Las 4 - Thought, Feeling and Behavior

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LAS # 4

Oftentimes, all of us wrestle with thoughts, feelings and
behaviors that are unproductive or harmful, and we all find it
challenging at times to gather the motivation to do the action
required to stop our negative outlook and replace it with a
positive, healthier one. Mental health professionals depict
actions as resulting from a recurring process, as below
When an incident arises, and we have thoughts about the
facts of that incident; those thoughts activate feelings and based on
those feelings we bring about behaviors which in turn influence the
situation (whether positive or negative) and the cycle continues.
Example 1
Thoughts: You are thinking about a quiz
Feelings: You begin to feel anxious
Behavior: You sleep early so you don’t need to think about it.
Situation: You failed the quiz because you did nit study.
Example 2:
Thoughts: You are thinking about a quiz
Feelings: You begin to feel anxious
Behavior: You study for the quiz
Situation: You passed.
Activity #4:
1.How thoughts, feelings and behaviors connects with
one another?
2.Give your own illustration on how thoughts, feelings
and behavior are connected with each other.

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