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"Life safety and occupational safety and health"


Technogenic hazards and their impact factors by genesis
and mechanism of influence
Technogenic hazards include hazards arising in the course of the operation of technical facilities for
reasons not directly related to the activities of the person who maintains these facilities. In other words, te
chnogenic hazards are those related directly to the nature of mechanisms, machines, structures, and
technical devices.
Technogenic disasters include:

accidents at industrial facilities

accidents at construction sites

as well as transportation accidents:

railroad airborne automotive

pipeline and water

Technogenic accidents often occur as a result of industrial accidents:

fires, destruction of civil and industrial buildings, danger of radioactive,

chemical, bacterial contamination of the area, spreading of oil products and
aggressive (poisonous) liquids on the surface of the earth, water and other

pose a threat to the population and the environment.

Physical Chemicals
(meteorological (temperature, humidity, (pesticides (pesticide
air velocity, atmospheric pressure, gas chemicals), mineral fertilizers,
composition of air, illumination); heavy metals, highly toxic
baroacoustic (pressure, noise, industrial substances, fumes
ultrasound, infrasound); thermal (heated (including tobacco),
or cooled surfaces and objects, open fire, construction materials and
fires); mechanical (moving objects or household chemicals)
their elements, vibration, acceleration,
shock); electric (electric current, static A person in a technogenic
electric charge, abnormal ionization); environment is accompanied by
electromagnetic (electric and magnetic environmental factors, which are
fields, laser, light, ultraviolet radiation, divided into:
radio waves, visible light); ionization (X-
ray, α-, β-, γ- and neutron radiation).

Biological Social
(microorganisms and their (fatigue, stress, phobias,
products, animals, plants) conflicts)

They can be favorable, negative, or dangerous.

An industrial accident is a sudden work stoppage or disruption of the production process at a
facility that leads to damage or destruction of material assets, injury or death of people.

Industrial accidents can be different, but they have the most typical damaging factors : explosions
that lead to the destruction of industrial buildings, intense fires, poisoning of people with liquids and
gases; collapse of industrial buildings and structures, electric shocks, flooding of production facilities
with people. An accident can lead to a catastrophe with unjustified consequences, with large human
Technogenic emergency situations
occur mainly at potentially technologically hazardous facilities.

They include :
chemically hazardous facilities (CHF)

radiation hazardous facilities (RHF)

explosive and fire hazardous facilities

hydrodynamic hazards (breach of dams, locks, etc.)

Technogenic emergencies are classified
according to the following main features:

by the scale of the consequences

 object
 local
 regional
 nationwide

by industry: emergency situations

in the agricultural industry
in the forestry industry
in a protected area
at sites of special environmental protection
in the water
material objects
infrastructure, industry, transportation, housing and
Industrial accidents, disasters and their consequences

accident - this is a dangerous man-made event, what caused the death of people or creates a threat to
the life and health of people at the object or territory and leads to the destruction of buildings, structures,
equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production process or causes damage to the environment.

"A" level accident – is characterized by the development of an accident within the limits of one
production (workshop, department, production site), which is a structural division of the enterprise.

B level accident - is characterized by the transition beyond the boundaries of the structural
subdivision and its development within the enterprise.

"B" level accident - is characterized by development and transition beyond the territory of the
enterprise, the possibility of impact of impact factors of the accident on the population of nearby populated
areas and other enterprises (objects), as well as on the environment.

Analysis of the consequences of accidents, the nature of their impact on the environment determined
their distribution by types.
Types of accidents , which occur most

accidents involving the leakage of potent poisonous

substances (ammonia, chlorine, sulfuric and nitric acids, carbon
monoxide, sulfur gas and other substances);

accidents with release of radioactive

substances into the environment;

fires and explosions;

transport accidents and others

Especially severe accidents can lead to catastrophes.
large-scale accident or other event, which leads to serious consequences.

electric shock

Impressive factors of accidents and

disasters :

ruins of industrial
buildings and
fire flo poisoning people structures
Classification of dangerous chemicals according to the degree of
toxicity, flammability, effect on the human body
Business facilities that use hazardous chemicals are potential sources of man-made
hazards. These are the so-called chemically dangerous objects (CHNO).

During accidents or destruction of these facilities, people, animals and agricultural plants
can be severely injured by highly toxic substances.

Chemically hazardous facility (CHNO) is an industrial object (enterprise) or its

structural subdivisions, on which ^
are in circulation (produced, processed)
are transported
are loaded or unloaded
are used in production
placed or stacked
destroyed, etc., one or more railways (railways do not belong to railways).
Hazardous Chemical Substance (HCH) is
a chemical substance, the direct or indirect effect
of which can cause death, acute or chronic illness
or poisoning of people and (or) harm the

toxic dose is used to quantitatively

characterize the toxicity of various chemical
compounds ( toxodoses ).
Characteristics of hazard classes according to the degree of their
effect on the human body

For administrative-territorial units, the degree of danger from a chemically

hazardous facility is assessed by the part of the territory that falls into the zone
of possible chemical contamination (ZMPHZ) during accidents at a
chemically hazardous facility.
The first degree of chemical danger of administrative-territorial units
is recorded when the zone of possible chemical contamination includes
more than 50% of the territory

the second - from 30% to 50%

the third - from 10 to 30%

the fourth - less than 10%

Depending on the type of CHP thrown out as a result of the
accident, four types of chemical damage centers are

The site of damage by unstable, fast-acting HNR (hydrocyanic

acid, ammonia, benzene, dichloroethane , etc.).
The site of damage by unstable slow-acting HNR ( orosgen ,
methyl bromide , granozan , etc.).
The site of damage by persistent, fast-acting HN R
(aniline, furfural, etc.).
The site of damage by persistent , slow-acting HN R
(sulphuric acid, etc.).
Features of contamination of the area, water, and food in the
event of accidents involving the release of hazardous chemicals
The features of chemical pollution , which affects the livelihood of the population, include the
1. Dangerous concentrations of NCR can exist from several hours to several days;
2. The insignificant probability of damage to the population of the People's Republic of China through skin
does not require the use of skin protection during evacuation;
3. The low ability to contaminate clothing, furniture, and household items allows you to use them after airing
without special treatment;
4. Extraordinary promptness in the implementation of protection measures, since the presence of people in
the NPR cloud for a few minutes can lead to mass damage;
5. The difficulty of detecting NKR, due to the lack of reliable technical means of specific indication;
6. The evacuation distance depends on the scale of accidents, but, as a rule, is no more than 15 km from the
pollution zone;
7. Contamination of sources of water supply, food and food raw materials is possible when the poisonous
substance is in a liquid phase and, in some cases, in a solid state;
8. Most types of food raw materials and food products that are stored in the open, after being exposed to
gaseous NPR, it is enough to ventilate or subject them to culinary processing in order to use them for their
intended purpose.
4.6. Classification of business entities and administrative-territorial
units by chemical hazard

The safety of the operation of chemically hazardous facilities depends

on many factors:
physical and chemical properties of raw materials,
the nature of the technological process,
equipment design and reliability,
storage conditions of chemicals,
efficiency of emergency protection, etc.

more than 1,700 industrial facilities operate in Ukraine , where more than
300,000 tons of chemically hazardous substances are stored or used in production .
Measures to protect against hazardous chemicals

The high speed of formation and action of impacting factors make it

necessary to take operational measures to protect workers of a chemically
hazardous facility and the population that is nearby.
The set of measures to protect against NKR includes:
1. Engineering - technical measures for proper storage,
transportation and use of NPR.
2. Preparation of forces and means for elimination of possible
chemical and dangerous accidents.
3. Training of the order and rules of behavior in the event of
accidents of the facility's employees and the public.
4. Provision of means of individual and collective protection.
5. Daily chemical control.
6. Prediction of areas of possible chemical contamination.
7. Warning (alert) about the immediate threat of damage to the
8. Chemical reconnaissance of the accident area.
9. Temporary evacuation of workers at the facility and the
population from the dangerous area.
10. Finding victims and providing them with assistance.
11. Localization and liquidation of the consequences of the
The plan for the protection of workers from NPR should include
two sections: organizational measures and engineering and technical
Typology of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities and
requirements for their location and development
The classification of accidents on the HNO can be carried out according to
various characteristics, including:
the extent of the spread of NKR;
impressive properties of NKR;
duration of action of NKR;
degree of chemical danger.
Release of NPR - release during
depressurization in a short period of time
from technological installations, containers
for storage or transportation of NPR in an
amount capable of causing a chemical

NPR flow – leakage during

depressurization from technological
installations, containers for storage or
transportation of NPR in an amount capable
of causing a chemical accident.
The main sources of danger in case of accidents at chemically
hazardous facilities, there are:
salvo emissions of NPR into the atmosphere with further contamination of
the air, terrain and water bodies; discharge of NPR into water bodies;
fires with the entry of NPR and their combustion products into the
environment; explosions of nuclear power plants, raw materials for their
production or initial products;
the formation of smog zones with subsequent deposition of NCR, in the
form of "spots" following the spread of a cloud of contaminated air,
sublimation and migration.

Each of the above-mentioned sources of danger (damage) in place and

time can be detected separately, sequentially or in combination with
other sources , as well as repeated many times in various combinations.
Everything depends on the physico-chemical characteristics of the NKR, the
conditions of the accident, weather conditions and features of the area.
Man-made hazards of radioactive origin
Special place in pollution surrounding environment sits radioactive pollution
The destruction of the reactor at the Chornobyl NPP became the cause of radioactive not only pollution Ukraine ,
but also Belarus and Russia . General area radioactive pollution amounts to more than 30,000 km 2 .
Falling out radioactive substances was also observed in Western countries of Europe , increased radioactive
background in Scandinavia , Japan and the USA. Problems consequences disasters at the Chernobyl nuclear power
plant remain perhaps the most acute and relevant not only for Ukraine , but also for the whole of Ukraine world
community _
In 15 months after disaster in Chernobyl in Velika Britain , which, it would seem, is located far away from of Ukraine ,
was discovered extremely high pollution vegetation radioactive precipitation , as well as a large content cesium in
meat sheep _
is worth noting that atomic energy is ecological cleaner and cheaper than _ thermal _ In developed ones countries
it provides from 15 to 70% of the whole electricity that _ is produced ( France — 70%, USA — 17%, Sweden — 50%,
Canada — 15%). But in this case accidents atomic stations constitute very serious danger to people and the
environment environment .
During the operation of nuclear power plants in the world three significant ones happened accidents : 1961 — in
Idaho Falls (USA); 1979 — at the Three Mile Island NPP in Harrisburg ( USA), 1986 — at the Chernobyl NPP.
Accidents at nuclear power plants are significant are different from nuclear explosions , namely bigger duration
emissions that _ changes direction flows air mass _ Therefore, it is practically impossible to predict sizes of affected
areas .
Radioactive pollution surrounding environment affects a person externally and internally _ irradiation .
Sources ionizing radiations are shared _ _ on natural and
artificial . The main one part exposure people earthly
bullets receives from natural sources radiation . To
natural ones sources radiation include : space rays ,
earthly radiation and internal irradiation .

Sources earthly radiations are: long-lived radionuclides

of potassium-40, rubidium-87, uranium-238, thorium-
232, lead-210, polonium-210, radon gas and others that
are found in different rocks of the earth . At the same
time , terrestrial radiation in different regions of the earth
balls are not the same and depend from concentration
radionuclides in volume or to another place _
Sources radiation

normal radiation background from natural sources radiation should not

0.07 μSv /h (m microsievert = 10 −6 zv)
It value and is safe natural radiation background, which should operate and
was operating before the start of development atom by man and pollution of
the environment by him environment our existence radioactive waste , which
scattered all over the world as a result trial atomic bombs, implementation
atomic energy and others man-made actions a person
Sources radiation

To artificial ones sources radiation include : nuclear explosions ,

atomic energy , uranium mining and beneficiation factories, radioactive
burial grounds waste , X-ray devices , equipment used in research _
work in the industry nuclear physics and power engineering , CHP,
which work on coal , radionuclides , that used in medicine and devices
household different techniques _ construction materials , light devices :
equipment in pointers which phosphorus, televisions , computers ,
generators are used super high frequency and many others _
Sources radiation
Natural radioactivity exist billions years and accompanies a person
everywhere _ Radioactive materials became part of the Earth from
her birth _ Any person also radioactive : in human tissues bodies
are contained radioactive isotopes of potassium-40 and rubidium-
87, and get rid of their impossible _ Let 's consider that modern a
person spends up to 80% of his time indoors — at home or at work
, where he receives main dose of radiation from construction
materials which _ contain natural radioactive isotopes _
Sources radiation
 Open are called such sources ionizing radiation , when used whose possible
getting into radioactive substances into the environment the environment At
the same time may happen not only external , but also additional internal
personnel exposure .
 It may to occur upon receipt radioactive isotopes into the environment
working environment in the form of gases , aerosols , as well as solid and
liquid radioactive waste _
 Sources aerosols can be not only performed production operations , but
also contaminated radioactive substances workers surfaces , overalls and
shoes .
Characteristics of ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation existed on Earth more long before

appearing on it a person
The term " ionizing "radiation " characterizes any radiation
that directly or mediocre causes ionization surrounding
environment through the formation of positively and
negatively charged ions _

A feature ionizing radiation is that all species radiation are

noted high energy and cause changes in biological structure
cells that _ they can lead to them deaths _ On ionizing
radiations do not react bodies flair a person who does they are
particularly dangerous .
During ionization _ in the body occurs excitation of cell molecules . It causes gap molecular
connections and formation new ones chemical connections , non-proprietary healthy fabric _
Under influence ionizing radiation in the body are violated functions hematopoietic organs ,
is growing fragility and permeability blood vessels , is disturbed activity gastrointestinal tract,
decreases resistibility body , he is exhausted Normal cells degenerate into malignant ones ,
arise leukemia , radiation sickness.
Basic properties of ionizing radiation

Disposable irradiation with a dose of 25-50 Ber causes reverse

changes blood _ At 80-120 Ber appear initial signs radial diseases
_ sharp radiation sickness occurs with a dose irradiation 270-300
Ber .
Irradiation can be internal , during penetration radioactive
isotope within organism , and external ; general ( irradiation
everything organism ) and local ; chronic (when acting for long-
term) and acute ( one-time , short-term impact ).
Basic properties of ionizing radiation

Ionizing radiation exist for everything period existence Earth , it spread in space
spacious _ Influence ionizing radiation on the body man began to be investigated
after discovery in french scientists Henri Becquerel phenomenon of radioactivity in
Further research this phenomena that _ were conducted by others scientists , Maria
and Pierre Curie in 1898 , allowed to do conclusion that _ radiation radium is the
result of it transformation into others elements . A characteristic example of such a
transformation is a chain transformation reaction conversion of uranium-238 into
stable lead nuclide-206. At each stage of this transformation is released the energy
that follows transmitted in the form of radiations . Becquerel's discovery and research
Curie was preceded by a discovery unknown rays , which in 1895 German physicist
Wilhelm Röntgen named X- rays , and later , in his honor, they were named X-rays .
The first studies radioactive radiation made it possible set their dangerous properties
. About this is evidenced by the fact that more than 300 researchers who conducted
experiments with these materials , died as a result irradiation .
Characteristics of. ionizing radiation .
The most dangerous consequences are accidents at nuclear power plants with the
release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere, resulting in long-term
radioactive contamination of the area on huge areas.
The accident that took place in 1986 became the largest in terms of the scale of
environmental pollution. at the Chernobyl NPP. The history of mankind has not yet
known such an accident, which would be so disastrous in terms of its consequences
for the environment, health and life of people.
megacuries of dangerous isotopes and 50 megacuries of chemically inert
radioactive gases were released . The total radioactive pollution is equivalent to the
fallout of radioactive substances from the explosion of several dozen such atomic
bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima. As a result of this emission, the atmosphere,
water, soil, and vegetation were polluted for hundreds of kilometers. The territories of
Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, where 5 million people now live, came under radioactive
Characteristics of ionizing radiation .
There are two types of ionizing radiation :
Characteristics of ionizing radiation .
Alpha particles are nuclei of helium atoms with two protons and two
Alpha radiation has a relatively large ionizing capacity, but penetrates the
tissues of the human body to a very small depth. In case of external radiation,
clothing is protection for a person. When alpha particles enter the human body
together with water, food, and air, they become extremely dangerous and can
lead to cancer. The sources of alpha particles are the nuclei of the following
elements: uranium-238, polonium-238, lead-210, radium-22
Characteristics of ionizing radiation .
Beta radiation is a stream of electrons or positrons emitted from the nucleus
during beta decay.
Their penetrating ability is much higher than that of alpha particles. When the
human body is exposed to external radiation with beta particles , radiation burns of
varying complexity can occur on exposed skin surfaces . In the case of penetration of
sources of beta particles into the body with food, water or air, internal irradiation of
the body occurs, which can cause severe radiation damage. Sources of beta radiation
are strontium-89, cesium-134, iodine-131, barium-140, and other radionuclides.

To protect against beta radiation

a thick sheet of aluminum can serve
up to 1 centimeter.
Characteristics of ionizing radiation .
X-ray and gamma radiation belong to a wide spectrum of electromagnetic
radiation , spread at the speed of light and have high penetrating power. X-ray
radiation is electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 10-9...10-11m, generated
by accelerators for its use in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Gamma
radiation accompanies nuclear reactions and the decay of many radioactive
substances. Having a high permeability, it can pass through the body and denser
To protect against gamma radiation
lead is used,
concrete or other materials of high density.

The best for protection from X-ray and gamma radiation are lead and
uranium. However , given the high cost lead and uranium, they can apply
screens made of lighter materials — leaded glass , iron , concrete,
reinforced concrete and even water. In this case is naturally equivalent _
thicker screen much increases .
Characteristics of ionizing radiation .
Neutrons are neutral particles that do not carry an electric charge and have
a significant penetrating ability. Neutron radiation occurs as a result of nuclear
reactions, partially fission reactions of uranium or plutonium nuclei . Neutron
radiation has a strong impact upon external irradiation. Hydrogen-containing
materials or light substances protect well from neutron radiation : boron,
graphite, paraffin, concrete.
Sources radiation and units her
measurement .

(1 m illisievert = 10 −3 zv)
Basic properties of ionizing radiation
Radiation dose you can get from any _ radionuclide or from their totality .
Influence of radionuclides on the body does not depend from where they are :
outside the body or within him _ Into the body a person radionuclides they can get
together with food , water or by air

Radiation dose is calculated depending from the one size irradiated areas body and
where it is located , one person or a group of people succumbed irradiation and
during what time is it was happening

Therefore, for measurement and comparison radiation impact use many physical
quantities do exist appropriate branch scientific research , which is called
dosimetry .
Units measurement

 Exposure dose characterizes the ionizing capacity of

radiation in the air, measured in coulombs per 1 kg
(Cl/ kg); extrasystemic unit x-ray (P);

 The exposure dose can be used todetermine the

potential of ionizing radiation.
Units measurement

 The absorbed dose characterizes theenergy of ionizing radiation absorbed

by a unit of mass of the irradiated substance.
 It is measured in Gy (1 Gy=1 J/kg). Non-system unit of councils (1 rad = 0.01
Gy = 0.01 J/kg).

1 rad ( rad — by the first letters English phrase radiation absorbed dose —
absorbed dose of radiation ).
1 rad is the dose at which irradiated substance with a mass of 1 kg is
transmitted energy 10 -2 J.
Units measurement

 The equivalent dose is a measure of the biological impact of radiation on a

specific person, that is, an individual criterion of danger caused by ionizing
 Sievert is used as the equivalent dose measurement unit. A Sievert is equal to
an absorbed dose of 1 J/kg (for X-ray and α radiation).
 An extrasystemic unit is a ber (biological equivalent of a board). 1 ber = 0.01.

Mar. 1 is a dose of any type of ionizing agent radiation that creates in the body such very
biological effect like X-ray or gamma radiation , the exposure dose of which is 1 P. Radiation
dose expressed in bers when necessary _ to evaluate general biological effect regardless
from the ionizing type radiation _
Correlation systemic and non-systemic units :
1 Sv = 100 Ber , 1 Ber = 0.01 Sv.
Radiation dose you can get from any _ radionuclide or from their totality . Influence of
radionuclides on the body does not depend from where they are : outside the body or within
him _ Into the body a person radionuclides they can get together with food , water or by air
Radiation dose is calculated depending from the one size irradiated areas body and where it is
located , one person or a group of people succumbed irradiation and during what time is it
was happening Therefore, for measurement and comparison radiation impact use many
physical quantities do exist appropriate branch scientific research , which is called dosimetry .

The absorbed radiation dose is relation absorbed energy ionizing radiation to mass irradiated
substance : _

One unit absorbed dose in SI is 1 Grey

1 Gy is equal to absorbed dose radiation under which irradiated substance with a mass of 1 kg is transmitted energy ionizing radiation 1 J.
They use as well as extrasystemic unit of 1 rad ( rad — by the first letters English phrase radiation absorbed dose — absorbed dose of radiation ).
In process short-term exposure a person
a dose of 20-50 R leads to changes in the blood
a dose of 100-250 R causes radiation sickness
a dose of 600 R is lethal.
Natural radiation background is equal to yearly dose in 0.2 R
the maximum permissible dose is 5 R during the year.
For accounting biological efficiency ionizing radiation is used
non-systemic unit absorbed dose — biological the equivalent of
an X-ray ( ber ).
The main ones principles protection :

- use principles protection that _ are used when working with sources radiation
in closed species ;

- sealing production equipment for the purpose of isolation processes that _ can
become sources income radioactive substances to the outside environment ;

- planning measures ;

- application sanitary and technical means and equipment , use special

protective materials ;

- use means individual protection and sanitary personnel processing ;

- observance of personal rules hygiene ;

- cleaning from radioactive pollution surfaces construction structures ,

equipment and means individual protection _
Radioactive pollution special clothing , means individual
protection and skin of personnel should not exceed
acceptable levels stipulated by the Radiation Norms
security of NRBU-97.
In case pollution radioactive substances personal
clothes and shoes must undergo decontamination under
the control of the service radiation security , and in
case impossibility deactivation their trace bury as
radioactive waste _
Ionization method

It is based on the ability of

radioactive particles to
at high speed, causing
ionization of gases.
Ionization dosimeters are
hermetic chambers filled
with a certain gas, with two
connected electrodes
to which a high voltage is
connected. As soon as
electric charge carriers
(ions) appear in the
chamber, a
Geiger counter
current pulse occurs, the
strength of which is
using a highly sensitive

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