13 Diffie Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm 22-02-2022

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Asymmetric Key

(Public key cryptography)

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 1

Symmetric-key cryptography based on sharing secrecy

• In symmetric –key cryptography, symbols are permuted or substituted

• In asymmetric-key cryptography, numbers are manipulated.
• Symmetric-key cryptography based on sharing secrecy
• Asymmetric-key cryptography based on personal secrecy

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 2

Encryption with a Public Key System

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 3

• Put (lock, locking key) in the
public domain, i.e., in a post
• Anyone who wants to send me a
letter confidentially can do the
– Buy a strong box
– Use my lock with the locking key
to lock the letter inside.
– Send me the locked box.
Lo Unl
cki ocki
ng ng
Ke key
04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 4
Key Exchange with a Public Key System

Bob (ke , k d) is the key pair Alice

of Alice

session encryted session

key sess. key key
k E k (k) k
Alice’s e Alice’s
public Private
Key k e Key k d

Bob generates the session key k, sends Alice the encrypted session key.

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 5

The Idea of Public Key Cryptography
• Trapdoor One-Way Function
Given y and a trapdoor,x can be computed easily.

04/01/2024 WECP 6
Symmetric Vs Asymmetric Key
Characteristics Symmetric key Asymmetric key

Key used for Same Key is used for One key is used for encryption
encryption/decryption encryption and and another different key is
decryption used for decryption
Speed of Very fast slower
Size of resulting cipher Usually same as or less More than the original text
text than the original text size size
Key agreement/exchange A big problem No problem

Number of keys required N(N-1)/2 secret keys N secrete keys

Usage Mainly used for encryption Can be used for encryption
and and decryption as well as for
decryption(Confidentiality digital signature
),cannot be used for
Digital signature

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 7

Applications of public_key cryptography

• Encryption/decryption
• Digital Signature(Authentication)
• Key Exchange
RSA: √ √ √
Diffie_Hellman: × × √
DSA: × √ ×

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 8

RSA Key-Generation
• Select two large primes p and q such that p≠q
• n p×q
• Ø(n) (p-1) × (q-1)
• Select e such that 1<e< Ø(n) and e is coprime to Ø(n).
• d e-1 mod Ø(n) //d is Inverse of e modulo Ø(n)
• Public_key (e,n) //To be announced publicly
• Private_key d // To be kept secret

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 9

• Encryption C=Pe mod n
• Decryption P=Cd mod n
• Fast Exponentiation algorithm:
for i= k downto 0
do c=2 × c
d=(d × d) mod n
if bi =1
then c=c+1
d=(d × a) mod n
Return d

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 10

Alice wants to send the message “THIS IS A TEST”, which
can be changed to a numeric value using the 00−26
encoding scheme (26 is the space character).

The ciphertext calculated by Alice is C = Pe, which is

Bob can recover the plaintext from the ciphertext using P =
Cd, which is

The recovered plaintext is “THIS IS A TEST” after


Here is a more realistic example. We choose a 512-bit p
and q, calculate n and f(n), then choose e and test for
relative primeness with f(n). We then calculate d. Finally,
we show the results of encryption and decryption. The
integer p is a 159-digit number.


The modulus n = p × q. It has 309 digits.

f(n) = (p − 1)(q − 1) has 309 digits.


Bob chooses e = 35535 (the ideal is 65537) and tests it to

make sure it is relatively prime with f(n). He then finds the
inverse of e modulo f(n) and calls it d.

Attacks on RSA
• Factorization Attack
• Chosen-Ciphertext Attack
• Plaintext Attacks
- Short Message Attack
- Cycling Attaack
• Timing Attack

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 16

Diffie-Hellman Key exchange Protocol


1 R1=gx mod p

2 R1
R2=gy mod p 3

R2 4

5 K=(R2)x mod p K=(R1)y mod p 6

K=gxy mod p

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 17

• K = (R2)x mod p
= (gy mod p)x mod p
= (gy)x mod p
= (gyx) mod p
= (gxy) mod p
= (gx)ymod p
= (gx mod p)y mod p
= (R1)y mod p

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 18

• Both A and B need to choose a large prime number p on the order of 300 decimal digits(1024
bits) and g, is a primitive root of order p-1 in the group<Z p*,×>
• A chooses a large random number x such that 0≤x ≤ p – 1 and calculates R 1 =gx mod p.
• B chooses another large random number y such that 0≤y ≤ p – 1 and calculates R 2=gymod p.
• A sends R1 to B.
• B sends R2 to A.
• A computes symmetric key,K=(R2)x mod p
• B computes symmetric key,K=(R1)y mod p

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 19

Security of Diffie-Hellman
• Discrete Logarithm Attack
• Man-in-the-middle Attack

04/01/2024 V.madhu Viswanatham 20

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