Transition Signal 2

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Lastly __(1), there was a very loud sound.

It was
next like ten lightning bolts at the same time.
__(2), I heard a scary screech! A bright flash
first of light lit up the sky. __(3), I saw a strange
then figure walking towards me. It was tall __
(4) big. It was __(5) round. __(6), I saw what
and made the sounds! It was a raccoon digging
also through my trash!
First, there was a very loud sound. It was
like ten lightning bolts at the same time.
Next, I heard a scary screech! A bright
flash of light lit up the sky. Then, I saw a
strange figure walking towards me. It was
tall and big. It was also round. Lastly, I saw
what made the sounds! It was a raccoon
digging through my trash!
are linking words or phrases
that connect your ideas and add
What is cohesion to your writing. They
Transition signpost or indicate to the
reader the relationship between
Signals? sentences and between
paragraphs, making it easier for
the reader to understand your
What are the 9
Arrange the sentences in the correct order
to make a paragraph.
 A. By the time we found out, there were no
tables available.
 B. First of all, we wanted to book a table, but
we didn’t know for what time.
 C. Eventually, we picked another restaurant,
but then Dad rang and said he didn’t get home
before 10 o’clock.
 D. Last week, we planned to take our dad to a
Identify the coherence signal in the following sentence

1. "The weather was hot; __________, the pool was crowded with swimmers."
a) also b) as a result c) to begin with d) in conclusion

2. Choose the correct coherence signal to complete the sentence: "She loves to dance; __________, she takes
ballet and hip-hop classes."
a) moreover b) consequently c) in addition d) otherwise

3. In the sentence, "He forgot his umbrella; __________, he got drenched in the rain."
a) however b) to begin with c) as a result d) for instance
3. In the sentence, "He forgot his umbrella; __________, he got drenched in the rain."
a) however
b) to begin with
c) as a result
d) for instance

4. Identify the coherence signal in the following sentence: "The team practiced diligently; __________, they won the
a) Otherwise b) to begin with c) Consequently d) for instance

5. Choose the correct coherence signal to complete the sentence: "You need to study hard; __________, you won't
pass the exam."
a) Also b) consequently c) in conclusion d) otherwise

6. In the sentence, "The car broke down; __________, they had to call for a tow truck."
a) Also b) in conclusion c) as a result d) for instance
7. Identify the coherence signal in the following sentence: "I enjoy hiking; __________, I love exploring new trails."
a) to begin with b) moreover c) consequently d) in fact

8. Choose the correct coherence signal to complete the sentence: "She was feeling unwell; __________, she
decided to stay home and rest."
a) Consequently b) moreover c) in addition d) for instance

9. In the sentence, "If you don't finish your homework, __________ you might get a lower grade."
a) Also b) consequently c) Otherwise d) in fact

10. Identify the coherence signal in the following sentence: "Firstly, we went to the museum; __________, we had
lunch at a nearby café."
a) as a result b) moreover c) Consequently d) in conclusion
11. Choose the correct coherence signal to complete the sentence: "He needs to improve his writing skills;
__________, he should practice more often."
a) Consequently b) in addition c) otherwise d) for instance

12. In the sentence, "She enjoys swimming; __________, she goes to the pool every weekend."
a) in fact b) otherwise c) consequently d) also

13. Identify the coherence signal in the following sentence: "They forgot to buy tickets; __________, they were not
allowed to enter the concert."
a) in fact b) moreover c) as a result d) for instance

14. Choose the correct coherence signal to complete the sentence: "He needs to pass the exam; __________, he
must study diligently."
a) Also b) consequently c) otherwise d) in conclusion

15. In the sentence, "She loves to travel; __________, she plans to visit Europe next summer."
a) in conclusion b) in fact c) consequently d) moreover
1. You can go to a good university if you work hard, for example,
2. She speaks three languages besides Spanish.
3. Even though the country is experiencing great economic loss due to
this pandemic, it has continued helping other countries by sending
our medical front liners and other essential materials.
4. The students reviewed their lessons well before their exams. As a
result, they passed the school’s assessment process.
5. My mother cooked our favorite breakfast. After eating, she washed
the dishes and other utensils. Then, she swept the floor and cleaned
the whole house.
1. Example
2. Addition
3. Compare/contrast
4. Cause and Effect
5. Sequence
6. C
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
 1. Likewise  6. in other words
 2. before  7. almost
 3. because  8. as a result
 4. specifically  9. besides
 5. also  10. finally
Make your own short story
using various transitional
words. Write it on a long
bond paper, the font size is
11, and the font style is

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