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CXX training

Customer Experience Excellence

Customer Orientation program

 Learn to identify & analyze customer needs and problems
 Recognize the most common reasons for customer
 Discover techniques to cultivate & maintain special customer
 Assess your communication style & use two ways of
communication skills to level with people to accept feedback
from them & to discuss problems
 Identify specific problems in your customer service program &
apply treatment

Write one sentence defining the

Customer Service
State one example for the best

customer service you faced

Create a slogan ( # )
Questions on being a customer
 Why do u need customer service?
 Was the service provided over the phone or face 2 face
 How did the customer service agent respond to your

request, inquiry & problem ?

 If u felt the service was excellent/poor , describe what

made it so good/bad ?
Do u know why they leave ?

 1% die
 3% move away
 5% develop other relationships
 9% leave for competitive reasons
 14% are dissatisfied with service
 68% leave because of rude or discourteous service
Customer Service Efficiencies
 Communication
 Customer sensitivity
 Energy
 Flexibility
 Follow up
 Impact
 Initiative
 Integrity
 Job knowledge
 Judgment
 Motivation to serve
 Planning
 Situation analysis
 Work standards
Excuses 
 List 5 to 8 excuses you hear customer service agent
give for offering indifferent or poor customer service

 Think of one of more ways to discuss each excuse

Common excuses from customer service agents

 I don't have time

 I don't get paid to be nice , I'm measured by my
productivity & accuracy
 How can we do a good job if the pc is down
 Every customer is totally bonkers today
 I can't deal with people who don't show me respect
 How can we do a good job if the other departments don't
provide the back up needed
 I'm having a bad day
 People are stupid
 I'm busy
The customer wants to
 Greet me
 Value me
 Help me
 Listen to me
 Invite me back
The 7 pillars of a customer service
1. Develop a customer service mission statement :

 Clearly convey your objective as they relate to customer service

 Should be dedicated to building an organizational perspective

of what wowing the customer is truly about

 Communicate mission statement with customers & employees ,

all to keep the mission alive as well as communicate its success ,
( could include signs throughout the organization , internal
employee newsletters , incentive to good work
2. Customer service is attitude and action :

 It is one thing to be willing to offer great customer

service , however willingness means nothing without

 Employees need to be encouraged to take matters into

their own hands & impress clients

 State an Example
3. Base training

 Employees must be trained on customer service & best


 Base training should include 3 major components

( workshops ,discussions & real world activity )

 Workshops should teach core component & facilitate

discussion about real world challenges of the organization
as well as specific customers
4. Coaching employees

 Coaching is a matter of helping employees embrace the

techniques taught & form new positive attitudes about the

 Must be sincere approach to have managers learn the

specific techniques that coaching includes managing is
about telling people what to do , coaching is about asking
questions & helping employees improve their performance
5. Creative thank you's

 Most people will not take the time to say thank u because
they are too busy , so make this a common practice in your

 If your competition is too busy while you make the time , you
will truly standout

 A simple hand written note is all it takes

 Cards are not the only way to say thank you , get creative 
6. Functional walkthrough

 A functional walk-through is a step by step view of the lifecycle of a

customer as it relates to doing business with your organization

 The key is to identify stages in which specific people or

departments engage and interact with the customer

 Helps organizations identify key points where they can create

worthwhile methods of interaction

 Few organizations will ever take the time to look at the customer in
such a manner
7. Engage Engage Engage

 Have your staff learn three new things about clients daily (
just create them & give an example)

 Employee will push back , most of them want to come to

work do their jobs & go home
Top 10 companies with the best customer service

1. Samsung
2. DirecTV TV group ( satellite television provider )
3. Papa john's
4. Hilton hotels
5. Cox communications ( telephone & internet services )
6. Southwestern airlines
7. Google
8. Toyota
9. GE ( General Electrics )
10. Apple

As per Social trending company

The Best 5 Hospitals Worldwide

1. Mayo Clinic , Rochester

2. Cleveland Clinic
3. Massachusetts General Hospitals
4. UCLA Medical Center
5. New York-Presbyterian University Hospital of
Columbia & Cornell
The best 5 Customer Experience Hospitals/Brands all
over Egypt from your point of view

Listthe best 5 Hospitals from

your point of view

List your favorite 5 brands

The CXX Success Factors
 6 success factors for Customer Experience

 Coordination among managers of CEM methods

 CEM as a determination of corporate strategy

 Presentation of survey results to all employees

 Calculation of customer lifetime value

 Action on survey results by owners of customer experience

key drivers
 Funding of cross-organizational collaboration
Customer-Oriented Skills
1. Patience
2. Attentiveness
3. Clear communication skills
4. Product\service knowledge
5. Ability to use positive language
6. Acting skills
7. Time management skills
8. Ability to read customers
9. A calming presence
10. Goal oriented focus
11. Ability to handle surprises
12. Persuasion skills
13. Tenacity
14. Closing ability
15. Willingness to learn
How to be a successful call center

 Outgoing & energetic attitude

 Good listening skills
 Multi-tasking ability
 Excellent problem-solving capabilities
 Computer experience
How to be a successful front office
 Excellent communication skills
 Professional attitude
 Good organizational skills
 Effective conflict management and decision making
 Ability to use a variety of computer applications
 Cash handling experience
 Administrative skills
 Time management skills
 Ability to speak a second language
 Working knowledge to facilitate the other services
To be the most widespread hospital in a
competitive market delivering the best customer
Profitable in customer World class
Profitable experience experience
Growth World class
Maximize Partnership
profitability management

Future leaders

People Operational
development excellence
Arranged By :

Mohamed Nashaat
“CXX PRIZE Holder”

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