be like her is to always
her help someone who is hurting or going
through family problems and needs
someone to talk to too.
Pictures of her and her life
St Katarina

Here is the logo the was

used for the Blessed
Sacraments Community

This is the community that St

Katarina had started

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