ABC Book For Clinical Psychology

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ABC Book for

Clinical Psychology
Aarav Lalan
A big event or a buildup of
smaller stressful life
situations may trigger
excessive anxiety


Causes : Anxiety can be normal in

stressful situations such as public speaking
or taking a test. Anxiety is only an
indicator of underlying disease when
feelings become excessive, all-consuming,
and interfere with daily living.
Bipolar disorder

Selena Gomez has bipolar disorder . An

emotional breakdown during a concert
tour years later marked her turning point,
resulting in a stay in a psychiatric hospital
and a bipolar disorder diagnosis.She went
on to describe periods of mania followed
by depression so severe she could barely
get out of bed .
Cognitive Processing Therapy

Cognitive processing therapy is a

manualized therapy used by clinicians to
help people recover from posttraumatic
stress disorder and related conditions. It
includes elements of cognitive behavioral
therapy treatments, one of the most widely
used evidence-based therapies

Depression is a mental state of low mood

and aversion to activity. It affects more
than 280 million people of all ages (about
3.5% of the global population).
Depression affects a person's thoughts,
behavior, feelings, and sense of well-being
. Depressed people often experience loss
of motivation or interest in, or reduced
pleasure or joy from, experiences that
would normally bring them pleasure or
I Insomnia
Persistent problems falling and staying asleep.

Most cases of insomnia are related to poor

sleep habits, depression, anxiety, lack of
exercise, chronic illness, or certain

Symptoms may include difficulty falling or

staying asleep and not feeling well-rested.

Treatment for insomnia consists of improving

sleep habits, behavior therapy, and identifying
and treating underlying causes. Sleeping pills
may also be used, but should be monitored for
side effects.

Aaron Carter
The former teen pop star, rapper, and
dancer says he’s dealing with several
mental illnesses, including
schizophrenia. This lifelong condition
can affect you in profound ways.
Some people have hallucinations or
delusions, which is when you see, feel,
or believe things that aren’t real.
Others might speak in nonsense, or
have trouble with their memory and
reasoning. Carter says he’s on several
medications to manage his symptoms.

Pop star Ariana Grande has been

diagnosed with PTSD, but she has been
very open about a the trauma caused by a
terrorist attack at her concert in
Manchester, England, in 2017 that claimed
the lives of 23 people.
Illness anxiety disorder

Illness anxiety disorder is a chronic mental

illness previously known as hypochondria.
People with this disorder have a persistent
fear that they have a serious or life-
threatening illness despite few or no
symptoms. Medications and cognitive
behavior therapy (CBT) can help.
Treatment for PTSD
Treatment includes different types of
trauma-focused psychotherapy as well as
medications to manage
symptoms.Cognitive behavioral therapy
and Eye movement desensitization and
What is the diagnosis for people with
PTSD ? Treatment is usually lifelong and
often involves a combination of
medications and psychotherapy.Support
group, Cognitive behavioral therapy,
Psychoeducation, Family therapy, and
Psychotherapy , medicines like
Anticonvulsant, Antipsychotic, and
Excessive thoughts (obsessions) that lead to
repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized

by unreasonable thoughts and fears (obsessions)
that lead to compulsive behaviors.

OCD often centers on themes such as a fear of

germs or the need to arrange objects in a specific
manner. Symptoms usually begin gradually and
vary throughout life.

Treatment includes talk therapy, medications, or

Mood Disorder
Mood disorders or affective disorders are
described by marked disruptions in
emotions (severe lows called depression or
highs called hypomania or mania). These
are common psychiatric disorders leading
to an increase in morbidity and mortality.
How to verify if someone has Seasonal
Affective Disorder:

The following are the most common

symptoms of SAD:

● Increased sleep and daytime

● Loss of interest and pleasure in
activities formerly enjoyed.
● Social withdrawal and increased
sensitivity to rejection.
● Irritability and anxiety.
● Feelings of guilt and
● Fatigue, or low energy level.

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