Line of Fire

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• Insert text

Line of Fire
Line of Fire
•• Taskstext
Insert performed every day involve “Line of Fire” hazards. These Line of Fire
hazards often result in injury or damage.

• “Line of Fire” means personnel placing their body, limbs, hands, fingers, etc in
positions where they have the potential to be injured.

• This also includes the interface between personnel and plant or plant and
surrounding objects, either stationary or moving. Such as:

 In the path of mobile equipment

 Suspended loads
 Working next to unstable materials that could shift
 Working next to objects under tension
 Placing hands or other body parts in equipment that can rotate.
 Working near stored energy

Line of Fire
INSERT – Injury and Damage
Insert that
text may result from Line of Fire hazards, can include:

 Cuts,
 lacerations,
 crush injuries,
 bruising,
 fractures and
 amputations
From being caught between or struck by materials, sharp objects, mobile plant, using the
incorrect tool for the task or slipping/tripping.

Damage to plant and equipment can result from:

 Reversing into other mobile equipment of stationary objects
 Plant and equipment contact
 Vehicles and plant parked in the Line of Fire of other equipment

Line of Fire
INSERT examples
• Insert text

Line of Fire
INSERT examples
• Insert text

Line of Fire
• Questions
Insert text to ask yourself when planning your tasks to aid in identifying and
controlling Line of Fire hazards
Can I:
• Be struck by anything around me, above me or by tools being used
• Be caught on any sharp edges, protrusions or hidden hazards
• Come in contact with rotating parts, chemicals or sharp blades
• Be exposed to stored energy, such as high pressure lines, parts under tension
• Affect others through performing my task, for example
 Moving items with plant (IT, forklift, etc)
 Driving vehicles
 Operating mobile plant

Line of Fire
text Do I ?

• Have the required licences, training and competency's to perform the task
• Is there a THA for the task and have I read and signed the THA
• Need additional permits
• Have I conducted a TTTC for the task
• Have the correct tool/s for the task and are they fit for purpose
• Have the correct PPE and is it fit for purpose
• Need to communicate with others regarding my tasks and if these will affect others in the
• Need any other resources to perform my task safely, such as:
 barricades
 Signage
 spotters

Line of Fire
can assist
text in controlling Line of Fire Hazards by:

• Reporting all hazards using the Hazard Reporting card. This includes hazards that you have identified
and controlled. By reporting all hazards (controlled and otherwise) we can identify if there are any
hazards, such as line of fire, that are continuously re-occurring.

• Follow all policies and procedures.

• Maintain your awareness of where you and you body parts are and what is going on around you.
Complacency is a significant factor with line of fire incidents.

• Look out for others in the work area, ensure they are not in the Line of Fire.

• Ensure you consider Line of Fire hazards when planning your activities

Line of Fire
• Insert text


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