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Presented by:

Angel Andrade
Renalyn Maligo

Romblon State University 2024


• Social literacy is a student’s successful performance and

understanding of Social Skills, organizational skills, and
communication skills. It is the student’s ability to connect effectively
with those around them.
• Social literacy spans across interacting with peers, family,
coworkers, teachers, and even people we may not have met face to

Romblon State University 2024

How can we incorporate social literacy into the 2

1. Discussion and Debate
2. Reading and Writing
3. Role – Playing
4. Service learning
5. Use of media
6. Collaborative Projects

Romblon State University 2024

Ways to incorporate social literacy online: 3

Blogging – students learn how to effectively use the internet and share
their thoughts and knowledge appropriately.
Class Website – extremely useful in teaching students how to use and
navigate on the internet.
Video Conferencing – it opens up a realm of social interaction that can
teach students so much about people in the world around them.

Romblon State University 2024


Social Networking Sites – gives students opportunities to know

and learn about people all over the world in a matter of seconds.
Encouraging students to meet people of other cultures and learn
about social issues around the world is a priceless opportunity –
and we are so blessed to have sites like these to make it happen.

Romblon State University 2024

Ways to incorporate social literacy in a face 5

to face environment
Group projects – give students opportunities to interact face to face and
experience social interactions.
Peer reviewing – teaches students how to give constructive advice and
communicate their thoughts well.
Field trips – taking students to a museum or to volunteer in an area in need
could help students open their eyes and learn about different societies.

Romblon State University 2024

Importance of Social
1. Building relationships
2. Resolving conflicts
3. Promoting inclusion
4. Enhancing well-being
5. Improving productivity

Romblon State University 2024

Ways on practicing Social Literacy
1. Develop active listening skills
2. Cultivate empathy
3. Enhance your cultural awareness
4. Practice effective communication
5. Develop conflict resolution skills
6. Build collaborative skills
7. Participate in social activities

Romblon State University 2024


Individuals with high social literacy are better equipped to

navigate diverse social environments and communicate
effectively with people from different backgrounds and
perspectives. Developing social literacy skills can lead to
greater success in personal and professional relationships and
can help promote a more inclusive society.
Romblon State University 2024

Romblon State University 2024

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