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 Green building also known as green construction or sustainable
building. It is a way of enhancing the environment. It benefits
humans, the community, and the environment in order to reduce
resource consumption while enhancing quality of life.this ultimately
results in reduction of greenhouse gases which will help to reduce
greenhouse effect. this paper presents an overview of application of
modern green infrastructure construction technology which makes a
significant impact on conservation/proper utilization of resources like
land, water, energy, air, material thereby reducing the overall cost of
construction as well as adverse impacts of climate change.
What is a “green” building?
 Green buildings are designed, constructed and operated to boost
environmental, economic, health and productivity performance over
that of conventional buildings. Asreflected in the USGBC’s voluntary
LEED rating system, widely accepted as the nationalstandard for green
buildings, an integrated design approach addresses the potential of the
site itself, water conservation, energy-efficiency and renewable energy,
selectionof materials and indoor environmental quality.Projects that
meet higher levels of LEED certification can include a wide array of
featuressuch as storm water retention through landscaping, innovative
wastewater technologies,reflective roofs, energy generating sources
and personal comfort controls. And, of course, energy-saving
technologies such as WaterFurnace geothermal and water source
heatingand cooling.
 Eco-Friendly-by least disturbance to eco system. Energy lighting
efficient-through the natural ventilation and solar passive designs
efficient use of water- through recycling and water harvesting use of
renewable energy- through photo voltaic systems and solar system
etc.non toxic material in door environment, use of recycle/recyclable
materials, efficient waste utilization and disposal
What are some of the benefits of a
“green” building?
Many of the benefits of green building technologies and practices for occupants,
owners and the environment and society at large are quantifiable and well
documented. These include energy savings, measurable reduction of waste,
decreased water use, and improved indoor air quality. Other benefits are less
tangible and harder to demonstrate statistically while highly desirable.
These include improvements in occupants’ health, employee morale, productivity,
recruitment, employee retention and improved public image for organizations and
businesses that build green.
Many building and health experts agree that the social benefits of green building
technologies and practices can produce financial returns for employers and
building owners that overshadow the savings associated with more measurable
building performance gains
 Here are some financial, economic and environmental benefits of green
building technologies and practices
High-performance green buildings
are cost-effective
 Even for projects loaded with high value features, higher first costs
often are recovered within three to five years through lower
operating expenses and utility rebates for energy-saving equipment.
Savings in energy of 20-50 percent are common through energy-saving
technologies, integrated planning and downsized equipment.

The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) was formed in the year 2001 by
Confederation of Indian Industry (CII).The aim of the council is to bring
green building movement in India and facilitate India to become one of
the global leaders in green buildings by 2015


IGBC has developed green building rating programmers’ to cover

commercial, residential, factory buildings, etc Each rating system
divided into different levels of certification
 Today more than 1053 green buildings (as on April2011) are being
constructed all over India. Of which 147 green buildings are certified
and fully functional


Buildings have a large effect on the environment,
human health and the economy. The successful
adoption of GREEN BUILDING developed can
maximize both the economic and environmental
performance of the buildings.
 Enhance occupant
comfort and health,
heighten aesthetic
qualities, minimize
strain on local
infrastructure, Improve
overall quality life.
This research identified the exciting developments taking place on the
technology front and analyzes their implications for intelligent and green
buildings, highlighting examples of “best in class” buildings employing
green and intelligent technologies. These buildings are dynamic
environments that respond to their occupants? Changing needs and
lifestyles. This research provided documented evidence to educate and
influence end- users, building owners, architects, and contractors that a
“greener building” can be achieved using intelligent technology and that
this “greening” will provide a tangible and significant return on investment
.to all of the above going ‘GREEN’ IS THE ONLY.

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