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Structural Functionalism is

a framework for building

theory that sees society as a
complex system whose
parts work together to
promote solidarity and
functional dysfunctional
5 Situations are Facing an Actor

1. Conformity
5 Situations are Facing an Actor

1. Innovation
5 Situations are Facing an Actor

1. Ritualism
5 Situations are Facing an Actor

1. Retreatism
5 Situations are Facing an Actor

1. Rebellion
- is a method of socioeconomic
analysis that uses a materialist
interpretation of historical
development to understand class
relations and social conflict, as well
as a dialectical perspective to view
social transformation.
Karl Marx
Communist Manifesto
- is a social, political, and
economic philosophy named after
Karl Marx, which examines the
effect of capitalism on labor,
productivity, and economic
development and argues for a
worker revolution to overturn
capitalism in favor of communism.
Karl Marx
Communist Manifesto
Friedrich Engels
Father of Marxist theory
- is a methodology used that focuses on
human societies and their development
through history, arguing that history is the
result of material conditions rather than
- is a philosophy of science and
nature developed in Europe and
based on the writings of Marx and
Symbolic interactionism is a sociological
theory that develops from practical
considerations and suggests to people's
particular utilization of dialect to make
images and normal implications, for
deduction and correspondence with
Symbolic interaction was conceived by

George Herbert
Concepts of Symbolic Interactionism
• The most important conceptual
building block on which symbolic
interactionists have based their analysis
of human conduct is the concept of the
symbol, or, as Mead called it, the
significant symbol.
Concepts of Symbolic Interactionism
• Symbol is a vocal or other kind of gesture that has
the same meaning and solicits the same reaction
between the one using it and to whom it is
• Conventional Signs anything associated with some
other thing or event, but it is produced and
controlled by the very organisms that have learned
to respond to it
Concepts of Symbolic Interactionism
• Natural Signs are those that show appropriateness
with its use, that is, the sign is in its literal form.
• Object is anything to which attention can be paid
and towards which action can be directed.
• Tangible anything that can be seen by the naked
eye and can be touched (physical).
• Intangible not having a physical appearance;
cannot be touched or seen by the naked eye
"Humans act toward things based on the meanings they
ascribe to those things."
"The meaning of such things is derived from, or arises out of,
2 the social interaction that one has with others and the society."
"These meanings are handled in, and modified through, an
interpretative process used by the person in dealing with the
things he/she encounters."

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