ITE3711 Lecture1.3 Operators 20230906

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Lecture 1

Part 3 :

ITE3711 - Programming Concept and Applications

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Python operators’ groups

• Arithmetic operators
• Assignment operators
• Comparison operators
• Logical operators
• Identity operators
• Membership operators
• Bitwise operators

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations

Operator Name Example

** Priority 1
+ Addition a+b 5 + 5  10
* / // % Priority 2
- Minus, Subtraction a-b 5-50
+- Priority 3
* Multiplication a*b 5 * 5  25
/ Division a/b 5/51
** Superscripts, a ** b 5 ** 2  25
// Integer division a // b 5 // 2  2.5  2
% Remainder, Modulus a%b 5%21 3
Lecture 1 – Part 3

Arithmetic operators

Example of + addition and - minus

Example Result
print(5 + 5) 10
print(5.0 + 5.0) 10.0
print(5 - 5) 0
print(5.0 - 5.0) 0.0
print(-5 + 5) 0
print(-5.0 + 5.0) 0.0

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Arithmetic operators

Example of * multiplication,
/ division, Example Result

** superscripts, print(5 * 5) 25
print(5.0 * 5.0) 25.0
// integer division,
print(5 ** 4) 625
and % remainder
print(5 / 5) 1.0
print(5.0 / 5.0) 1.0
print(5 / 4) 1.25
print(5 // 4) 1
print(4 % 4) 0
print(5 % 4) 1
Lecture 1 – Part 3

Arithmetic operators

Writing a formula using arithmetic

operators Example Result
(Program code format) (5 * (4 - 3)) / 6
(7 + a) / ((2 * a) * 1) - (2 * c) / 3
(a ** 2 + b ** 2) ** 0.5

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Assignment operators

Assignment operators are used to assign

values to variables Operator Example Equal to (Same as)
(Shortened way of writing operations) = x=5 x=5
+= x += 5 x=x+5
-= x -= 5 x=x-5
*= x *= 5 x=x*5
/= x /= 5 x=x/5
%= x %= 5 x=x%5

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Assignment operators

Example of =, += and -=
Operator Example Result
= x=5 5

+= x=5 10
x += 5
-= x=5 0
x -= 5

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Assignment operators

Example of *=, /= and %=

Operator Example Result
*= x=5 25
x *= 5
/= x=5 1.0
x /= 5
%= x=5 0
x %= 5

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Comparison operators

Comparison operators are used to

compare two values Operator Name Example
Assume a = 5, b = 10, c = 5
(Conditional statement)
== Equal a == b a == b  False
!= Not Equal a != b a != b  True
> Greater than a>b a > b  False
< Less than a<b a < b  True
>= Greater than or equal to a >= b a >= b  False
a >= c  True
<= Less than or equal to a <= b a <= b  True
a <= c  True
Lecture 1 – Part 3

Logical operators

Logical operators are used to combine

conditional statements Operator Description Example
Assume a = 5, b = 10
and Returns TRUE if all the statements are a <= b and a >= b
true  False
or Returns TRUE if one of the statement is a <= b or a >= b
true  True
not Reverse the result, not(a > b)
True  False  True
False  True

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Logical operators

Truth table
Condition 1 Condition 2 and or
result result
True True True True
True False False True
False True False True
False False False False

Condition not
True False
False True
Lecture 1 – Part 3

Example of using operators

number1 = 5
number2 = 10
sum = number1 + number2

print(sum) Output:
print("The sum of two numbers: " + str(sum)) 15
The sum of two numbers: 15

Using + operator to calculate the sum

sum = number1 + number2

Using + operator to combine string and numeric value

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Example of using operators

The sum of two numbers: 15
number1 = 5 35
number2 = 10 The sum of two numbers: 35
sum = number1 + number2

print("The sum of two numbers: " + str(sum))

number1 = 15
Update the value of variable – number1 and number2
number2 = 20
sum = number1 + number2

print("The sum of two numbers: " + str(sum))
Lecture 1 – Part 3

Example of using operators

The sum of 5 and 10 is 15
number1 = 5 35
number2 = 10 The sum of 15 and 20 is 35
sum = number1 + number2

print("The sum of " + str(number1) + " and " + str(number2) + " is " + str(sum))

number1 = 15 Using + operator to combine strings and numbers

number2 = 20
sum = number1 + number2 Update the value of variable – number1 and number2

print("The sum of " + str(number1) + " and " + str(number2) + " is " + str(sum))
Lecture 1 – Part 3

Example of using operators

The sum of 5 and 10 is 15
number1 = 5 35
number2 = 10 The sum of 15 and 20 is 35
sum = number1 + number2

print("The sum of " + str(number1) + " and " + str(number2) + " is " + str(sum))

number1 += 10 Using += operator to update the value of variable

number2 += 10 number1 += 10 is the shortened way of
sum = number1 + number2 number1 = number1 + 10

print("The sum of " + str(number1) + " and " + str(number2) + " is " + str(sum))
Lecture 1 – Part 3

Example of using operators

Peter can play the roller coaster? True

name = "Peter" John can play the roller coaster? False

height = 173

print(name + " can play the roller coaster? " + str(height>145))

print() Using > operator to get True / False

print() is used to print a new line

name = "John"
height = 182 Using and operator to combine conditions

print(name + " can play the roller coaster? " + str(height>145 and height<180))

Lecture 1 – Part 3

Example of using operators

The result of c is: 11.180339887498949
The result of c is: 11.18
a = 5 The result of c is: 11.2
b = 10
c = (a ** 2 + b ** 2) ** 0.5

print("The result of c is: " + str(c))

print("The result of c is: " + str(round(c,2))) Using ** operator
print("The result of c is: " + str(round(c,1)))
round() is used to set the float number rounded to how many
decimal place(es)

round(variable, decimal place(es))


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