Presentation 1

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• Studied data/information are recorded.

• Recommendations are analysed for action to ensure they are
compatible with the project’s scope
• and terms of reference.
• Interim and final reports are analysed and outcomes are compared to
the criteria established at the
• outset.
• Findings are presented to stakeholders.
• 1. Introduction
• All organisations should refer to their own professional/agency guidance on
record keeping.
• Whenever a complaint or allegation of abuse is made, all agencies should
keep clear and accurate records. Each
• agency should have procedures for incorporating all relevant agency and
subject records into a file to record all
• actions taken.
• Any Agency files may need to be made available to the courts.
• Access to files may also be requested by service users.
• All agencies should identify arrangements, consistent with principles of
fairness, for making records available to
• the subject and those with parental responsibility.
• 2. Record Keeping Principles
• Best practice in recording is based on key principles of partnership openness and accuracy
• Good quality case recording is essential in ensuring:
• • Continuity of service to children and families when staff are unavailable or change, or when a service
• resumes after a period of time;
• • Effective risk management practices to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young
• people, especially in emergency situations;
• • Clarity of the assessment process and decision-making Effective partnerships between staff, children,
• young people, their families and Carers, and other agencies/services;
• • Clarity of information for everyone involved in the planning and delivery of services, and in the event of
• child protection investigations, inquiries, or audits;
• • Adequate information for staff and managers working to ensure the best possible outcomes for children
• and young people;
• • Support for children, young people and families with specific communication needs so that they may
• contribute to and access their records and key information.
• Information should be recorded in accordance with the following key principles:
• • All relevant information must be recorded;
• • Manual records must be legible, signed and dated;
• • Records must be contemporaneous and kept up to date;
• • Records must be written in plain language and prejudice must be avoided;
• • Records must be accurate and adequate;
• • Records must clearly distinguish between statements of fact and opinion;
• • Managers must oversee, monitor and review all records;
• • Records should be kept securely;
• • Manual records moved to a new location must be monitored;
• • Show professional analysis, thinking, rationale for all decisions;
• • Show management involvement, sign off of all key decision points;
• • Show referral by line manager to senior management as needed.
• 3. The Context
• Good record keeping is essential so that agencies are able to demonstrate that decisions were
taken lawfully.
• Documentation in relation to a Safeguarding process can be significant in providing supporting
evidence when
• making referrals to the Disclosure and Barring Service Barred List, care proceedings, criminal
cases, the Royal
• Court, disciplinary hearings and complaints. Record keeping is an integral part of professional
practice and
• should support decision making. Decisions and action taken should be supported by evidence
and rationale so
• that intentions are clear.
• 4. Record Keeping by All Agencies
• Each agency must keep comprehensive records of any work which it undertakes particularly in response to child
• protection processes and looked after children processes.
• 5. What to Record
• • All entries must provide factual information, e.g. times, dates, names of people contacted;
• • Distinguish what is fact, professional opinion or hypothesis. Provide reasons for opinion or hypothesis.
• There should be a clear link between evidence recorded and actions planned/recommended;
• • All contact with the child, young person and family members/significant others and the person alleged to
• have caused harm used;
• • All consultations/case supervision with and decisions made by a Manager and/or Senior Manager must
• be appropriately recorded;
• • When contacting other agencies the questions asked and information received must be recorded;
• • Where, upon reflection, a decision is made not to contact the Police, or make an enquiry to MASH, the
• details of why and how this decision was made must be recorded;
• • All telephone calls/texts and e-mails, in relation to the alleged abuse, must be documented even if there
• was no reply to outgoing calls;
• • If reference is made to another person involved with the child or family, that person’s name as well as
• their agency status should be recorded;
• • The decisions taken at all meetings must be recorded;
• • There should be an ability to print, sign and date all records;
• • Use Body Maps to illustrate physical injuries.
• 6. When Should Information be Recorded?
• • Records must be kept from the time that a concern, allegation or disclosure is made;
• • Each entry must be dated and timed;
• • The name of the person recording the information must be written in full. Do not
use initials.
• 7. How to Record Information
• • All records should be typed and stored electronically. However contemporaneous
notes, written at time
• of disclosure, should be kept in accordance with agency procedures;
• • Any alterations to records must be made by drawing a single line through a word(s)
and signed;
• • Correction fluid must not be used;
• • All records concerned with Safeguarding/child protection are confidential.
• 8. Storing and Filing Information
• • All records or files must be stored in accordance with each agency's own policies.
• • It may be inappropriate to document/store certain child protection information in the
place normally used
• for service user records if, for example, the person alleged to have caused harm or
associates may
• have access to that record. Advice should be sought from the Agency’s Safeguarding
Lead in this
• instance and agency procedures for the storing of confidential information followed.
Advice should be
• sought from that Agency’s Safeguarding Lead or their line manager if the
Safeguarding Lead is
• conflicted;
• • Each agency should ensure there is a protocol in place detailing the length of time for
which records are
• to be held in line with requirements

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