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Review Of Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet 1

Purpose of Spreadsheet 1 and it’s tools % techniques

• The purpose of spreadsheet one is finance management, spreadsheet one calculates

the difference between a companies estimated income, expenses and balance and
it’s actual income, expenses and balance, this allows the company to track their
finances effectively.

• The tools in the spreadsheet calculate the difference in inputted estimated and
actual financial data, the main purpose of this is to present output data

• The spreadsheet also contains a budget overview and presents the estimated
income and expenses against the actual income and expenses in a column chart

• Spreadsheet one also presents the top 5 highest operating expenses of the company
and also shows what % each of them take up of the total expenses and how much a
15% reduction of each expense would save.
Table utilizes excel
add/subtract formulas
to calculate the balance
and difference of
inputted values.

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