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Chapter 6: Behaviorism

Classical Conditioning Operant Conditioning Observational Learning


Dominated Psychology in the first half of the 20th Century. Dealt with behavior only, not mental processes.

Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning



1849-1936 Russian physician/ neurophysiologist Nobel Prize, 1904 studied digestive secretions

Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning


device for recording salivation

Pavlovs Apparatus for Studying Classical Conditioning in Dogs

Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning: Respondent Behavior

Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)

stimulus that unconditionally- naturally and automatically - triggers a response

Unconditioned Response (UCR)

unlearned, naturally occurring response to the unconditioned stimulus

salivation when food is in the mouth

Classical Conditioning: Respondent Behavior

learning in which a neutral stimulus acquires the capacity to elicit a response after being paired with another stimulus that naturally elicits that response Unconditioned response (UCR): automatic response to a stimulus Unconditioned stimulus (UCS): naturally and automatically elicits a response Conditioned response (CR): learned response to a previously neutral stimulus Conditioned stimulus (CS): after repeated pairings with UCS, elicits the same response

Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning: Respondent Behavior

Conditioned Stimulus (CS)

originally neutral stimulus that, after association with an unconditioned stimulus, comes to trigger a conditioned response

Conditioned Response (CR)

learned response to a previously neutral conditioned stimulus

Pavlovs Classic Experiment

Before Conditioning

UCS (food in mouth)

UCR (salivation) During Conditioning UCS (food in mouth) Neutral stimulus (tone) UCR (salivation) Neutral stimulus (tone) No salivation

After Conditioning

CS (tone)
CR (salivation)

Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning

UCS (passionate kiss)

UCR (sexual arousal)

CS (onion breath)

UCS (passionate Kiss)

CS (onion breath)

UCR (sexual arousal)

CR (sexual arousal)

Classical Conditioning

Classic Conditioning Allows Animals to Learn to Predict Events

Learning theorists once believed that the learning in classical conditioning is unintentional and automatic (classic behaviorism).
Most contemporary learning theorists now believe classical conditioning involves quite a bit of mindfulness because, (through the conditioning process) humans and other animals are learning to reliably predict upcoming events.

Classic Conditioning Allows Animals to Learn to Predict Events

Psychologists once believed that the key to acquiring a conditioned response was the sheer number of CS-UCS pairings.
However, the order and timing of CS-UCS pairings is also very important because it provides valuable information about the upcoming occurrence of the unconditioned stimulus.

Utility: Avoiding a Predators Attack through Classical ConditioningStep 1

Avoiding a Predators Attack through Classical ConditioningStep 2

Avoiding a Predators Attack through Classical ConditioningStep 3

Stages in Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning


the initial stage of learning, during which a response is established and gradually strengthened the phase associating a neutral stimulus with an unconditioned stimulus

Stages in Classical (Pavlovian) Conditioning

Extinction: gradual weakening and disappearance of the conditioned response Spontaneous recovery: reappearance of an extinguished response after a period of nonexposure to the conditioned stimulus

After Acquisition, Other Stimuli Can Produce the Conditioned Response

Stimulus generalization: tendency for a conditioned response to be elicited by stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus

Drops of saliva in 30 seconds 50 40 30 20 10 60

0 paw Thigh






Part of body stimulated

Animals Differ in What Responses Can Be Classically Conditioned

Early learning theorists assumed that the principles of conditioning were similar across all species, but subsequent research indicates that this assumption is incorrect. Animals often differ in what responses can be conditioned. In some animals, some responses can be conditioned much more readily to certain stimuli than to others. An animals biology steers it toward certain kinds of conditioning.

Taste aversion study by Garcia and Koelling

Rats learned to avoid a light-noise combination when it was paired with electric shock, but not when it was followed by X rays that made them nauseous. In contrast, rats quickly learned to avoid flavored water when it was followed by X rays, but they did not readily acquire an aversion to this same water when it was followed by shock. It is also adaptive that in taste aversion, strong conditioning develops despite the long delay between the CS (the taste) and the UCS (the nausea).

Biological Constraints on Taste Aversion in Rats

Classically Conditioned Phobias

Phobias: exaggerated and irrational fears of objects or situations Such intense fear reactions often develop through classical conditioning. We can develop a phobia toward anything, but some objects (snakes) or situations elicit phobic reactions more easily than others.

Nausea Conditioning among Cancer Patients

UCS (drug) UCR (nausea)

CS (waiting room)

UCS (drug) UCR (nausea)

CS (waiting room)

CR (nausea)

Little Alberts Fear Conditioning

UCS (loud noise)

UCR (fear)

CS (rat)

UCS (loud noise)

CS (rat)

UCR (fear)

CR (fear)

Stimulus similar to rat (such as rabbit)

Conditioned fear (generalization)

John B. Watson: Famous Behaviorist

Conditioned Emotional Responding Extreme Nurture (learning) position Fear learned through stimulus generalization? Emotion-evoking Advertising

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