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What is Romanticism?
The words Romantic or Romance originally referred to
Medieval tales of knights written in the original Roman
language-Latin. These tales often included love stories
between a knight and his lady-resulting in the modern meaning
of romance.

When talking about the Romantic Era in literature, we are

actually referring to romantic as "freely imaginative fiction"
and not romantic as in "romantic love
When we speak about 'Romantic age', we identify a period in
which certain ideas and attitudes arose in reaction to the
Enlightenment. It expressed itself in art, music, poetry,
drama, literature and philosophy. In most cases, these ideas
were created by a sense of dissatisfaction with the ideals of
the Enlightenment and the society that had produced them.

First-person lyrical poem became the major romantic literary form,

with "I" often referring directly to the poet.

The development of the self became a major topic of romantic poetry.

Wordsworth tried to articulate the spirit of the new poetry in the

preface to Lyrical ballads (1800, 1802).
Imagination, emotion, and freedom are certainly the focal
points of Romanticism. Any list of particular characteristics of
the literature of Romanticism includes subjectivity and an
emphasis on individualism; spontaneity; freedom from rules;
solitary life rather than life in society; the beliefs that
imagination is superior to reason and devotion to beauty; love
of and worship of nature.
In the 18th century, childhood began to be viewed in a
positive light, as a state of freedom and innocence.
During the Romantic Age, a child had seen as an
uncorrupted and unspoilt creature purer than an adult
because he was untouched by civilisation. His
uncorrupted sensitivity meant he was closer to God and
the sources of creation. Therefore, childhood was a state
to be admired and cultivated
• The Formalist Strain: From Edith L. Tiempo
to Cirilo F. BautistaIowa Writing Program
graduates like Edith and Edilberto Tiempo,
pushed for the use of this critical
lensprioritizing organic unity, metaphor and
emotional restraint. Filipino poets has been
more creative in the use of english. There is
an example by Carlos A. Angeles called
“Gabu”It was a late-twentieth century
development in American poetry. Formalism'
in poetry refers to poetry written inverse,
with meter and often with end rhyme. ‘New
formalist' is sometimes used to distinguish
modern formalistverse from traditional

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