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Republic of the Philippines


Calabanga | Pasacao | Pili | Sipocot

Week 8 -18 (October 15- December 18)
Republic of the Philippines
Calabanga | Pasacao | Pili | Sipocot
"Construction" in Geometry means to draw shapes, angles or
lines accurately. These constructions use only compass,
straightedge (i.e. ruler) and a pencil. This is the "pure" form of
geometric construction: no numbers involved! Geometric
construction is the process of creating geometric objects using
only a compass and a straightedge.
Geometric construction is part of pure geometry
(also known as synthetic geometry or axiomatic
geometry). This is the geometry that does not rely
on equations and coordinate systems.
1. To understand the importance of Geometric
Construction as fundamentals of Engineering
2. To identify the different Geometric figures-
planes and solids.
3. To perform Geometric Construction.
Geometric construction is the process of creating
geometric objects using only a compass and a straightedge.
It is a component of pure geometry, which, unlike coordinate
geometry, does not use numbers, formulae, or a coordinate
system to create and compare geometric objects.
Euclid of Alexandria is
sometimes called the founder of
geometry because his work in
pure geometry was well-
formulated and well-distributed.
Using just a compass and a
ruler, we can cut a line or
angle in half. We can also
use similar processes to
cut a circle, triangle, or
other polygons into two
equal parts. Using the
same principles, we can cut
the same objects into
fourths, eighths, sixteenths,
If you are given a line, angle,
circle, triangle, etc., you can
make a copy of it using your
straightedge and compass in
another place. These
constructions will often ask
you to put the copy in a
specific place, such as a
given point or on a given
Remember that there are no specific
measurements in constructions. That
being said, you can copy an angle
regardless of the measurement
without a protractor by just using a
straightedge and compass. You can
also create angles of many different
measures (for example, 60 degrees,
30 degrees, 75 degrees, etc.) using
construction methods.
In addition to copying
triangles, you can use
construction methods to make
triangles with any three given
side lengths. You can also
make equilateral triangles.
Construction methods are also
useful for proving facts about
triangles, such as the fact that
the angles as the base of
isosceles triangles are equal.
You can even use them to
prove that two or more
triangles are congruent.
A. Points In Space
A point is an exact location in space or on a drawing surface.
Lines are straight elements that have no width, but are
infinite in length (magnitude), and they can be located by two
points which are not on the same spot but fall along the line.
Lines may be straight lines or curved lines. A straight line is
the shortest distance between two points.
An angle is formed by the intersection of two lines. There are three
major kinds of angles: right angels, acute angles and obtuse angles.
A triangle is a closed plane figure with three straight sides and
their interior angles sum up exactly 1800. The various kinds of
triangles: a right triangle, an equilateral triangle, an isosceles
triangle, and an obtuse angled triangle.
Quadrilateral is a plane figure bounded by four straight sides.
When opposite sides are parallel, the quadrilateral is also
considered to be a parallelogram.
A polygon is a closed plane figure with three or more straight
sides. The most important of these polygons as they relate to
drafting are probably the triangle with three sides, square with
four sides, the hexagon with six sides, and the octagon with eight
A circle is a closed curve with all points on the circle at
the same distance from the center point.
Solids are geometric figures bounded by plane surfaces. The
surfaces are called faces, and if these are equal regular
polygons, the solids are regular polyhedra.
Solids ( Ellipsoid)
Conic sections are curves produced by planes intersecting a right
circular cone. 4-types of curves are produced: circle, ellipse, parabola,
and hyperbola.
A Hyperbola is obtained when a section plane, parallel/inclined to the axis cuts the
cone on one side of the axis.
A Rectangular Hyperbola is obtained when a section, parallel to the axis cuts the
cone on one side of the axis.
A Cycloid is generated by a point on the circumference of a circle rolling
along a straight line without slipping. The rolling circle is called the
Generating circle The straight line is called the Directing line or Base line.
The cycloid is called Epicycloid when the generating circle rolls along
another circle outside it.
Hypocycloid is obtained when the generating circle rolls along
another circle inside it.
An Involute is a curve traced by the free end of a thread
unwound from a circle or a polygon in such a way that the
thread is always tight and tangential to the circle or side of the
Thank you!

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