Professional Development Session Presentation - Antoine

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Development Session

TheUniversity of Arizona Global

Course Code: Name of Course (e.g.
ENG 122: English Composition II)
Instructor Name
Due Date
What is UDL?

Insert a few key words and images that Insert a few key words and images that
represent Universal Design for Learning represent the three principles of UDL.
Traditional Versus
UDL Planning
 Insert a few key words and images
that represent traditional and
UDL planning.
Implementing UDL

You are developing a lesson using the UDL principles you just learned about in your professional
development. You take a moment to proactively consider the learning needs of your learners.

You have a class size of 20 students. Eight of those students prefer to learn visually, 2 prefer to
learn through auditory means and 10 prefer to learn kinesthetically. Additionally, 3 of those
students are English Language Learners who have limited English vocabulary and struggle with
planning and organizing writing assignments. One student in your class has a hearing impairment,
another student has a limited attention span, and one student has severe anxiety.
Multiple Means of
 Insert a few key words and
images that reflect Multiple
Means of Representation and
your responses to the questions
in this section.
Multiple Means of
Action and Expression

 Insert few key words and images

that reflect Multiple Means of
Action and Expression and your
responses to the questions in this
Multiple Means
of Engagement
 Insert a few key words and images
that reflect Multiple Means of
Engagement and your responses
to the questions in this section.

 Insert a few key words and

images that reflect benefits of
UDL and your responses to the
questions in this section.

Use APA format to cite and reference at least one scholarly source in addition
to your textbook on your References page. Remember, you MUST include in-text
citations throughout your paper to show your reader what information you used
from these sources.

Hint: Review Formatting Your References List for further help.

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