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What is biodiversity?

Biodiversity is the variety of life forms on earth and the

essential interdependence of all living things.
It is a term used to describe the enormous variety of life
on Earth. It can be used more specifically to refer to all
the species in one region or
ecosystem. Biodiversity refers to every living thing,
including plants, bacteria, animals, and humans.
Biodiversity provides food for
humans. A significant proportion of
drugs are obtained. A wide range of
industrial materials like cotton, dyes,
gums, rubber, and oil are derived
directly from plants.
It plays an important role in making
and maintaining ecosystems.
Biodiversity provides functioning
ecosystems that supply oxygen,
clean air and water, pollination of
plants, pest control, wastewater
treatment and many ecosystem
It is necessary to classify organisms
because it helps in the identification
of living organisms as well as in
understanding the diversity of living
organisms. Classification helps us to
learn about different kinds of plants
and animals, their features,
similarities and differences.
The goal of classifying is to place an
organism into an already existing
group or to create a new group for it,
based on its resemblances to and
differences from known forms. To
this end, a hierarchy of categories is
WHY IS recognized.

How are Organisms classified?
All organisms are divided into five kingdoms. Living organisms are classified on
the similarities, each kingdom is further divided into smaller taxonomic categories
in the following way:

This table is also known as a

taxonomic hierarchy
The core threats to biodiversity are
human population growth and
unsustainable resource use. To date,
the most significant causes of
extinctions are habitat loss,
introduction of exotic species, and
overharvesting. Climate change is
predicted to be a significant cause
of extinctions in the coming
I’ll conclude that biodiversity is very important for
us as it is a source of food and income. Every
ecosystem on earth needs biodiversity and without it
the whole web of life that includes us
humans will collapse. Species provide important
resources so we can survive. The ocean
and biodiversity need each other without
biodiversity the ocean would be murky with no sign
of life.
Made by Mehreen Jabeen

Any questions? Grade 9th A


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