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The Nervous System

How does it work?

The Central Nervous System

The CNS is made up of the brain and the spinal cord Your brain monitors all unconscious processes such as
heart rate, breathing and digestion, it also controls all of the voluntary movements of the body The cerebellum is the part of the brain which controls movement, it also controls balance and posture All of the nerves outside of the CNS are known as the peripheral nervous system, this system sends messages back to the CNS regarding millions of factors such as heat, touch, movement etc.

Motor Neurones
Motor neurones are made up of three main
areas 1. The cell body containing the nucleus and mitochondria 2. The dendrites, which are highly branched extensions of the cytoplasm extending from the cell body within the grey matter of the spinal cord 3. The axon, this is the long body of the motor neurone that emerges from the spinal cord and its main function is the transmission of nerve impulses along the myelin sheath

The structure of a motor Neurone and Motor Unit

Motor units are made up of the motor neurone

Motor Units

and all of the muscle fibres that it is attached to. The nerve impulse bounces along the myelin sheath, the thicker the myelin sheath the faster the nerve impulse travels Eventually the impulse reaches the motor end plate within the muscle cells ALL OR NONE- Once a motor unit has been activated all or none of the muscle fibres will contract

Gradation of Contraction
We understand that once a motor unit has
been activated all or none of the muscle fibres will contract How do we vary the intensity of muscle contraction? 1. Varying the frequency of the stimulus, the higher the frequency (i.e. the more messages being sent the stronger the contraction) 2. By varying the number of motor units recruited (i.e. the more unit the stronger the contraction)

Your Task
In your role as an army doctor you are required
to write a letter to an officer suffering from a nervous disability explaining to him the strucutre and function of the nervous system It is your responsibility to fully educate him on how the nervous system works You are allowed to use diagrams and pictures however they must be relevant The letter must be addressed correctly and include headed paper

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