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DIVYA DIVYA (C0792482)

• Onboarding means help new employees to feel

engaged into their company and provide all
resources and tools which they need for their
work. Moreover, it increases the success, retention
and satisfaction of employees which allows
companies to meet its mission and goals.
Benefits of onboarding program.

 Attract and retain top talent.

 Higher employee engagement.
 Contribute to a more effective, productive workforce.
 Build trust and alignment.
 Forge connection with employees.
 Promote communication between the supervisor and the new employee.
 Stronger company culture.
 Encourage employee confidence and helps the new employee adapt faster to the job.
 Increase productivity.
Identification of main problems

• Sometimes when upper management set on boarding program but the employers and employee are
not clarified about their role and duties in regards to training with newcomers. Use this phrase when
an employee is struggling with understanding her duties in your organization, “I understand that you
feel like this is not what you ‘signed up for’ let's talk about what's different.”
• When boarding start everything is new for an employee so sometimes it is difficult for an employee to
task and match the outcomes or productivity as expected by the employer. This phases is trying to do
too much too soon can be too much too soon. trying to make a good impression and being too heroic
in expectations can be stressful and can actually lead to align Ting others instead of building
Identification of main problems
• Employer is not clear about when to do the orientation to complete the extra
paperwork or formalities.
• navigating the culture is an issue but it can help to build an strong
relationship with her manager if an employee is showing that he is not fitting
into the company culture don't waste time before approaching the problem
help employee with culture and letting her know that what you offering
assistance we certainly make it an easier transition for her the phrase is “Our
culture can sometimes be tricky for new hires, what Feedback have you
gotten? ”
• It is difficult to select the training method according to the employee.
• Coordination problem between upper management and an employer about
onboarding process.
Analysis of the issues

• When upper management sets socialization program or on-boarding program, then there can become coordination
problem between upper management and an employer because it may happen that employees did not get an idea
about their duties how they have to co-ordinate with new comers or new employees in an organization. Their role
and designation is entirely different from others.

• This is clear that employer or upper management will expect something in return after the conduction of this program
in the form of increase in productivity, but it is difficult for the employees to meet their expectations.

• This can be a stressful phase for the employees as they have no idea how to perform their duties.

• Different cultural background can be a major issue among all these parties. Their way of doing work can be different.

• Training is an art of increasing job-specific or related knowledge of a person. Sometimes, it can be a issue in front of
upper management how and when to conduct training programs for the employees. What kind of programs should be
conducted by the organization for enhancing the knowledge of the employees .
Solutions and Recommendations

 Before fist day, provide necessary knowledge and information to the

new employee regarding the timing, supervisor, colleagues, schedule,
the official company’s website for on boarding and other important
 Make proper environment for employees on their first arrival.
 On the first day, make sure that new employee feel comfortable and
 Be ensure that the employer should make employees familiar with
their duties and responsibilities.
Solutions and Recommendations

• Explain about the benefits, privileges and other advantages to employees

which helps them to retain in a company.
 Employer should evaluate the performance of employees timely (such as after
3 months) that employer can answer the upper management about where
they to give training and the reason of lacking of performance.
 After one year, management has to verify about the productivity, performance
and decided about the shifting the employee from on the job training to
continuous development.


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